Friday, June 8, 2018

Thankful Thursday June 7, 2018, nature pictures

 Because of the LORD’s great love 
we are not consumed, for his
 compassions never fail. 
 They are new every morning;
 great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope these last weeks of

Spring are being good to you!

They sure are for us....been a

 fun week for us, for sure.

Pictures today are
nature pics from the past.

Sandhill cranes

Thankful our son, made it home
safe and sound from Israel.

Thankful that we got to see the
royal wedding even tho it was a 
bit late, it was very heartwarming.
Loved seeing all those people that
 so love them...... being so happy
and celebrating with them.  So
much love in one place. 

Elderberries (I think)

Thankful for being able to get some
sun even tho it was still raining some
days  At least the sun was coming out
for part of the day, so less dismal.

Thankful for rest, relaxation,
 fun and celebration of years of
hard work!!

Thankful for trying organic straw-
berries as they really do taste so
 much better.

#6 and 7
Thankful for another fun trip to
 "At Home" store, and a fun find 
that I hope will work for us.
A new coverlet, shams and 
decorative pillows at half price...

Thankful my daughter and 
son-in-love made it safely to
St. Lucia yesterday.

White Egret


Thankful for the discovery of
lemon oil and putting it in my
drinking water.


Thankful for seeing these very
interestingly odd but pretty berries
 on a podicarpus bush.  They look
like tiny red bell peppers with a
tiny green ball on the top. Will show 
you a picture in another post.

Crepe myrtle tree


Thankful for chirping birds
 and owls whoo whooing!


Thankful to be back in my
 normal sleep nice
when I am sleeping all night.
Forget me nots

Thanks for coming by

Cozy Place.....

Have a super duper 


Love and Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Starfish Cottage

Stone Gable

Saavy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch

Oh My Heartsie Girl


  1. #1. Thank the LORD. Did he bring to Megan any souvenirs? I still have mine from 1998.
    #2. Royal procession indeed!
    #3. We've had rain the last three afternoons into the evening. In fact, it is raining now!
    #4. Amen! I am so joyful for you! I have surely enjoyed mine!
    #5. I've been eating the red grapes! Jerry bird likes them too!
    #6 & #7. I can hardly wait to see them!
    #8. Yea! I'm sure they are really enjoying themselves!
    #9. I bet it tastes better than the juice.
    #10. I hope they are safe to eat. Some berries are poisonous.
    #11. They are so joyful to hear! (The Sandhill Cranes temporary honking too as they come in for a landing, ha!)
    #12. Isn't it though!!! I for the first time since I retired had a couple of nights I woke up tossing and turning, but I am now back in the nightly rhythm, praise the LORD!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    I am not sure if he did or not, as I haven't really had a chance to talk to him much since
    he has been back, but he probably did... his Dad always brought us something when he traveled.

    Actually the podocarpus berries are edible from what I read and they come from the female
    podocarpus bush. Scott said he has tried them and they sort of taste like grapes, but that
    you are only suppose to eat the lower part that is sort of burgundy colored but not the top
    round one...

    Thanks for coming by and for all your comments,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie