Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Hello Sweet Friends,

Thought since I had time to upload pics today,
  I would show you the pics from my daughter's 
birthday dinner back in mid-August.

Since she loves the beach,  and I had my shells 
out for summer, decided to do a beachy theme, 
 and this was the sign for over the table.

And just in case you are not a follower
 this is the birthday Girl.............
She turned the big "26",  so she is
 over the Hill for sure now!!  lol

I happened to find this beach sign at  TJ Maxx
 for just $5.oo and thought it perfectly fit her.
It says,
"The best place to be is at the Beach"
and to her,  that is very true!!

This is the back side of the sign,  I scanned 
the front and then printed it out on paper,
then  glued the pic to the back as well.
The big shell on the left is a toothbrush
holder and I took palmetto palms and
sort of stripped them into small pcs.
to stick in their so it would look like
sea grass.

Here is an overview from above.

another overview from above
of the length of the table.

This was the guest of honor's place setting. 
 We felt the glasses even tho they really were 
a lil more victorian looking,  because of the
 beaded seams kinda reminded us of some
 varieties of starfish with their spiny 
looking details.

Again,  from above.
Hubby and I thought our everyday ware
looked best with the beach team cause
of the lines of the plates and silverware.

Here I was playing to see if I wanted
to use bowls or plates for the salad.
Liked the look of the shells in the
bottom of the bowls.

Still trying things here.  Candies were from
Godiva chocolatiers.  They come in all sorts
of colors.  Just 30 cents each.  My family
looks forward their candy treats.  In fact,
they check when they get here to see
what they have.  Cracks me up!!

Still playing and trying to decide.

This was what I started with at first.

Love the looks of the shells on the napkins. 
 think this is such a pretty shell.

Decided to go with salad plates
instead of bowls.

Borrowed this lovely lil sandcastle
from Miss Becky over at Holiday
in the sun.  It looked great!
Love the glowing windows
from the candle inside.

These were at one end of the table.
The message in a bottle was my nephew's 
wedding invitation. He was married on the
 beach in Key West.  Thought it was a
cute idea,  very different.

These were at the other end. Decided to put
 candles in the shells. They were Ocean
 Breeze scent, but unfortunately,  you
 couldn't smell them.

I started with just the things in the center
 where the sign was,  but it just didn't seem
complete so I added the things on each end,
  but it still didn't seem quite complete so
we had seen this pea gravel at the dollar
store a few weeks before and hubby 
had to run out for something so he got
the pea gravel,  and thought it finished
it off nicely.

This was from the other end
of the table.

With some candle light!!
We had her fave dinner.

London broil

Baked potatoes/ sourcream
chives and bacon bits

Tossed Salad/ with creamy
parmesan dressing

 Banana pudding
with nutter butter cookies
in it rather than vanilla wafers! 

A look thru the sign!!

Although,  the guys didn't say
anything about liking the center
piece,  they were very entertained
by it.  They were picking up all
the shells and looking at them,
and one of them had them all
rowed up in front of him.
They are such a riot,
They get me so tickled!!

Sorry this was sooooooo long but
 somehow we got carried away with pics, 
 believe it or not, there are more,  but think
 I have probably worn you out by now!! lol

Oh yea,  just one more!!

I even made her birthday card
to match....  but best of all,
she felt well loved and very special, 
 so mission accomplished!!

Thanks so much for coming by,
Hope you have enjoyed your visit!!

Please be sure to go by Susans,
at between naps on the porch,
click here,  to see more fun and
creative tablescapes.

  Also thanks, Susan for being 
such a great host every week!!

Have a Delightful Day tomorrow,

Blessings N' Hugs,


  1. It is so pretty. I love all of your shells and the message in a bottle is just too cute. I think you did an unreal job of creating the beachy feel. Her card is fabulous too. Your daughter is so pretty and I am sure she felt very special. Hugs, Marty

  2. That is lovely! And of course I agree, the beach is the best place to be...but ask me i January! :)
    I love those glasses, so different!

  3. Hello, Nellie! What a lovely beach theme for your beautiful daughter's birthday. I hope she had a happy day.
    You have a great gift for tablescapes. I have visited before, but I think this is the first time I have left a comment.
    Becky is very sweet and talented, too.
    I was pulling out some my sea shells from our visits to FL. I snapped some pictures of them after I placed them in an old glass lighting fixture and hope to share them on my blog.
    Enjoyed your sweet pictures,

  4. I love your little sand castle and the shells and dishes are perfect with those napkins. Happy birthday to your daughter. Next week I am doing a table for mine--she will be 22! Linda

  5. Beautiful, Nellie, as always. Happy Belated to Dee. Love how your Jimmy is helping you decide on which dishes to use and running to get pea gravel. Sweet!

    Don't you just love Susan's blog. She is a master and that porch of die for!

    How she gets it all done and still works full time is a complete mystery to me.

    Love you....B

  6. The pea gravel was a nice extra touch. The napkins, plates with the shell on top was lovely, too. And the food sounds scrumptious!

    Nice job!


  7. Great theme AND table for a birthday party. I love how the white and sand colors give that clean beachy feeling. Also love the message in the bottle. Cute here, and a cute wedding invitation idea too!

  8. What a lovely theme!!! I'm right there with the birthday place like the beach!!! (just try moving away and not seeing the ocean for 2 years!!!)

    You did a beautiful job on the table. It looks great. And the menu sounds delish...well, except for London broil...I'm not a steak person. I love the idea of the little shells on the plates and in the bowls, and of course, the little candy is a lovely treat. (Kind of like going to The Olive Garden!!)

    Hope your week is spectacular.


  9. I think it is really sweet that your hubbie gets in on the table setting and helping you make it look just right for the honored guest - what a trooper! The pea gravel was definitely the perfect final touch:) And the menu sounds delish!

  10. I love your beach themed table, Nellie...the shells are a great touch to the napkins.

  11. I love shells, so of course I love this table. I love how the shells look next to the napkins...and the sign is darling! The menu sounds wonderful.

    My tablescape today was for my daughter's birthday (today-26) but, it was just pretend...she's in Florida and I'm here.

  12. Your table is almost as beautiful as your precious daughter. Really, it's totally delightful...I like that your hubby helped you with the photos. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  13. What a pretty table! I have a 26 year old daughter who loves the beach too. :)

  14. Hi there, I didn't do TT this week but popped into your post because of the beachy theme goin on, love it! Wish I could find that sand castle. Any ideas where she found it?

  15. I'm sure that your beach baby had a wonderful birthday and this pretty table setting. Perfect for a Summer birthday.

  16. Hi,
    Sorry I'm a little late with my replies to TT! I really like this beachy theme! The chocolate shells are great! Menu sounds delicious! Your daughter is really pretty, looks much younger!

    Love that picture through the sign!

    Great job!


  17. Nellie

    Beautiful your daughter and your beach landscape. I love the seashells and the Beach sign. You are so creative. Thanks for sharings!

    Blessings & hugs

  18. Nellie, I love your beachy tablescape! It's really pretty. You do know how to make someone feel special!
    Blessings and hugs, Beth


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie