Friday, June 27, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - June 26, 2014

I will praise your name forever
 for what you have done;
In your name I will hope,
for your name is good.
Psalm 52:9

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So what is going on in your
 neck of the woods?? 
 Anything special, fun or exciting?? 
 or anything you need prayer for?? 
 Would love to hear about it.

Hubby got my sewing machine out for me this morning,
 so gonna be working on my dining room curtains here
 soon.  Just running a seam on them, nothing spectacular,
 now that I finally figured out what I wanted to do there.
  I have been looking thru magazines and online to see if
I saw something better I liked than what I had before,
  but have just decided to do the same thing,  just as
before with the new curtains. We don't get a lot of light
from the back of the house anyway,  so this window is
rather tricky cause don't want to block anymore light
than I have to................

We got our others up in the family room,  and finished
putting some molding up around the door,  that we
actually forgot about before, cause the curtains com-
pletely covered it and we never saw it,  so when we
took them down we were like oh yea,  we sorta for-
got about that.  Anyway, that was the reason I had
the paint out yesterday.  Anyway,  that is all com-
pleted and looks great,  and have had some compli-
ments on them already.  Hoping my solid color 
pillows come in today.  and Hey,  if you happen to
be looking for sofa pillow check the k-mart website,
cause they have some pretty good deals on some
of them,  at least, better than Walmart and Target,
which was surprising!!

Well, gonna get on with this,  so I can get working
on my curtains..............

I am thankful

for a sweet and caring phone call from my
hubby on Tuesday morning when I wasn't
feeling real good,  and him bringing home
din din from Pollo Tropical grill.  Sa-weet!

for getting to have a nice long phone call with 
DeeAnna on Tuesday afternoon, cause it had
 been awhile,  and sure cheered this Momma
 up and daughter too,  I think!!

for a new healthy, clean  breakfast treat that
 I decided to give a try and really liked.  I was 
amazed at how long that stayed with me.

See the very simple recipe here.
It's at the top of the post, and labeled
quick breakfast,  etc etc.

for  some quick answers to prayer..............
concerning our Sunday School class.

that 2 of my new sofa pillows arrived and I
 think I am gonna like how they look on the sofa.
  Guess I will know for sure when they other
 2 arrive.  Things sorta have to grow on me. lol
It is Thursday now and they have grown on
me quite a bit,  and several people have noticed
them and said they liked them.  So of course,
that helps!  lol  Still waiting for the solid pillows
to come know for sure.

for Kefir, it is like a probiotic drink,  and great
for when you wake up during the night and
feel a lil hungry.  Quick and easy!

that we picked the winner for my Give-A-Way
yesterday,  and it was Rebecca from over at
Life and Godliness.  She has been one of my
followers for a number of years now and has
left a lot of sweet and encouraging comments
over the years.  Thanks Rebecca,  you are and
have been a blessing to me and others I am
sure..........Hope you are as blessed by your
goodie basket as I am by your friendship
via blogging!!

for a surprise visit from the gal and her son
that we helped back in October.  She was in
the neighborhood so decided to stop by for
a short visit.  I see her often at church but
we don't have much time to talk,  and we
email some too,  but it was nice to see her
and get to talk a little......and surprises are
always nice..........

that since the paint was out for something
else,  I thought to go in and do some touch
up on our Master Bath woodwork.  It looks
nice and fresh again!

for Dominos Veggie pizza,  I am telling you
it is an awesome pizza.  It has feta cheese but 
we have them take that off and add chicken.  
It is usually our Wed. night go to after our
 day with our lil darling, Brooklyn,  cause I 
am too tired to cook.................

for the wonderful story on yahoo news of
a 12 yr. old girl who saved her Dad's life
by doing CPR on him.  He went into what
they call sudden cardiac death, an she
revived him and he was in a coma for a
week,  but is doing fine now.  She had
taken a cpr class as a child and knew
exactly what to do......Amazingly!!

that we got some more work done towards
my card business,  we spent some time on 
the computer organizing them into
 categories last night.  One more step on

Well, there you have it another week
 in the life of Cozy Place.

Thanks for stopping by, 
 always great to have you!

Hope you have a whimsical Weekend,

Rose with waterpaper affect

Love,  Hugs,  and 
Beautiful Flower Blessings
 to you and yours,



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. #1. I hope you're feeling "back to par!"
    #2. One of your great moments in life!
    #3. That's what I need, quick. I'm not up to standing over the stove like I use to.
    #4. It is so wonderful when the LORD answers our prayers quickly and doesn't test our patience in making us wait.
    #5. Another neat thing for me to see the next time I visit!!!
    #6. I've not heard of it. I very rarely ever have a problem sleeping.
    #7. Congratulations, Rebecca!
    #8. A nice time to catch up on life.
    #9. I wish I had your energy! After I mowed my yard, I was "out" for 2 days energy wise, ha!
    #10. I love feta cheese, but I have to make sure I take the dairy supplement.
    #11. She definitely is a blessed daughter to her dad!
    #12. Will you have it on a personal site?
    Love you all, Susan

  3. Oh this is such a special post and we all have so much to be thankful for. Thanks for the visit, and yes, I am loving the touches of color you are using. So pretty.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...