Monday, September 13, 2010


Happy Monday Sweet Peas,

Oh what a beautiful morning
o' what a beautiful day!!

We have been out early this morning doing the yard, 
 the grass was a bit wet still, since it rained last night
 but it looks right nice!!

and how has your morning been???

How was your weekend???

We had a pretty fun weekend,  we had some relatively
new church  friends over to play cards  on Friday evening
and we had a really fun time.
  They are very genuine and sweet folks, and comfortable
 to spend time with!!

Saturday evening we watched a great movie, it was
a christian romance called "Belle and the Beast".
It was really quite good,  so much so we kinda
want to watch it again before we send it back.
We highly recommend it!!

Then of course,  Sunday was church.  It was great
as always.  We had a special missionary speaker
this week, and his presentation was wonderful.
He is such an inspiring man!!
Ran to Wally World to pick up a couple of
things,  ran into a friend and spent some time
talking with her,  got our smoothie and came
home and had lunch,  and then took a nap.
We can never get accused of working too
hard on Sunday!!  lol

We so look forward to this day of the week,
when we are just suppose to cease from our
labors,  it just sort of jump starts your week.

If you are participating in the 140 Days of
Prayer for Our Nation, Today is week # 11,
and our scripture is Isaiah 3:12-13, 
 and we are to pray 
about the Confusion and Corruption.
Thanks for participating!!

Dee is suppose to come over for din din
tonight,  so we are really looking forward to
 seeing her since it has been almost 2 weeks.

  She has been busy trying to get settled in her new
 place.  We have had Rosie all that time as well, 
 cause it was easier for Dee and safer for Rosie
while they were moving furniture and
heavy stuff...........and fun for us!!  lol

Think Dee is pretty tuckered out,  not easy moving
 while you are working full time!!
   Hopefully,  this week will be much better for her.

Well,  that is about all the news on our  front. 

 I still haven't gotten any more Fall decorating done
 yet,  but I did start taking the Spring stuff down today,
  and hopefully will get a few things done today.
That would be great!!

Well,  Sweet Peas..........
yall have a fun Monday!!

Blessings N Hugs,


  1. Good morning Nellie..

    It sounds like you had a wonderful and fullll weekend.... Loved the nap part. One of these days I'm GOING to do that. I think it all the time, but never seem to make time.

    Thanks for popping in for a visit... :-)

    Warm blessings,

  2. WE have SUCH fond memories of missionary speakers. In fact, it was on missionary conference week in 1993 that we walked in the DA doors for the first time. It was some man from Australia, and he was wearing shorts!! We fell in love with everything about the church and kept coming back...about six weeks later, yours truly came to know the Lord.

    What card games do y'all like to play with your friends? Years ago, we played canasta...more recently it's pinochle.

    Finally, I'm glad you don't do too much work on Sunday. That's why God blessed us with a day of rest. Those days are so rejuvenating.

    Thanks for the lovely letter. I'll write back as soon as I can.

    Love and hugs,

  3. It sounds as if you had the perfect weekend. I sure miss the feeling of community we had at our church in our last town. We just couldn't find it here and I miss it so much.

    We had a good weekend. A party at the lake, a block party and a day at home with a good book!

  4. Hello Dear Nellie, I enjoyed this read so much. It looks like you have been busy busy , as we have too. It seems we just can't catch up. lol.
    I have been trying for two weeks to get my fall decor out,maybe tomorrow. Hope you get yours up soon too.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. I didn't realize I hadn't answered your Thankful Thursday. So, I did it tonight!

    It's more like Fats Dominoe's "Blue Monday" to me. It is getting harder to get up. Of course this cold and sore throat hasn't helped matters. I really spoiled myself this last summer break!

    Alice, Sukina, and I went to an Orlando restuarant this weekend. It was good, but my dear, I can't believe the size of that steak!! Their creamed spinach was to "die for!" It had a crispy topping with almonds and a cream sauce inside. The dessert had two specialty cakes with a creamed almond milkshake in a small stem glass. He asked if we wanted a lottae, I just asked for coffee. When I got my coffee, I poured the milkshake into the coffee and it appeared and tasted just like a lottae, only cheaper, ha!

    I guess that's what makes it so hard to go back to work on Monday. When you have such a full weekend, you feel like you haven't had any rest, ha!

    I love you all,

  6. Well, Happy Monday to you too!
    We missed you on Sunday night...the Missions Team hosted a "game show" called You Be The Judge. It was a hoot! Contestants were called from the congregation and Tony was on the hot seat for one segment.
    Glad you had a nice weekend and I hope that Dee is really enjoying her new place.

  7. Hi My Dear!
    Thank you so much for promoting my shop so wonderfully! You are such a HUGE blessing to have no idea! Glad you had a good weekend, too! Most of ours was good as well.
    Gotta run take Maddy to art!
    Talk to you soon!
    Love ya BUNCHES!!

    And your beach tablescape looks great! The castle I bought at Beall's last summer.


  8. Nellie

    Playing cards and relaxing sounds good to me. We have been busy around here. Glad to hear your daughter is settling in.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie