Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thanksgiving Table 2017

Hello Sweet Friends,

How are you today......bustling around
getting ready for Christmas I would
bet,  if I was a betting woman.  lol

That is definitely been my week,  all
 the Fall things are packed away and
my house is a discheveled mess as I am
 making my way with the Christmas
decorating.  So not a lot of time today,
as my daughter is coming in tomorrow
for the weekend, so have to get as much
decorating done today as possible, then
sort of clean up the boxes and stuff and
get the guest room ready......

So I just posted all my pics again 
today as I have no time for editing
or choosing hope you
enjoy our Thanksgiving table from
this year.  I know it is a lil late
but since we are still in November
figured I would show you.

My daughter gave me this lovely table
cloth for Mother's day so I saved it for
the Fall because of the color scheme.

loved the colors..........

Used scrapbooking stickers
Hence the leaves on the plate
to cover the chocolates.

Here is the centerpc.  Just used what I had.
Did get some hypercum berries which you
 will see later...........cause I had to add to
the centerpc. but had to add them at the
last minute, so to speak.

Had started the centerpc. with just the table
cloth,  but it didn't show up well,  so had
just enough of this green wrapping paper
left,  so decided to use it,  and everything
showed up so much better.

Love using mixed beans and peas in the 
candleholders and under the pumpkin.

Had a dickens of a time trying to find
coral colored napkins...finally found
these paper ones online at Walmart.
So just used them to wrap around 
white cloth napkins for color.

Pretty peachy coral stemware
used to belong to my late
 mother-in-law and Susan was
 so nice to gift them to me this

The rest are of the centerpc. using
the hypercum berries.....

Discovered the hypercum berries a few
years back at Fresh Market,  so called
and they had them,  so was delighted
to be ble to use them as well.

They are such pretty berries......
My son and agricultural specialist say
they are from the Black Cohosh family.

Well, there you have it folks.....

Glad you dropped by......

Gotta get busy again.....

but keep your

 light shining brightly.

Love and Hugs
and last day of November

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