Friday, November 10, 2017

Thankful Thursday November 9, 2017, scenes from Falls past #7

Let them give thanks to the LORD
 for his unfailing love and
 his wonderful deeds for mankind,
Psalm 107:8

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you having nice 
cool Fall weather......we are back
to cooler temps again and it feels
 glorious.  Think I might just have
 to open the windows today and
 let some of it in.
Cool weather makes me feel
 frisky, how about you??

I am thankful

for a really great movie we
watched from the Hallmark
chanel called "Away and Back"
Love these movies as they
just warm the cockles of
our hearts!

that we have a new couple in
our young marrieds class.

for our new sonicare toothbrushes.....
they do a great job and your teeth 
feel so clean and shiny.......

for a sweet and very creative Mom 
with a special needs child who did
 this really special and fun thing for
 her little girl.......

or type it in yourself,

that our kids all had a really 
good time in Asheville celebrating
my sons 40th birthday.

for my sweet hubby of 47 years.
Tuesday was our Anniversary
and we both said we would do
it all over again.....we have had
many many happy times and
years of life.  I can truthfully 
say because of the Lord, our
 happy times definitely far out-
weigh our times of difficulty.
If it were not for the Lord, we
might have divorced at the
10 year mark.  If you would
like to read our story.....

Click here.  How we met.

and here for the rest of
the story.
Click here.

These 2 posts were both written the
 first year I started blogging and that 
was in 2009, and if you only have
 time to read one of them, I would 
suggest you read the 2nd one,
 the rest of the story.......

for the nice evening we had out
celebrating our Anniversary, we
kicked off our Christmas shopping
and went to dinner at Carrabas
and we had the whole restaurant
to ourselves practically, so that
was quite peaceful and lovely.

#8 and #9
that I was able to pick up a copy
of Romantic Homes Christmas
addition that featured Lucy's home
over at the Craftberry Bush, and
I was excited to see her Christmas
tree from last year that hubby and
I loved and thought we would
like to do this year,  but of course,
had forgotten all about it, so now
we are quite excited about trying
it.....cause if you have followed
me for long you know I love to
decorate for Christmas but I am
not thrilled about decorating 
Christmas this is a
perfect idea for me........

Check it out here

when you get there,  you need to scroll
 down and look at the back issues
 looking for the November 2017 issue

for Ghiradelli dark chocolate
Cherry Tango candy bars.
They are the bomb......
We recently found some and 
hadn't seen them in a long time,
and found some at the Wally World
neighborhood market and they only
 had 2 left, so we got them but they
 are about
So I just found them on the Wally
 World website which made me
 a happy girl.  Whoo Hoo!

#11 and 12
for all those veterans out there,
and for all our military men
and women who are in active
service. May God Richly bless
each of you and your family
for your service to our country.

Also thankful for all the nice
things I have noticed that 
different Companies are doing
for our Veterans. Texas Road
House is giving them free lunch
on Sat., Bed bath and beyond is
giving 25% off your whole pur-
chase, and my hubbies Co. is
doing a luncheon for them to-
morrow, so my hubby is going.
I have seen other things too,
just can't remember them all,
but we can thank President
Trump for his boost to our
country's patriotism these
What a blessing to see!

Well,  there you have it folks
another week at Cozy Place.

Happy you could stop in....

Have a great weekend,


Keep your light shining

Love,  Hugs and
cool weather blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique 

Life with Lorelai

Starfish Cottage

Stone Gable

A Stroll thru life


  1. #1. It is so good to have movies that are enjoyable. I surely like the LIGHT TV channel.
    #2. GREAT! It's always wonderful to receive new people. We have several new people in our class too!
    #3. I enjoy mine by adding some baking soda on the top of my toothpaste! My teeth feel so clean afterwards. Taste? A little blah, but it does the cleaning!
    #4. I'll have to type it in. The click on has "No Access." I'll check it after reading your blog.
    #5.Fantastic! Scott surely looks great for 40! He doesn't look 40!!!
    #6.I was only able to read the second one, the first one wouldn't open. I'm so very grateful to our LORD that He has His growth in your Christian lives to be what it is today. I think we all have a growing in the LORD which is His purpose for us to become closer to Him in our relationship with Him and others as well. I always liked the acrostic for JOY:
    J Jesus first, O Others next, Y Yourself last. Whether friends, family, or marriages we should always allow Christ to lead us in our relationships. And as you shared we many times have to TALK things out in a manner that is Christ-like! You have done so much for me!
    #7. Whoohoo! It's always so much enjoyment to do that (more so if your married!)
    #8 & #9. WOW! That is Pretty! It looks like a snowy Christmas! Cool, ha!
    #10. Yummy for the tummy!
    #11 & #12. Amen. I thank these companies for their appreciation, especially to those now with special needs due to their sacrifices! I pray the LORD's blessings on them all; those being honored and the ones honoring them! Love you all, Susan

  2. Morning Susan,
    Yea, there is nothinbg like a great heartwarming movie, to make you feel like all is right
    with the

    Thanks for letting me know about the first one so I could fix it. Done!

    Yea, Jimmy really enjoyed the breakfast that he went to on Friday, which was a first for him.
    Course, our Veterans are always honored at Church, which I think is great!

    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments of encouragement.

    Love and Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: