Thursday, June 21, 2018

Thankful Thursday June 21, 2018, Late Spring golf cart home tour

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
 let them ever sing for joy. 
Spread your protection over them,
 that those who love your name
 may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends
and Welcome to Summer, 
as she has offically arrived!

Have to say it has felt like summer 
for awhile now here in Florida, but 
was pretty bearable cause it was breezy,
 but the breeze has pretty much gone bye
 bye, unless it is storming out, and it has 
really gotten hot the last few weeks
and will probably be like this until
the end of October.....have to say that
 is hard for me to think about!  lol

Took some more pics for yall while
 I was in Charleston,  as I know yall
 really seem to enjoy them, as much
as I like seeing them while touring
on the golf
I honestly think I could ride around
 on that thing all day long.....something
 about it makes me feel like a kid again.
Maybe it is my hair blowing in the
 breeze, and the wind in my face, I don't
know but I find it to be a lot of fun....
Was just thinking, maybe it reminds 
me of riding in my Mom's old Impala 
convertible when I was a

Anywho, on with my Thankful

Many homes in the area have guest houses, 
see this one built over the garage,
 and they rent them out.

Thankful that we have finally figured out
all our medical and dental insurance and
applied for them.  We did the medical
before we left for Charleston and just
finished the dental last Friday. Such
a good feeling to have that all in place
now, and we can move on to other

                         Thankful that hubby put new led lights
                          in the kitchen and it made it so much
brighter.  Love that! 
Also thankful for that nice man at
ACE hardware who told him how
to do it....

Thankful that Rosie (my daughters dog)
was back to her old self by Saturday,
after having a bad seizure last Wed.

Thankful that something I made for
my son for Father's Day turned out
really well..........and he really 
seemed to like it.

Thankful my daughters knee is doing
much better than when we left last
week. She was able to go back to work 
on Monday and said here knee was
 pretty much back to normal on Tues.
So that was real progress.

Thankful that we found a nice pole
chainsaw for hubby for Father's Day.
It will be a real blessing and hope-
fully save us some $$$ now that we
can cut  higher limbs and all.

Thankful for a new TV series made in
 Canada called "Chesapeake Shores",
we have watched the whole season now,
and what a great series, very clean and
family oriented with great story lines.
  Found it on the  Hallmark Chanel.

Thankful hubby had several really nice
Father's Day celebrations. One was early,
at Dee and Jerry's before we came home
from Charleston and the other one was 
on Father's Day, Scott suggested going 
to Texas Roadhouse and then back to 
their house for dessert and to hang out.
We had a great time as always.

Thankful that a really sweet and devoted
single parent Mom/friend of ours got
engaged. The wedding will not be any
time soon as she wants to take her time,
which we think is wise. We really like
him and he treats her very well.  So
we are very happy for her. 

Thankful that her lil girl is doing better
too. She was having some real problems
that one Dr. thought was gall bladder
problems a few years ago, and was
talking about surgery....her new Dr.
said he thinks she is just producing
to much stomach acid, and he gave
her some acid reducer meds and as
long as she takes them she is fine.
So good her Mom changed Drs.

Thankful that a Leader/friend from
 church took the time to care and call us
 on Fathers Day, to make sure he didn't
 offend me by something he said during
a conversation that morning. It really did
 hurt my feelings, but in my heart, I knew 
he would never mean to, but it really
 blessed my heart that he took the time
out on his special day to call and make
 sure.  What a precious man and role
model he is......if there were only a
 gazillion more like


Thankful we had the opportunity
to be involved in using our home
to help surprise the single parent
friend I mentioned earlier in this
post, for her 50th birthday. She
was very surprised and we all
had a lovely time.

Well, thats been our week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for stopping in......

Always nice to know you were here.

Love, Hugs, and 
last of  June Blessings.


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1 comment:

  1. $1. It feels great to get all of that done!
    #2. Yes, I need to get my kitchen lights done. 2 are working and 2 aren't, but I have the table light and the work center light.
    #3. I'm so glad to hear Rosey's okay again!
    #4. I'm sure he is enjoying it!!!
    #5. Praise the LORD! Mine comes and goes, but of no great pain.
    #6. That's great! I'm thankful for people who design these gadgets that help us out so much!
    #7. I'm so thankful too for networks that show wholesome shows. Some of the networks have, as the saying goes, "gone to pot!" (Toilet and not plant!)
    #8. Our dad's are indeed special in our hearts!
    #9. The LORD's blessing on them.
    #10. The saying, "Get a second opinion" always helps when we do.
    #11. Praise the LORD's leading in all situations!
    #12. I'm sure she was greatly blessed by it too!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie