Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thankful Thursday November 30, 2017, Scenes from Christmas past.....

 Praise be to the God and Father 
of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
who has blessed us in the heavenly realms
 with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a great week.....

Mine has been good and busy, as I am
sure yours probably has been too.

Pictures today are from Christmas
past in fact, these go way back......

I am just gonna jump right in with
my Thankfuls.

Thankful for a wonderful Thanks-
giving Day with all the family
that lives here.  Great time was
had by all............

Thankful for a sweet text from our 
daughter on Thanksgiving Day, and
also that they had a great time with
her hubbies family.

Thankful for all those great left-
overs that kept us in food for a

Thankful that we got our outside
Christmas lights put up on Saturday
evening while listening to Christmas
music and drinking cofee/hot chocolate
and it was the perfect temperature too!
Made for a fun time......

Thankful to have all my Fall things
down and packed away.

Thankful to have all the Christmas
stuff in......and have started my
decorating,  and am getting close
to be done or at least at a stopping
point for now.


Thankful that my daughter will be
coming tomorrow for the weekend.
(the reason I need to stop for now)

Thankful we will be having a birthday
celebration for Megan our daughter-
in-love tomorrow night with the
 whole family, well, all except Jerry.
He has to attend a seminar this week-
end for work..........poo!  At least
we will get to see him Christmas.

Thankful for a nice brisk 30 min.
walk at dusk on Wednesday.  Been
awhile,  so it felt great to be out in
the cooler weather, but have to say
I got sore very
Been too long, I guess!

#10 Thankful for a sweet invite from
some long time dear friends for
Christmas breakfast next Saturday.
Very excited about that as we have
 not had an opportunity to get to-
gether for awhile now, and also
some other long time friends
will be there too.

Thankful hubby was so helpful
and sweet to bring din din home
tonight,  as I am pooped as I
have been working all day on
Christmas decorating....

Thankful for  Lowfat egg nog and
 half and half.  Delicious.... had
my first glass today,  I like mine
watered down a bit with half an
half...........not as strong that way.

Well, there you have it sweet

Always happy you drop by....


Have a great weekend!

Love, Hugs and 
First day of December Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Stone Gable

The Dedicated House

Starfish Cottage


Saavy Southern Style

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Thanksgiving Table 2017

Hello Sweet Friends,

How are you today......bustling around
getting ready for Christmas I would
bet,  if I was a betting woman.  lol

That is definitely been my week,  all
 the Fall things are packed away and
my house is a discheveled mess as I am
 making my way with the Christmas
decorating.  So not a lot of time today,
as my daughter is coming in tomorrow
for the weekend, so have to get as much
decorating done today as possible, then
sort of clean up the boxes and stuff and
get the guest room ready......

So I just posted all my pics again 
today as I have no time for editing
or choosing hope you
enjoy our Thanksgiving table from
this year.  I know it is a lil late
but since we are still in November
figured I would show you.

My daughter gave me this lovely table
cloth for Mother's day so I saved it for
the Fall because of the color scheme.

loved the colors..........

Used scrapbooking stickers
Hence the leaves on the plate
to cover the chocolates.

Here is the centerpc.  Just used what I had.
Did get some hypercum berries which you
 will see later...........cause I had to add to
the centerpc. but had to add them at the
last minute, so to speak.

Had started the centerpc. with just the table
cloth,  but it didn't show up well,  so had
just enough of this green wrapping paper
left,  so decided to use it,  and everything
showed up so much better.

Love using mixed beans and peas in the 
candleholders and under the pumpkin.

Had a dickens of a time trying to find
coral colored napkins...finally found
these paper ones online at Walmart.
So just used them to wrap around 
white cloth napkins for color.

Pretty peachy coral stemware
used to belong to my late
 mother-in-law and Susan was
 so nice to gift them to me this

The rest are of the centerpc. using
the hypercum berries.....

Discovered the hypercum berries a few
years back at Fresh Market,  so called
and they had them,  so was delighted
to be ble to use them as well.

They are such pretty berries......
My son and agricultural specialist say
they are from the Black Cohosh family.

Well, there you have it folks.....

Glad you dropped by......

Gotta get busy again.....

but keep your

 light shining brightly.

Love and Hugs
and last day of November

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Quotes to Ponder

Happy Sunday to you!

Here is the quote for today!

Attitude is the mind's paintbrush
It can color a situation
gloomy or gray
cheerful and gay.

by Mary Crowley

Boy, Isn't that the truth!!

Happy Pondering!

Hugs and Blessings,

Friday, November 24, 2017

The Real Black Friday Savings

The Real Black Friday Savings

Happy Day after
Sweet Friends....

We had a great Thanksgiving
with the family and hope you did
as well..........We are just chilling
out today and happy there is 
nothing we have to
as we are a happily tired 
couple today!

Got this neat read in my email
box this morning,  it is from
a Pastor called Paul Tripp and
 I thought it was a great read,
and that I should share it with
yall as well......

Just click here  or type it in yourself,

Hope you enjoy it!!

Hugs and Blessings,

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thankful Thursday November 23, 2017.....Happy Thanksgiving Day

Enter his gates with thanksgiving 
and his courts with praise; 
give thanks to him and
 praise his name.
Psalm 100:4

Happy Thanksgiving Day
Sweet Friends

Hope you have a lovely lovely
day with those you hold dear;
With lots of great food, fellowship,
 Fun and most of all gratitude
 to our Lord Jesus!

These are my Thankfuls for
this week.......

Thankful for a fun time out at
 Olive Garden on Sunday with 
a group of 13 other people.

Thankful  to have our Christmas
tree up so early for the first time
in our whole married life.

Thankful that we are thrilled
with the way it came out.

Thankful to have all the Thanks-
giving grocery shopping done early.

Thankful we got all our bushes
cut and new mulch in place so
we can put up the Christmas
lights early too.

Thankful that Dee and Jerry
will have his parents with them
for Thanksgiving this year.

Thankful for the quiet serenity
of watching out the window on
Tues. morning as the sky was
painted a beautiful but fleeting 
pink and blue as the sun rose
 then quickly changed into a
 peach and blue sky.....
Just a sweet reminder that "The
 heavens declare the glory of God"
He paints the most glorious skies
for us on a minute by minute basis.

Thankful for hearing lil darling
singing "This is the day that the
Lord has made", a song she
learned at preschool recently.
So sweet!

Thankful that hubby has had
this whole week off.  It has
really been fun and we have
gotten a lot accomplished as

Thankful for a great Hallmark
movie called "Crossroads", it
is based on a true story and is
just such an amazing movie,
true story really...........
Highly recommend it.....

Thankful for this time of year
and that we get to spend Thanks-
giving with my son, daughter-in-
love, lil grandaughter and my 

Thankful for My Lord and 
Savior Jesus Christ, my sweet
family, the health of all of us,
and all the provisions the Lord 
supplies us with on a daily basis.
We are beyond blessed!

Well, there you have it 
sweet peas.........

Have a Hap Hap Happy

Thanks for stopping in


keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs and 
Thanksgiving Day Blessings,

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie girl

Life and Linda

Starfish cottage


The Dedicated House 

Saavy Southern Style

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Fall Sunday dinner table............

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Bet this finds you scurrying about
 getting ready for Thanksgiving......and
 maybe doing a little Christmas shopping
 as well.

We have been doing both, got all the
Thanksgiving grocery shopping done
and some Christmas shopping and
have even put up our Christmas tree
already.....this will be the first time in
 47 yrs. that our Christmas tree was
up this early.....but we are having a
Christmas party here the middle of
December, and I am not into stress,
so........since hubby is off all week
 and we already knew what we 
wanted to do with our tree this
year......cause we were inspired
 by Lucy over at Craftberry Bush, 
 so we tried to copycat her tree from 
the cover of Romantic homes...and
 have to say we are hap hap happy
 as can be with it.......and I think
 hubby is more excited than I am for
a change, as he really participated
 in doing it all too,  so that was really 
nice as he usually put her up and puts
 the lights on, but doesn't get too
 involved with the decorating process.
 Now that we have had a new tree the
 last few years that already has the lights
 on it,  it has made putting up the tree
 super fast in comparison to our old tree.
2 Nights VS 2 hours, so no wonder
 he is feeling more inclined to do some
 decorating and have to say he is quite
 good at

I have had these pics from back in
 October, but just never had a chance
 to post them, so today is the right time.  
There are lots of pictures cause I didn't
 have time to go thru them, crop or get
 choosy with them.....
I just posted them all.  lol

So hope it is not too overwhelming!! lol

Lil darlings place............

Used my new pumpkin plates
combined with my shabby chic plates.

Green glassware

It is sort of a subtle Fall table

With napkins in green, gold and brown.

Have really enjoyed these cream
pumpkins over the years.

and these gold mercury glass candle
 holders leftover from Dee and Jerry's 
wedding reception 6 yrs. ago,  always 
come in handy for Fall and Winter.

Changed my mind and decided
 to use the Brown glasses cause
thought they went better with
the centerpc candles, and also
nice I can put them in the dish

Well, there you have it......
and hope something might 
just inspire you with your
Thanksgiving table.........

Have a great rest of the week


keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs, and 
Thanksgiving Blessings,


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Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie