Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Fathers Day and Quotes to Ponder

Happy Father's Day
to all you great Dad's out there......
Hope you have a wonderful and
relaxing day, and that you get 
spoiled rotten by your loved ones.


Happy Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Here is the quote for today!

I have found the perfect antidote
for fear.  Whenever it sticks up
it's ugly face, I clobber it with

By Dale Evans Rogers

I love this!!
Cute and Clever but, oh so true.

Have a Wonderful Sunday,


  1. A very Happy Father's Day to Jim and Scott! I just love Dale Evans and Roy Rogers! I'm so thankful to our LORD they belong to Him and His kingdom forever! "Trust in the LORD and He will guide your path!" (Psalm 3:5-6) What a clobber to Satan when we use prayer to our LORD! IT's true and it definitely works! Especially when we pray His Word to Him! Love you, Susan

  2. Morning Susan,
    They had a very nice Father's Day.

    Yea,I always liked Dale and Roy Rogers too, used to watch their show as a kid and read a
    book by Dales Evans called Angel unaware, that was really good too.

    Yea, praying rather than fretting is the way to go..........

    Have a good day,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie