Friday, September 10, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - Sept. 9, 2010

Evenin' Sweet Encouragers

Hope this finds you well
and full of gratitude!!

I've had a good day myself.....we woke up bright and early, and
hubby and I cleaned our porch. So guess that would be my
I am thankful
we were finally able to get her done, and tomorrow and the days
 after we can sit out there in the early morning  when it is cool
 (between 7-9 usually) and drink coffee or eat breakfast, and
just be refreshed by all God's beauty since we have been stuck
 inside so much due to the Florida heat!!
Ahhhhhhhhh!!  Just the thought of it!!
I am thankful I got a special delivery from someone most 
of you know and love, Miss Becky from Holiday in the Sun.
I bought something from her new Etsy shop, and she delivered
 it to me and was able to have some coffee and snacks for a
 short while. Always fun to visit with her!!
if you haven't visited her new Etsy shop yet,  cause you missed
 my post on Monday because of the holiday, please go over 
and check it out.  She has sooo many cute items!!

She also brought me an extra gift (an adorable lil pumpkin)
 because I was one of her first 10 customers.  You still have
 time to be one,  if you get right on over there.

She also has a promo going until Saturday evening as well.
I am thankful
that Becky has this great opportunity to fulfull a long time
 dream,  and she is having so much fun with it.
Good for you Beck,  you go girl!!

I am thankful
that a long time friend of 27 years called, and came by
to visit us tonight.  It is always great to see her,  she
is a real sweetie,  and has been thru a lot in the last
years,  but has done amazingly well in spite of it all.
God's grace has truly been sufficient in her life!!

I am thankful
that it is feeling like Fall to me already.  I am loving
the cooler mornings,  and love the fun things I do this
 time of the year, like making Pumpkin butter yesterday,
 and it is so delish I must say!!  Also love that soon I will
be making different foods like soups and stews.
I  just love that!!

I am thankful
that Scott started his new job this week and all
went well,  and he really thinks he is gonna love it.
What a joy to our hearts and his!!
He was excitedly telling me about the farms that
he got to visit.  A tomato farm,  that was 2,000
acres,  and a large Caladium farm,  can't remember
how large it was seems like he said 500 acres
but not sure.  We can't wait to see him in person
so we can hear more details.

I am thankful
that the root canal I had last Thursday seems to have
done the trick,  and  is not giving me any trouble.
Still have to go back on the 23rd for another 
treatment,  but just soooo happy it is working.
Praise His Name!!

I am thankful
for cards, games and movies that have been such
a blessing to us during this time of lay off.  They
have brought more fun and laughter to our lives.
I told Jimmy that if he didn't stop beating me
at cards,  that the Lord was not gonna hear his
prayers,  cause he wasn't living with his wife
in an understanding way!!  lol

I am thankful
to be off all the meds and sleeping well thru the
night once again.  Having to get up and eat and
take meds during the night is just a tad disruptive
to my sleeping, and was also making me gain weight.

I am thankful
that I can type normally for a longer period of time
now,  which means that nerve is just about healed,
and I am also able to use my arms some while
exercising although,  I am still taking it easy with
it,  just doing a more modified version. It just feels
so good to be able to use them again,  and I feel
like I am getting a better workout.

I am thankful
Jim got all my Fall decorations down for me today,
and that I can finally start decorating the house.  I
did do the kitchen table today,  but that was
all I could do until we got the others out of the attic.
But it was so fun burning the Fall candles,  they
smell so good.  My house smelled like apple and
pumpkin pie today!!
Just love it!!

I am thankful
 that I am finished with my post, cause it is past  time for me
 to go to bed and I am really getting sleepy!!  lol

Well, Folks
there you have it..............
  my list of Thankfuls to our
 Great and Mighty Lord!!

Hope you have an Amazing
 and Awesome Weekend!!

Love, Hugs, and Blessings Abundant,

Anything you are thankful for???

Tell us,  we'd love to know!!


  1. Nellie, I am thankful for new friends like you!
    I am so glad that you are able to sleep better at night and that you have a DH that will get your Fall decorations down.
    Pumpkin butter, yummy! Will you be sharing that recipe?
    Sweet blessings to you,

  2. Nellie, thank you so much for your sweet words. The scripture memory book(bought mine at Walmart) is where you write down scriptures that the Lord has laid on your heart and you want to remember them. Even though memorizing scripture has always been a part of my life, I heard about putting them in a little index card book through Beth Moore. I'm glad you asked. (I will put this in my comment space, too)
    Thank you for sharing the recipe on Heart tips.

  3. Thank you Mrs. Nellie for stopping by my blog. I remember you from the DAC days....sort of. I remember the name, but I can't exactly recall if you talk any of my sunday school classes or anything =)

    I love that first floral picture. It is a hybiscus, is it not? I miss those flowers; they don't grow out here in Idaho.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I enjoyed your beautiful thoughts and lovely flowers..
    being thankful every moment for my life ...

  5. Hi Nellie! Thanks for your comments today. Trying to get back into the swing of blogging. I've been reading blogs, yours especially, just not taking the time to leave comments!

    I knew one of the firefighters who was trapped and then found. We went to college together. And actually for my job as a transciptionist, I transcribed his story. It was amazing to hear it from him.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Hey Nellie, how are you doing? I am so glad your tooth is all taken care of now. Glad the root canal seemed to do the trick.

    It has been a wild weekend here just trying to get something together for or trip coming up in like 10 days. Honestly, time is just flying by a warp speed over here. I finally got a loop together of where we will be going on the car trip and got the reservations made. We were so afraid there would be no hotels left with vacancies but we did just fine. It was a long process but it feels so good to have the skeleton in place for our plans. I really have to thank Laura for that. She became an expert trip planner living in Italy.

    So I am very thankful for her this week. And every week for that matter.

    Jim has been really struggling with his hip or leg not sure which. He has a lot of pain, especially while lying down. A big mystery to his doctor but he is seeing someone else tomorrow. He is such a goer that he is having trouble being patient. So praying that will be better soon.

    So I hope your weekend has been a good one.

    Love, Bon

  7. #1. I need to get out and hose my back porch off too.
    #2.I have some cute seasonal ceramics, but I don't take the time to put them out anymore. I mainly did it for mom when she enjoyed seeing the seasonal decorations.
    #3. I'm hoping my life long dream is soon to come to pass. I've counted the years since the '90's.
    #4. I thank the LORD for long time teacher friends who have now already retired. They are a big help!
    #5. I'm thankful the LORD has kept the hurricanes away from our state.
    #6. I'm so thankful Scott's enjoying his new job. I'm so thankful he doesn't have to work in the kind of atmosphere he had in his last job!
    #7. I'm thankful we have the opportunity to be able to go to dentists!
    #8. I'm thankful the LORD gives to each of His children the joys that we do have in this world.
    #9. I'm thankful Sara isn't going through the night yowling anymore! I don't know what her problem was for about a week. I had to get up and put her into the back bedroom so I could get some sleep!
    #10. I'm thankful I am able to get back on the computer. I have been so busy with backed up school work, I haven't had much time to get on the computer.
    #11. I have tons of candles this year! The children gave me quite a few last year! I will soon start to use them when it gets cooler.
    #12. Me too!
    I love you all,

  8. Nellie

    I just love your thankful posts. I think the Lord led me to your BLOG just to see them. You make me think about how blessed I am. Thank you my friend.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie