Friday, June 29, 2018

Thankful Thursday June 28, 2018, Late Spring golf cart tour #2

For great is the LORD and
 most worthy of praise; 
he is to be feared above all gods.
1 Chronicles 16:25 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy!

Been a good week here, not a lot
going on but the regular routine,
and working on some changes in
our bedroom. Looking forward to
a fun weekend.....

Here are more of the latest pictures
 I took in Charleston in early June.

So on with my Thankfuls........

Thankful that our birthday surprise for our
friend last Friday night went well.  She was
really surprised and tho we were small in
number we were big on fun! Think we all
really enjoyed it.

Thankful that we found some stools for
our breakfast bar that we really like at
a great price and ordered them. Since
we have chairs there now, it will give
us an updated look so will be looking
forward to their arrival. They are un-
finished and natural, and one has 
arrived.....they are very sturdy and
 nicely prepared to be painted.....
we will be painting them white.....

Thankful for the fun of seeing
large Sandhill cranes in our front
yard on Sunday morning.  It has
been awhile since we have seen
any here.

Thankful we began work on purging
our closets on Tuesday and got quite
a lot done in an hour, so we will
 continue on till we get her done.
I worked in there for a short time on
Thursday, so making progress. Have 
been wanting to do this for ages but 
decided to wait as I thought it would
 be a good project for us once hubby
 retired and it

Thankful for our cell phone company
 (T-mobile) and that they are sending us 
cell power booster cause I was having
trouble with a lot of my texts not going 
like they should and having to resend
them many times.  It arrived today
Thurs. and did solve the problem

Thankful for seeing our lil brown
bunny numerous times this week 
in our backyard munching away.
and for seeing a huge box turtle
on Sunday as we were leaving
 for church but didn't have time to
 check him out, but got another
chance on Tuesday as we saw him
in our back yard, but didn't have
time to grab the camera as he was
scampering off into the woods.
  Love these wild life visits......

Thankful that a dear friend of ours, came 
thru hip replacement surgery well on
 Monday evening. He was a very high risk
 patient, due to heart issues and his BP
 plummeted on Tues.morning and gave us
 all a scare but has been stable the rest of 
the day. Thank the Lord! 
 Then amazingly they sent him home from 
the hospital on Wed. by around noon, and
 today he is doing well and did a great job
 with his physical therapy, and his therapist
said he is very strong but his blood pressure
 is still a bit erratic tho.  So if you feel so led
please pray for him, I know he and his
 family and we would appreciate it.  His 
name is Bill and he is a Pastor in 
Gainesville, Florida. Thanks! 

Thankful for our new memory foam
topper, it is very cozy and comfy.

Thankful for 4 more great Supreme
court rulings this week. It has been
a spectacular week for the Supreme
court, for sure.

Thankful that one lone congressman
 had the courage to ask for the removal
 of a supposed leader who is asking for
 people to harass anyone associated
 with the Trump cabinet and to tell
 them they are not welecome anytime 
they go someplace!
No one, and especially not someone
 who is suppose to be a leader in our
nation, and absolutely should know
 better, should ever get away with 
 asking anyone to harass anybody, at
 anytime, or anywhere or humiliate
them by refusing to serve them for no
 good reason other than hatred and being
mean spirited......that is just an accident
 waiting to happen and will only result in 
violence at some point.  It is just so wrong
and totally irresponsible for anyone to 
do anything like that............
In my 66 years of living I have never
heard of such crazy stuff that is going
on today........and it needs to stop.

Thankful my son got to go visit his 
sister, since he was near Charleston 
for work.

Thankful that we are having a sleep
over with lil darling tonight.  They
are always a fun time.

Well...........there you have it......
a snapshot of our week at Cozy Place

Happy you could make it over!

Hope you have a Dandy weekend
with your family and or/ friends.

Love, Hugs and Last of June

                              The Dedicated House

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Impromptu 50th Birthday Celebration for a friend

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a nice Tuesday.

Mine has been nice with a lil busy
mixed in, but a fun busy.

We put some memory foam toppers
on our bed and clean sheets and then
I remembered (out of sight, out of 
mind these days) the quilt set we got
while in Charleston earlier this month.
  So we put that on as well,  and......
We love it.
 but will know for sure
once we sleep with it, hoping it is
not too hot, cause it does have 30%
polyester, but it really brightens up
our bedroom. Wasn't sure if I was
gonna like it with our yellow walls
but it looks fine, cause there is just
enough yellow and yellow green
and lime green, to make it work.
So that will be a future post once
I do some wall rearranging and
new vignettes in there. We have
been purging our closets as well.

Told you last Thursday that we
had the fun opportunity to open
our home to help our friend
celebrate her 50th birthday.
For a number of reason she did
not want a lot of fan fair, so her
fiancee' wanted to do something
to celebrate, so it was simple and
 easy with just a few people and
it turned out great. He did all the
planning and she was very sur-
prised (they brought her blind-
folded) and really enjoyed it, as 
did all of us, so thought I would
 just show you a few pics of her cake
 and the table......from Friday night.

Here is her lovely cake her fiancee'
had made.  She is Italian and very
proud of her Italian heritage, so he
found someone who did this lovely
Italian fondant cake, and that says
Happy Birthday in Italian, of course.

The top was made into the
Italian flag, so much prettier
than it even looks here, and
tasted yummy too.

I love how the Lord works things out.
This was all very impromptu and last
minute and I didn't really know what
 the cake would look like, but I happened
 to have these pretty plates and napkins
 already, so decided to use those and I also
 had some hot pink faux azaleas that I
 hadn't used either so just swapped my
 light pink hydrangeas for the hot pink 
azaleas and we were ready to go.........
and I couldn't believe it..... when I 
saw the was all perfectly
coordinated with everything I had
put on the table. Personally,  I think
that was a God thing!!

some close up shots

We did put out a few snacks
but we decided to put them
 over on the breakfast bar,
so it didn't take away from
her pretty cake.

Her fiancee' bought this really
cool candle thing.  It is like a
closed flower with 1 candle
sticking out and when you
light that, it lights all the other
candles and completely opens
the flower while playing music.
Very cool.idea...unfortunately 
the music didn't play, but the 
candle display was great.....

None of us thought to take
a pic of it tho.....

                                                With a colored pencil affect

 A few shots just for the fun
of it.............

With a posterized affect

Had a good weekend as well,
and hope you did too.

Thanks for coming.....

Love, Hugs and
last week of June 


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A Stroll thru Life

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Good Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for the day!!

 Have confidence in your leaders and
 submit to their authority, because they 
keep watch over you as those who must
 give an account. Do this so that their work
 will be a joy, not a burden, for that would
 be of no benefit to you.

Hebrews 13:17 New NIV

Have a restful Sunday,

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Thankful Thursday June 21, 2018, Late Spring golf cart home tour

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
 let them ever sing for joy. 
Spread your protection over them,
 that those who love your name
 may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends
and Welcome to Summer, 
as she has offically arrived!

Have to say it has felt like summer 
for awhile now here in Florida, but 
was pretty bearable cause it was breezy,
 but the breeze has pretty much gone bye
 bye, unless it is storming out, and it has 
really gotten hot the last few weeks
and will probably be like this until
the end of October.....have to say that
 is hard for me to think about!  lol

Took some more pics for yall while
 I was in Charleston,  as I know yall
 really seem to enjoy them, as much
as I like seeing them while touring
on the golf
I honestly think I could ride around
 on that thing all day long.....something
 about it makes me feel like a kid again.
Maybe it is my hair blowing in the
 breeze, and the wind in my face, I don't
know but I find it to be a lot of fun....
Was just thinking, maybe it reminds 
me of riding in my Mom's old Impala 
convertible when I was a

Anywho, on with my Thankful

Many homes in the area have guest houses, 
see this one built over the garage,
 and they rent them out.

Thankful that we have finally figured out
all our medical and dental insurance and
applied for them.  We did the medical
before we left for Charleston and just
finished the dental last Friday. Such
a good feeling to have that all in place
now, and we can move on to other

                         Thankful that hubby put new led lights
                          in the kitchen and it made it so much
brighter.  Love that! 
Also thankful for that nice man at
ACE hardware who told him how
to do it....

Thankful that Rosie (my daughters dog)
was back to her old self by Saturday,
after having a bad seizure last Wed.

Thankful that something I made for
my son for Father's Day turned out
really well..........and he really 
seemed to like it.

Thankful my daughters knee is doing
much better than when we left last
week. She was able to go back to work 
on Monday and said here knee was
 pretty much back to normal on Tues.
So that was real progress.

Thankful that we found a nice pole
chainsaw for hubby for Father's Day.
It will be a real blessing and hope-
fully save us some $$$ now that we
can cut  higher limbs and all.

Thankful for a new TV series made in
 Canada called "Chesapeake Shores",
we have watched the whole season now,
and what a great series, very clean and
family oriented with great story lines.
  Found it on the  Hallmark Chanel.

Thankful hubby had several really nice
Father's Day celebrations. One was early,
at Dee and Jerry's before we came home
from Charleston and the other one was 
on Father's Day, Scott suggested going 
to Texas Roadhouse and then back to 
their house for dessert and to hang out.
We had a great time as always.

Thankful that a really sweet and devoted
single parent Mom/friend of ours got
engaged. The wedding will not be any
time soon as she wants to take her time,
which we think is wise. We really like
him and he treats her very well.  So
we are very happy for her. 

Thankful that her lil girl is doing better
too. She was having some real problems
that one Dr. thought was gall bladder
problems a few years ago, and was
talking about surgery....her new Dr.
said he thinks she is just producing
to much stomach acid, and he gave
her some acid reducer meds and as
long as she takes them she is fine.
So good her Mom changed Drs.

Thankful that a Leader/friend from
 church took the time to care and call us
 on Fathers Day, to make sure he didn't
 offend me by something he said during
a conversation that morning. It really did
 hurt my feelings, but in my heart, I knew 
he would never mean to, but it really
 blessed my heart that he took the time
out on his special day to call and make
 sure.  What a precious man and role
model he is......if there were only a
 gazillion more like


Thankful we had the opportunity
to be involved in using our home
to help surprise the single parent
friend I mentioned earlier in this
post, for her 50th birthday. She
was very surprised and we all
had a lovely time.

Well, thats been our week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for stopping in......

Always nice to know you were here.

Love, Hugs, and 
last of  June Blessings.


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Monday, June 18, 2018

Our Daughter's Dining Room .

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and
happy this fine day.

We are all that over here.....
Got up a lil after hubby did this 
to find him working on his jig-
saw puzzle (our daughter gifted 
him with) which we started on
 yesterday, he is a man on a
 mission!!  lol  It is slowly sink-
ing in daily that this is a forever
vacation sort of.......and a whole
new way of life....he is liking it
more by the day........we are try-
ing to have a bit of a schedule
along with some fun thrown in
between things that have to get
done.  We are both loving it.

Thought I would show you some pics
of my daughters dining room, it is one
of my fav rooms because of all the 
windows.  I showed it to you before,
but she has rearranged it, if you want 
to see the before pics (click here)

Absolutely love their white oak floors.


                            She has added some plants since 
you last saw it as well.

and this cute lil terrarium and starfish.

She is really enjoying succulent plants.

Love her cute lil whale. 
 She  has coastal/farmhouse decor.

She has also added this cute wood
 and macrame' shelf with this string
of pearls plant.

Before the table was horizontal. 
We all think it looks better this direction.

Here is her new fiddle leaf fig plant.
It is a live plant and they ordered it from
Amazon and it was quite a bit less than
buying it at their local nurseries, just in
case you might be wanting one yourself.
The plant seems to love it's new habitat,
it is growing and be thriving in this spot.

With the light on.
I told my hubby I thought the legs of
her table looked like giant

This cute guy hangs by the door going out.
He was supposed to be to hang their keys
 on but don't think they ever
My son-in-love just really liked it so
 they found a place to put it. It is like
one of those fun elements of surprise.

This is a look from the back door
where Mr. Steer is hanging.


Thanks for coming by today.

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Hugs and  last of June Blessings,


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Stone Gable

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie