Sunday, November 5, 2017

Quotes to Ponder.........God's Sovereignty

Happpy Sunday Morning,

Hope this finds you well.....

I heard what I thought was a really good
 quote at the Kirk Cameron meeting this 
week and thought I would share it.

"God allows what He hates to
 accomplish what He Loves."

This quote was from 
Joni Erickson Tada

Most of you probably know who she
is, but in case you don't,  she is a dear
lady who has been a quadraplegic for
50 years. So she knows a lot about
that verse and suffering. She had a 
diving accident when she was just 
17 yrs. old, and due to that accident
 she came to know the Lord and she is
and has been a power house for God
for years and years. She paints holding
a paintbrush between her teeth, she
 writes books and she even sings, in fact, 
she sang the theme song for a disney
 movie last year I think it was, which was
 hard for her but she did a beautiful job.
 and she is a special speaker at many
 events, and she has her own show 
called Joni and Friends on the christian 
station. She is truly an amazing woman
 because she truly leans on God for
 everything, and she is definitely a
trophy of God's grace.

When I heard that quote I immediately
thought of all the hurricanes this year
and how afterwards in all the destruction
and heartache, there was so much help
and love being poured out between so
many people, and there was no racial
divide, political divide, financial divide
or any other divide, it was just people
helping people and people loving
others, and I am sure God must have
been smiling when He saw what He
 hates (all that hatred and disunity) 
being changed into what He loves,
love, unity and peace.

Happy Pondering!

Love and Blessings,

Sharing with:

Starfish Cottage

Oh My Heartsie Girl


Stone Gable

Life and Linda

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai


  1. Joni is a Great example of I Corinthians 10:13, "GOD is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear..." She is definitely an example of encouragement, strength, and witness for the LORD! Praise GOD her new body in the Rapture will be made whole beyond our understanding! The LORD knew before creation His plan for her glorifying Him in the midst of her tragedy. Her reward will be great!

    It's so amazing the love people can have for one another in disasters! I pray many will come to the LORD through the examples Christians portray to all who are in need. I praise the LORD for our church's ministries to those needing food and counselling on Monday night's dinners and other outreaches. Love to you all, Susan

  2. You are so right Susan, Joni is an amazing example of God's goodness and grace, and I believe
    she has many rewards coming to her when she reaches Heaven, and I think God continually blesses her here on earth as well.

    Truth is just being in Heaven and seeing Jesus face to face will be all the reward any of us

    There is nothing greater than the Love God pours out in and through His is
    an amazing supernatural love for sure.........

    Have a great week,

    LOve and Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: