Tuesday, June 5, 2018

After Easter, Spring Decorating #5

Morning Sweet Friends,

How are yall??  I am guessing
many of you are enjoying having
your kiddles home from school.
Have to say I miss those 
summers with mine.

We are certainly enjoying having
the freedom of hubby not having
to work, so far, no work calls,
course this is only day 4....lol

Well, thought I would show yall
 the rest of my Spring decorating, 
before we get into summer, and
it is probably gonna be my 
summer decor as well.  

This was the before of the 
 breakfast bar area.

This is the after shot....since 
I went pink...........

These were all free printables from Ann
at on Sutton Place.  I love her printables
they are always so pretty.  If you aren't
familiar with her....and would like to 
check out her blog.

Here's a closeup shot of the 
breakfast bar now.

with posterized affect

This is of our kitchen table
Mother's day hyacinths, such
a wonderful fragrance they
put off and not to mention
how beautiful they are.....

They only stayed looking like that
first picture for one day....they
are like tulips they have a mind
of their own.

and eventually they all did a split
down the middle and hung over
the edge......lol  but they still
looked pretty.....

With a photocopy affect

Well, this is the last of the
Spring decorating!  Just in
time for Summer almost.  lol
Course, guess we have about
another 2 weeks or so....

If you missed part 4 and would
like to see it....just click here

Thanks for dropping by 

Have a lovely week.

Love, Hugs and 
last of May Blessings,


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Stone Gable

A Stroll thru Life

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Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Starfish Cottage


  1. Isn't it great being retired!!! WooHoo! I always enjoy seeing your white porcelain rooster!
    Of course I am partial to birds, ha! Love you all, Susan

  2. Morning Susan
    and yes, it is great!!

    Have a lovely Sunday
    Loe, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie