Thursday, January 30, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 30, 2014

Scenes from cozy place Winter 2013

With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the LORD: 
"He is good; his love to Israel endures forever." 
And all the people gave a great shout of praise
 to the LORD, because the foundation
 of the house of the LORD was laid.
Ezra 3:11

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are staying warm if you are in
this new polar vortex.
Wow, yall having really been getting a
workover this Winter for sure!
Course, we know it is because of all
the darn global warming!  lol
and if you are not in the polar vortex
I am sure you are probably doing fine
weather wise,  but hope all is well
with all of you,  where ever you are.

It has been a crazy week here,  warm
then rainy and cold for a few days. 
Today it is 56 degrees but tomorrow 
will be 74 and then over the weekend
and next week in the 80's.  
Told you it was crazy!!.
We are doing well otherwise.

So on with my list...................

I am thankful
to have my house almost done for the
Winter Season.  I have come to love
the Winter Season as well,  as it truly
has a beauty all it's own.

I am thankful
that my SIL Jerry made it home safe
and sound from Texas and was able to
get safely home from the airport since it 
was heavily snowing in Asheville.
Also glad they made it back and forth
to work the next day safely too, since
they are not used to driving in snow.

I am thankful
for all the neat snow pictures Dee sent me
yesterday,  so pretty............nice to sort
of be able to enjoy it with her. 

I am thankful
for a warm, snuggly, cozy bed to sleep
in especially when it is colder in Florida,
course, I am thankful for my bed all the
time,  but when it is cold out,  it makes 
me think of homeless people and wonder
how they survive, and how awful it must
be to have no bed to sleep sure
makes me more thankful for mine.

I am thankful
that we have all the Christmas stuff tucked
away safely till next year,  and just about to
take all the Winter decorating boxes back out
 into the garage.  It is About

I am thankful
for how well our Young Married's class went.
It went about as good as it could go,  so we
were  all ecstatic about that.  We have a nice
group, and from what we heard think we will
 probably get a few more couples this Sunday.

I am thankful
for an encouraging note we got from one of
our students to be this morning,  she was
sick last week and couldn't come but plans
to come next week.  It was just so thought-
ful and sweet.

I am thankful
for a really good movie we saw last night
called "Ace of Cards",  it was about a police-
man and his K-9 training dog.  Based on
a true story.  Very Good!


I am thankful
for Chudleigh's Apple Blossoms,  a great
 frozen dessert we discovered at Sam's club.
You just pop them in the microwave for 1
minute, add some frozen yogurt or ice cream
and they are having
apple cobbler. They are perfect for us,  
cause I don't make a lot of desserts  unless 
we are having company because with just
 the 2 of us they don't get eaten.

I am thankful
that I have all the ingredients in the house
to make chili for dinner.  It is cold out and
I didn't want to go to the store but I did

I am thankful
that we are gonna be having our lil
neighbor boy over tomorrow night,  he
used to come over a lot when he was 
younger,  but now he is in middle school
and we don't get to see him as much, and 
he is such a precious kid,  and when he
does see us, he says I miss coming over
so we are gonna have a pizza and game
night.  This lil guy  has been thru a lot of 
stuff no child should have to go through
unfortunately.  But I praise God that he
has a grandmother who cares about him.
That is who he lives with.

I am thankful
that Scott and Megan will be able to come
over for dinner on Sat. evening,  I just
realized yesterday that they have not
been here since Christmas,  other than
to drop the baby off or pick her up.
Either someone was sick,  or Scott was
out of town,  or something else going on.
So it is time for a get

Just had to come back and add #13
cause it just really gave me a warm fuzzy,
and encouraged my heart.

I am thankful
that people were using facebook to help
people that were stranded in the Atlanta
snow storm,  what a wonderful thing,
and praise the Lord for the lady who
was so wise to set it up.  People were
rescued or at least given hot food and
coffee or neat!
That is our real America!! 

Well,  there you have it................

So glad you could stop in,  and hope
you have some thankfuls to add to
the comment list.  

Take Care and Have a Good Friday
and a Wonderful Weekend,

Love, Hugs and
 Cozy Warm Blessings to ya,


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Part 3 - of our 41st Anniversary Trip

Hello Sweet Friends,

How are you today....doing well and staying 
warm too............I hope.
I have just been working on redecorating the
house for Winter.  Having fun......and glad to
 see the last of the Christmas things tucked
 away in the attic tonight.  Also made some
Southwestern white bean chili,  it is easy
and delicious.  If you are interested in trying is a Kraft recipe,  so just click here.

Spent some time with Dee on the phone (Tuesday)
 today as she was telling me about the snow in
 Asheville. She was so excited cause this is her
 first time to actually see it on the happened 
once back in Nov. but it was while she was here. 
 They have had snow flurries but not much stuck to
 the ground, but she isn't disappointed this time.  lol
She has sent me some really cool pics,  I am
gonna use one as a Winter scene in a frame
for my white living room.  It will be much more
meaningful  than the one I was gonna use.
Well, here is more pics of the Wyndham
grand hotel at Bonnet Creek.  It really is such
a beautiful hotel.  Hope you enjoy the tour.

The header picture and these next 3 shots
are of the hotel lobby.

I just love these chairs,  they are so cute, and
looks like they should be at the Mad Hatter's
Tea Party!

 Just had to see what it would be like.....

We were gonna have dinner here,  but they didn't open for 
another 2 hours and we were starving,  so we went off
property to another restaurant............

This was inside the elevator if I remember correctly.

Thought it was funny that I happened to capture a pic of  
the back of my hubby in this shot! 
 See the guy in the peach shirt??'

Think this is the actual color of the walls in this shot.
I really liked all their wall decor.............

I used to sell wall decor over 30 years ago,  so maybe 
that is why I always notice these

Really loved this scarved piece.
Very pretty!

Cute lil sitting place.............

This staircase was right beside that
cute lil sitting place..............

 and here we are sitting on it.........a nice lady asked us if
 we were honeymooning and we said No,   but we are 
celebrating our 41st anniversary,  and she said yall sure
look happy....would you like me to take a picture for you
and we said yea, that would be great,  so she stopped
and took a couple of pics.............they were just arriving
 at the hotel themselves...........we thought that was so
 sweet and thoughtful of her.................isn't it so neat how
 people can be such a blessing by just saying and doing
 something that probably to most people might seem
 very insignificant.  It was sure a blessing to us, other
wise we would not have had any pics together. and
it is always nice to get a glimpse of how other 
people see you,  cause none of us really know
how we come across to others.  I always hope it
is in a good way,  but you just never know!  lol

and here's the other picture in front of this big 
huge wall mural of a queen I think it is.......
 It wasn't my fav part of the decor,  let's just say!

This decorator really liked

Actually took these last 2  pics to show Scott .....
since he works in Agriculture I am always taking
shots of plants and things I think he would like 
to see............and thought these were pretty
cool looking.

Now I am wondering if I ever showed these

Glad you came by and hope you enjoyed your
tour.  If you missed Part one - just click here
or part 2 - just click here........if you would
like to see them. There will also be a part
4, probably next week.

Just can't believe we are only a few days away

from February.........Amazing!

Thanks for your visit and look forward to hearing

from you.

Hugs and last of January Blessings,


Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy Winter Birthday Tablescape for my Son-in-love

Hiddy Ho.... Let it snow 
Sweet Friends,

I know a lot of you are experiencing those 
polar temps. again,  so sorry to hear that,
but hope you are able to stay in and stay
toasty warm in spite of it.

Since it is still so cold and since it is still snowman weather
for a lot of you and since I forgot about it in early January,
.figured I  would show you a fun table I did for my SIL Jerry's
 birthday right before Christmas, his birthday wasn't until 
January,  but we celebrated early since they were
 here for Christmas.  

Since it was only gonna be a few days before Christmas
 and we had lots of cooking to do,  we decided to try and
 make it as easy as, salad,  and choc.
 chip cookie cake w/ frozen yogurt,  all his favorites, so 
decided paperware was the way to go, and I like to sort 
of have a theme as it seems to make the decorating
 easier. So was still thinking about what sort of theme to 
choose and we went to Wally World one evening and 
just happened on these cute lil snowmen plates and 
snowflake napkins.  I thought they were adorable  and 
colorful with lots of blue for a guy and they had the word
 Merry on his gift tag........and I thought Merry Jerry........
and it just seemed to fit him.  So we decided we would 
get them and make it an easy and fun night for everyone..

So here is what I started with............

Here is the birthday boy's place..........
Hubby got into it too and  happened to find this cute lil 
candy holder snowman in the upper left corner,  so we
 bought that and filled it with chocolate candy to put
at his place.

Here's a better look at the lil candy snowman

I already had this animated snowman, Susan
 gave me years back and Brooklyn loves it, so 
thought maybe I could somehow work him 
into the centerpiece.

So Susan happened to read on my blog about how
much the baby was enjoying the other snowman,
so she brought us this one so the baby could enjoy
it too.  So it was perfect........I could put one of
these on each end of the table.

And I had my beautiful snowflake candle,  but it
 needed some height,  so put in on a mini cake stand 
in the center, and there was our fun centerpieces.
  They sing and move and play  music.

Did everyone else's place setting just a lil different.

a lil look down the table.

Glad you could stop in today
Hope you enjoyed snowmanville............

We sure did.......hubby even found a snowman
word search book,  so we did 3 rounds of that
for nice dark chocolate candy bar prizes. 
Think we all enjoyed it very much, and Megan
must have enjoyed it the most, cause she won
 2 games, and one of them was while she was
holding Brooklyn..... and playing the snowmen
 kept Brooklyn happy while we were playing 
word search................
an extra added bonus.  lol

Am linking up to Amaze Me Monday 
with Cindy...........Just click here.

Am linking up to Tablescape Thursday
with Susan....Please click here

Love Hugs,  and
Snowmen Blessings,


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thankful Thursday - January 24th, 2014

Scenes from Cozy Place January 2013

 I will praise your name, O Lord,
for it is good.
Psalm 54:6

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been a good one.

Are ya staying warm these day???

I thought I left the heat on last night,
but got up to it being 60 degrees in the
house,  so that was a surprise,  it is up to
71 now,  but it has been almost 2 hrs.

I am thankful 
and excited to finally be taking my 
Christmas decorations down today.
  They got left up longer than usual for
 a number of reasons, and I didn't really
mind it until the end of last week,  and
now I am very ready to move on and
 get a new look in here.  lol
Course, think our lil darling is gonna
miss them... cause she has had so much
 fun with all the bells, and snowmen.
Think I might just have to keep a few
out just in

I am thankful
that I had a good Drs. visit for my
annual physical on Monday. Still have 
to have blood work done, but my EKG
was fine.  I had some things I needed
to talk to him about and was pleased
that he listened attentively, and agreed
with some steps I have already taken,
so that made me feel good.

I am thankful
that we were blessed to watch our lil
10 1/2 mo. darling take 10 steps in a
row today.  So far, she has only taken
5 or less,  mostly less.........she has been
all over the place today and exploring
and is quite happy with herself.  She
is just pure joy...........

I am thankful
for the nice lady at Cracker Barrel
who tried a scarf on me that had the
same color as my blouse in it,  and
that I loved it and so did hubby, as
I probably would have never thought
of that myself,  but really like it and
how it looks as an outfit,  and we really
 liked her too.  She reminded me  and
 hubby of a wonderful longtime
 friend we have name Arlene

I am thankful
for prenatal vitamins, Sublingqual
B-12, B- complex,  and probiotics
that have been making me feel a lot
better these last weeks.

I am thankful
that my son was able to enclose his
patio right after Christmas,  so now
the baby can go out there, cause she
loves to be outside.  He did it all by 
himself, and did a wonderful job. 
 It really looks great and actually
makes their porch look even larger
than it is! He used to do that for work
 when he was in the early days of college
 with a really great guy from church. 
 Was certainly a handy thing to learn.....
He rescreened our porch some years
back, which was a real blessings and
saved us quite a bit of money.

I am thankful
for a lil tike swing that our sweet next door
 neighbors gave us a few months back,  hubby
 finally got it affixed to our tree and we bundled
Brooklyn up yesterday and took her out to
swing, and she really liked it.......of course!!
We probably would have never thought of
 that..........cause we have a porch swing.

Wonder how this got in here!!  lol

Brooklyn says she is thankful for her
Grampy who put this swing up for her
and pushes her in the swing.   

I am thankful
that Publix was willing to order me  some 
gluten free pretzels.....that are made by Snyders
 of Hanover, and they are really good......very
crunchy,  hubby likes them better than the
 normal ones,  and he isn't all that thrilled about
 pretzels, and I think they are super too.
Found some when we were in Asheville, but no
 one carries them around here, or would order
 them for me.......Dee had brought me another
 bag at Christmas and I was just running
 out when they got the new pretzels in.
   Great Timing!

I am thankful
that Dee and her new friend in Asheville
 got signed up for their real estate class that
 will last 5 weekends.  She has thought of doing 
this for a long time,  and the other lady is not
thrilled with her job so they decided to do it
 together, which is always nice to have a
 sidekick. They both have the personalities
 for it too............course, it does take a
while to build your clientele.


I am thankful
hubby found out at the last minute
on Friday that they had off on Monday
for Martin Luther King Day.  They didn't
think they did,  so always a nice surprise
when something like that happens.
Think they have been working so hard
lately, his boss must have just decided
to give it to them.  Which was very nice.

I am thankful
that our young marrieds class is finally
 getting started this coming Sunday. 
We feel it  must be gonna be a good thing
cause we have never in our 33 yrs.  in
our church ever had such a hard time
getting a class going.......and we know
the enemy is never gonna roll out the
red carpet for anything good!

I am thankful
that my SIL Susan's hand is healing
up nicely, and that she hasn't had any
real pain with it,  just a lil achiness in
the very beginning or any other com-
plications. Amazing for as deeply as 
she cut those fingers.  God is good!!

Well, there you have it another week
from Cozy Place..............

Glad you could stop in....................

Decided this would make a nice Blissful
White Wednesday Post too,  so am
linking up to Becky....
Just go here to visit her.

Have a great weekend,

Love,  Hugs,  and
White Winter Blessings,


Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie