Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Fun things to use for Fall decorating part 5

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you and yours are doing fine.

We are fine over here, starting to turn our
 thoughts more towards Thanksgiving now
 that Scott's birthday and our Anniversary
 are sufficiently celebrated. November
is a busy month for us, so pretty much
 try to take one event at a time.....and
if I can get a headstart on something
else, that is bliss..........lol
Course, it is all bliss really as I enjoy
it all......but even better when I get 
a lil ahead on things.   lol

Thought I would show you some
other fun things to use for Fall
decorating, and highlight some
I've already shown you in past
 posts........by italics.

If you missed part 4
just click here and it will also
take you back to the others
as well.

Showing our sofa table today.........
that was built by my step brother for
us as a gift many years ago, and we
have loved it........keep my seasonal
napkins in these drawers....

Something else I enjoy using for fun

Here I just put a simple pumpkin
underneath, but you can put all
sort of things under these glass domes
to really highlight them.

and you can see I used a make
shift cake plate to use for

a natural element - found this
lovely treasure in a bush at my
daughter's backyard in the Spring,
so since I had already decorated
for Spring I saved it for Fall.

added some faux berries

and Pumpkin sprinkles for eggs.

and here is a lovely and Free
Fall Printable
from Ann over at On Suttons place.
Just click on the above link to visit her
She is all about Christmas now, but
am sure you will be enjoy your visit

Candle jar lids

Due to the way the printable fit in my
 frame it looked a lil bare at the bottom
so I  just attached a mini candle jar lid
to the glass and some pumpkin sprinkes

Children's earplugs
(that they use for swimming)

I attached the jar lid with you
 guessed it.......Kid's earplugs, 
it was a great lil discovery....cause last 
year everything I tried kept falling off
 the glass cause the lid is hollow inside 
and not much of an edge left to attach
 anything to and tried making something
to stick in the recessed area........but it
kept falling off too, but lil these earplugs
 have worked like a champ......lol

FYI.....the lid came off a candle from 
Bath and Body works/white barn candles.
It is a copper embossed leaf,  much too
pretty to toss out...........I have a number
of them and one day I am going to put
them in a frame to make a nice looking
art piece..........I noticed they are making
lots more of pretty lids this year too.

Disclaimer:  I get no kickbacks or perks for 
saying anything about these companies,
 it is all said from  my experience.

Paper doily leaves

Just happened on these pretty leaves
 some years back at the dollar tree.....
need to see if they have any more as 
I have about used them all up, and
they make a great filler piece to fill
in the wall if a pic is too small.....
I just roll some masking tape and 
stick on the back and then stick them
to the wall.  Easy Peasy!  

Burlap Runner

I discovered burlap in blogland
of course, but came across this
lovely burlap and lace table runner
at Wally World a few years back,
and loved it......it adds beauty and
warmth to my table tops.  I cut
it into pcs. so I could use it in
several areas, and it worked

Here is lots of fun things I have already 
mentioned before.

Books,  pumpkins, paper leaves,
burlap runner and fruit and 
below faux flowers.

With the lights out......

and with my other new
distinctly Fall Pillow

Lights on............

and somebody is home....

Why it's me and hubby!  lol

Sorry ~ know it's corny but
just couldn't resist!

Hope you had some fun while
you were here.........

and hope you have a great
rest of the week.

Love, Hugs, and
Mid November Blessings,


Thanksgiving will be here before
we know it..............

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  1. Hi, Nellie.
    Reminds me when I used to teach kindergarten, the great Thanksgiving activities we would do for the holidays! I enjoyed doing them right along with the kids! I always used the excuse I was doing it to show them how, but I truly enjoyed doing it as much as they did, lol! We made different fall leaves, a scarecrow mobile (happy scarecrow, not a scary one!), all different kinds of turkey art, Pilgrim activities (to get the Thankful to "GOD" meaning of thanksgiving.) Those were always great happy times in teaching! You would have made a great art specialist in decorating! Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Sound like many happy memories of working with children. Maybe it's timne to teach a preschool or kindergarten Sunday School class, they would be blessed to have you as a teacher
    for sure!!

    Thanks....I actually started to persue becoming a home economics teacher after Scott
    graduated but I could only go the 2 years here and the 3td and 4th year in Gainesville,
    and Home Ec now is more geared to the market place than the home.....which is not my
    focus of what I would want to teach......so that was the end of that...........lol
    Thanks for the sweet compliment tho.........it was appreciated.

    Love an Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: