Thursday, September 30, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - Sept. 30, 2010

The Heavens declare the Glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Welcome to Thankful Thursday
Sweet Encouragers,

Hope this post finds you full of praise to our
 Wonderful Lord for all his goodness to us.

I took these photos early Sunday Morning,
 I saw a few others took them too, and showed
them on Monday,  so I decided to wait for today.,
but isn't it neat,  that we all live in different places,
(I live in Florida) and had a pink, and blue sky. 
 How neat is that!!
The Lord must have been in a pink and Blue
Mood on Sunday!!  lol

 That lil pinhead white dot up there is the moon!!

It has been a delightful day here,  cool, breezy,
overcast and cloudy but delightful,  was able to
sit out on the porch and read my bible this morning,
and you know how I love that!!  We even got up
late so I was able to sit out there in comfort at
11 a.m.,  and it was only 75 degrees.
ahhhhhhhhhh,  the refreshment of it all!!
So guess my first praise would be
I am thankful
that the tropical storm passed us by, and we
had delightful weather rather than a terrible
stormy day!!

I am thankful
Scott got home from his trip to Louisianna (for work)
safe and sound.

I am thankful
Dee and Megan (his girlfriend) were both here last
evening and had dinner with us.  This was a first
to just have the 2 girls.  Dee was picking up Rosie
and Megan was dropping off Joey!!  lol
We really had a fun evening together.  Just went
by too quickly!!  lol

I am thankful
for the great singing we had in church on Sunday
morning.  It was like everyone was singing with
their heart and soul, and with such gusto, It was
 wonderful. Now....  it is always good,  but for some
 reason it was especially great,  I am sure it had
 something to do with something our Pastor prefaced
 it with or even the great messages he has been
preaching lately.

I am thankful
for another great movie we watched last evening
that was so inspiring.  It was another movie made 
by the Billy Graham Association, and it is called
 "Something to sing about".
It really was such a good movie.

 So do you see a theme here about the singing.....
Well,  I have another one believe it or not!!  lol

I am thankful 
for an email I rec'd from one of the fellas that used
to attend our college/career bible study we held
many years back,  it had a link to u tube

The video is of a  lil 7 yr old girl singing.  Her name is Rhema
Marvanne.  She lost her Mom to ovarian cancer when she was
six yrs. old, and what a testimony this precious lil girl is for
our God
It is truly just an amazing video.  Once you get to this
link,  there are a number of other videos about her as well.
Truly a blessing!!
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

I am thankful
for left over chicken and dumplings from last night.
All I have to do is make a Veggie.  Love that!!
and was able to share some with my SIL
who is presently sick.

I am thankful
for rubber mulch.  Now I know that sounds a bit
silly,  but really I am.  We have this flower bed
where our mailbox is,  and everytime we have
a heavy rain all the mulch floats to the other side
 of the driveway or out on the grass,  but some months
 back we decided to try the rubber mulch,  and that spot
 looks great all the time now.  No more raking up mulch
or replacing mulch.  At some point think I would like to put 
it in all our beds,  cause it will last forever,  cause rubber
 doesn't break down easily.

I am thankful
that hubby had so many breakthroughs today.  He
has sort of been stymied with some technical things
as he is doing work from his old job,  and also on
something he is working on towards a business,
and was getting a lil bummed last night.  So God
gave him the answers to everything today.  So he
is a happy guy.  I told him I thought the Lord didn't
answer yesterday, because it meant more hrs. in
his paycheck,  if he had the answer right away,
he would have finished sooner!!

I am thankful
for all the glorious skies the Lord paints for us
each and every day.  How could I not be thankful
after looking at these pics.  He does incredible
work,  does he not!!

I am thankful
that I got an email yesterday from an old time
friend of 38 yrs.  She lives in Indiana and is
babysitting her 3 grandies daily.  Don't know
how she does it.  God Bless Her!!  Think it
is because she  is in love with being a Grammy,  
and that is so Wonderful!!

I was so touched that she said, she enjoyed reading
my blog ,  and it made her feel like she had talked
 with me, and knew what was going on.
 I forgot I even told her about it!!  lol
So that was a sweet surprise.

I am thankful
for all my blogging buddies and all the lovely,
and encouraging comments you leave for me.
Also thankful for all the things I learn from you,
 all the inspiration I get from you whether it being
 spiritual, decorating, tablescaping, painting and
 refinishing,  cooking or a myriad of others things.
You Sweet Peas bring a lot of fun and joy to my life.
Thank You for that!!

Well..............That sums up my thankful list.

Hope you have a Fun Friday
and a Fantastic Weekend!!

Blessings, Love and Hugs,

Now you do have something
you are thankful for.....

why not tell us???

First Fall Kaffee Klatsches

Evening Sweet Friends,

Didn't get time to write earlier,  so decided to do a
Table Top Thursday Post instead.

These are from my first Fall Kaffee Klatsches.

Guess What Kind of Pie that is???

Why.........Pumpkin of course!!

Love those candles......cause I love having my
 house smell like I have been baking all day
 when I haven't.

This day it was a casual kitchen get together
for friends.

Didn't think this friend liked kaffee,  so planned juice
 for her, but turned out she did like Kaffee!!

Aren't these lil punkins adorable.  Love that lacy look.
A sweet Fall Gift from a friend.

Another Morning.......

Added some berries to my arrangement,
like it better!!

Well..........Happy Kaffee Klatsching to you!!

Thanks for coming by and for taking the time
to leave sweet and encouraging comments,
they are always soooo appreciated.

Make Sure to go over to Susans 
at Between Naps on the Porch,
 to see all the other Fun Tablescapes
and Great Ideas.  Click Here!!

Blessings, Hugs and Lots 
of Kaffee and Pumpkin Pie to You!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Welcome to Table Top Tuesday

Hello Sweet Friends,

Thought we would continue ourTour of......
 Table Top Tuesday today!!

Can you say that outloud and 3 times fast!! lol

Well.......I was able to download pics today, not necessarily in the order
I wanted but, at least I have pics,  now I can't get it  to center align my writing
like normal..........gotta love these changes!!!  lol
That was a bit of sarcasm,  just in case, you didn't catch it!! lol

These are pics of  my new Fallercized Coffee Table,  it actually used to be
 my daughter's table when she was a child, and I had it redone years back
 when our house flooded, one day it will be her child's hopefully!!

This is a Fall arrangement that I throw together every year in some container that I have,
there is not styrofoam they are just stuck in there however, I think looks best!!

Love this lil pumpkin my SIL gave me a few years back. 

Guess you recognize this book from last weeks post.

I love the color combinations in these flowers,  some are flowers I already had,  some were
in a bush that I cut apart.

Found this lovely pc. of fabric at Old Time Pottery about
5 years ago, and decided to make a runner and squares
that I could put in the magazine basket and on the chairs.

This is my most cherished and favorite Fall decoration.

Why you ask???  Some of you might remember from last year,
but it belonged to my Mom,  and it was the most important
thing she wanted to leave me when she passed.  That is because
my dad won it for her at a fair when she was pregnant with me.
They divorced when I was three,  but think she wanted me
to have it because it was a symbol and remembrance
 of their relationship!!
Course, that is what I am!!  lol

 I love the flowers that are embossed on it,  they are really
daffodils which are spring flowers,  but the orange carnival
glass makes it Fallish for me,  since it is the only time it
matches anything in my house.
My Mom always kept fruit in it when I was a lil girl.

 Now it houses candy,  and who doesn't love candy,  Heart Healthy Dark Chocolate,
of Course.  I love that they make candies with colored wrappers to match the seasons.
People that make candies must have had a decorators incite on that one, 
don't you think???

This is the actual color of the pumpkin.

It looks a bit oranger here,  but I love how it looks here too!!

This is my other fave Fall book,  my son gave it to
me some years back.  I just love Thomas Kincaide
anything!!  What beautiful paintings he does!! 

 The first time I saw his book at a book store, the
book was called "Simpler Times".
It literally took my breathe away,  and it was near
Christmas time,  so I went home and told hubby
I saw this book today that I really really would
love to have for Chirstmas, and of course, he
gave it to me!!  and the prose in the book is
as wonderful as the pictures.
It just transports you back in time!!
to a simpler time!!

Another side to the arrangement

and yet another!!

Hope you enjoyed your time with me today,
and Hope you have a lovely evening!!

Make sure to go over to Marty's over at a stroll thru life, 
 click here and see what all the other wonderfully creative ladies
 have come up with for today.


Blessings,Hugs and Creativity to you!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Monday !!

Morning Sweet Friends,

We had a nice weekend,

and You???
How was your weekend???

We just came in from doing the yard,
it rained so much last week,  we never
could do it,  but it actually wasn't that
bad..........getting to the time of year
where the growth slows way down.
Now that is a good thing!!!   lol

We really love working out there early
in the morning when it is cool and breezy,
just feels refreshing and freeing for some
reason.  Feels like Fall for a few hrs., at least.

We had a pretty full and fun weekend,
Friday night, we watched a movie called
"road to redemption",  it was made by
the Billy Graham Assoc., it was a pretty
good movie, we both liked it.

  I was telling a friend at church about it
 yesterday and somehow it came up about
 where did I find out about these movies. 

Some how I came to get emails from a place
 called Christian Cinema,  and of course, they
 sell movies, as well,  but I learn about the
 movies from them,  then check netflix.  Netflik
has had most of them, by the way. I have
really gotten a lot of good recommendations
from Christian cinema, so If  you would like to
 check them out for yourself, go to

Saturday we made pumpkin pancakes for
breakfast, and boy, were they good.  It was
the first time we ever made them, and we 
really enjoyed them.

Later, in the day we went to Home Goods
to look around, then did our walking in the
mall,  went to Cracker Barrel for dinner,
and to look around in their gift shop.  We 
always love eating at Cracker Barrel, their 
food is sooooo good, and we both so 
enjoy their gift shop,  they have so many 
neat things to look at in fact, they already
 have their Christmas stuff out.  They have 
some really pretty christmas things, 
 I have to say.

I don't know why but for some reason 
when it turns to Fall,  I just want to
go to Cracker Barrel.  Think we just
have a lot of really fond memories
of being their in the Fall,  and they
usually have some special new dishes
on their new Fall menu.  We didn't get
any this time tho!!  lol
We typically do tho.

Sunday, was our usual day, Sunday School
and Church and ran to Target to pick up a 
few items, then came home and ate lunch, 
 took a nap, then went back to church,
came home and had dinner and watched
our Pastors, and went to bed at a decent
hour for a change.  We knew we wanted
to get up early to do the lawn, so we
decided to behave ourselves!!  lol

Sorry there are no pics today,  but
they did something and changed the
picture loading device, and it is not
working,  I have been trying to upload
stuff for over 2 hrs. and they just will
not load,  so hope they fix it soon.
I takes me long enough to load pics
now, as it is,  so sure hope this isn't
the new wave!!

If you are participating in the 140 days
of prayer for our nation,  today starts
week 13,  and we are to pray for 
Terrorism in our country,  and our 
scripture is in Psalm 91-4-9.

Thanks for stopping by,

Hope you have a delightful evening
with your family, friends or pets!!

Love and Blessings,

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie