Friday, January 17, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 17, 2014

Pics from a Belated Christmas brunch for two....

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom
 that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, 
and so worship God acceptably
with reverence and awe,
Hebrews 12:28

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how are ya??

Hope you are doing well and some
what out of all that really cold weather.

Will let the post do the talking today!!

I am thankful
Scott made it back home safe and sound
 from Maryland last Friday and from Texas
and Louisiana Wed. night from trips for work
 and that the trips were uneventful in a  good
 way.  We have all missed him! an 
unusually busy time for him every year.....
He will be happy to see February come,
I am sure............

I am thankful
that DeeAnna arrived safe and sound last
night from Asheville, we picked her up and
she spent the night here, she got in after 
10 we were up until 1a.m. gabbing
and working on a couple of cute but easy table 
arrangements for the shower, we thought
 they came out really well.  You will see 
them below this writing.
 Just came back from taking her to
 meet her best friend for an early morning
 sonogram appt. to see the baby that is to be
 born the middle of February.  Dee will spend
 the day with Heather as she and Heathers
 family are preparing for the baby shower on 
Sat. She  will come home with me after the
 shower and we will get to visit with her that
 evening and Sunday afternoon until she
leaves again...........
So great to see her,  hard to see her go
so soon,  but so happy she will get to
spend a lil more time afterwards, and
just happy to see her........

 Here they are!  It is a safari
animal theme,  which is what
the babies room is too. 

 Dee had
already purchased the things to
make it and brought it all at
Christmas time, as it would be 
hard to bring on the plane and 
expensive too!  think she got
the idea on pinterest!

The zebra containers are wind bottle
gift boxes.  We just unknotted the cording
and took the tops off,  then added some
decorative stones to the bottoms of the
boxes to weight them a bit,  then put in
crumpled up newspaper 3/4 of the way
up,  then added rounds of floral foam,
then just stuck the animal picks in.....
She got the lil animals at Michael's,
then we hot glued wooden skewer's
to the backs,  and just stuck them
in the floral foam, then covered the
floral foam with some of the shredded 
packaging stuff that comes in a bag
 that they sometimes put in the top of a 
gift bag!  this was accordion pleated.

So what do you think??  

since I was already taking pics,  took this 
too, isn't this the cutest gift bag, it goes
 perfectly with the theme,so bought it to put
 my gift it at dollar tree.............

I am thankful
we are having some cooler weather
over this next week, maybe I  will get
 to wear some of my Winter clothes
for a change. It is a high of 65 today
and will be 55 tomorrow.  Perfect
for me!! 

I have no idea what it is, just decided to put some eyes
 on it.....sorta looks like a fluffy dog.  In the header pic
he sort of looks like a bear.........
so what do you see????

I am thankful
we will be getting together next week 
with that young lady that stayed with us
 back in October.... we have seen her
a few times and have talked and 
emailed with her some,  but will be
nice to see the whole family.
They are really sweet people.


I am thankful
for Red Rooibus Tea made by Twinings.
Some years back a dear friend had put
me on to Rooibus Tea at Teavana, and
they had one called "Sweet Amore", the
best tea I have ever had,  but Teavana
has discontinued it for some strange the next best thing
has been the Twinings tea,  it is very
good,  but not as good as "Sweet
Amore", but a very good replacement
 at least. I check every so often to see
if they are carrying it again,  but to 
no hoo!  lol

I am thankful
for our mailman. Can you imagine if you 
had to go to the Post Office to get your
 mail all the time. How much fun would
 that be??  None........... as far as I am  So, glad he so sweetly
 delivers our mail to our box most days
and at times brings it right to my door 
if it is a package or something. 
What a great service mailmen or 
mailwomen do for us. If you are one
Thank You so much for what you do!!
We appreciate you so much......

I am thankful
that I have gotten to make a few cards 
this last week.  I was just dying to do
something creative. I am trying to figure
 out how to incorporate the cuddlebug 
embossing into my cards, but not working 
out too well, so It does a 
awesome job of embossing tho, but it is 
the size that is a problem, and there really
 isn't a lot of instructions that go with it,
 so you are kinda on your own for the most
part,  have watched a few utube videos,
but they all seem to cover the same things,
but I will figure it out sooner or later.
Where there is a will there is a way!

Wanted you to see how well the embossing
tool works,and see what I was talking about.
 This light is very unforgiving, so you can see
 what I am talking about with the embossing, 
the embossing looks great, but if you look
to the right where it says wife, you can see
the outline of the embossing folder. 
So that want do.....cause I like my cards
 to look like as good as if you bought it........
I added the ribbon to hide one line of the
 lil flowers cause I took the embossing up
 too far. Decided to finish it to see how it
would look completely done,  it takes
experimentation to get it right.............

In most light you can't see that indention 
of the embossing folder very well.  The card
has been pixie dusted as I like to call it,
 (glittered),  but you can't really  tell in
 the pic.  oh well............

I am thankful
for a new talk TV show on the christian 
station called "Real Life",  with a really 
neat Pastor from our area.......We have 
watched him before and really like him.
His name is Justin Miller,  and he Pastors
churches in Orlando area.........
Last night topic was how to handle social
media with your kids........Good info!
But they are gonna cover topics that
are pertinent for today's living.

This is how the hyacinths looked 
this morning with the sun streaming 
thru the windows.  As straight as
when we brought it home.
So Funny.............also surprised but
delighted that they are lasting 
so long.....

I am thankful
for this really neat video Megan sent me
yesterday, it is a  really inspiring story from
 the 911 tradgedy.
You really should take the time to watch is really a great story that really
 makes you think.

or just click here!


I am thankful
for the quick, easy and delicious black 
bean soup we had for dinner tonight.  
We put sour cream, tomatoes scallions 
and cilantro on top and eat it with blue
 corn chips.  Um Um good!
If you are interested in the recipe let
me know and I will post it.


I am thankful
for my new blue glasses,  and can't
wait to set a table with them.

Aren't the pretty!  Since I was taking
pic I got

I am thankful
that if Dee had to move..... that the 
Lord put her near the airport in Asheville, 
 with an Airline called Allegiant that flys 
out of Asheville and South Caroline down
 to Sanford, Florida.  Both small airports....
so easy to navigate and the flight is about
 an hour and 20 mins.  Otherwise we might
 not be seeing her quite as much.

Had to come back and add another

I am thankful
that my SIL Susan is okay, she took a fall
today, and cut her fingers very badly, and
atho she had to have 35 stitches,it could
 have been so much worse. Also,thankful
 there was an urgent care center close by
 as she was out in an unfamiliar area
 and by herself.

Well, sweet friends,  so happy you
stopped by, and look forward to 
hearing from you...........

Hope you have a delightful weekend.

Love,  Hugs and
Warmer Winter Blessings to You,



  1. What a cozy kitchen. I have enjoyed many times sitting with you in that warm little section of your home!
    #1. I am quite sure Megan will be glad too when February gets here, ha!
    #2. It's so wonderful that she is able to visit frequently. It's almost like when she lived here! The animal theme is right up my alley, ha! Wouldn't it be great if she could find wallpaper that would be like the bag!
    #3. Cold it has been. I'm glad I haven't had to be out at night, burr! Your dish looks like Zippy laid out flat eating pineapple and strawberries.
    #4. I pray all goes well with them!
    #5. I've often wondered why they discontinue items. One of the restaurants did that with an item I always bought!
    #6. I think of his about the garbage men especially on these cold mornings! What a job they do (that most others wouldn't think of doing)! I thank them for their hard work.
    #7. The card is beautiful! I like the 3-d with the flower!
    #8. I have greatly enjoyed watching at 10:00 in the morning on channel 45 Good Life station, a program that has a deep teaching of GOD's WORD. It is called Word Pictures Cross TV!
    (Your hyacinths are full in bloom! Sometimes you can use the sunlight to draw back the flowers toward it.)
    #9. GOD already knows what plans He has for us. Jer. 29:11 says, "For I (GOD) know the plans I (GOD) have for you to bring you prosperity and not disaster."
    #10. That's right! I had forgotten about that! I love your recipe! It is really good for these colder days!
    #11. The glasses have such a unique shape! They are pretty!
    #12. I like that! Less crowd!!!
    #13. Yes, praise You, LORD! He has greatly blessed me! It surely could have been worse! And, today, my pain has deceased! I can't thank Him enough that an Urgent Care was just across the street! The two male nurses did a great job! LORD, give them Your special blessings!
    I love you all, Susan

  2. Nellie, thank you for coming by today. I am such a slacker, I'm sorry. I just rarely get to reading anymore like I use to be able to do. I am lucky to get a post done myself every now and then.

    I am happy your kids are all safe and sound. The weather back east has been pretty overwhelming. Out here we are facing a draught. Life is full of interesting things isn't it?

    At first I thought Dee was having a baby but soon realized it is her friend. It is fun she could come down. I love when our kids are coming no matter the length of time. Laura is coming here next Friday by herself for 10 days. Robert gave her the ticket for her birthday. Then Jen is joining us for about five days~also kid free. So they are coming for a rest and they both need it. Both have moved into a new house in the past four months. Jen just moved to Salt Lake with her family on December 14. jim is going to SLC to care of her girls while she is here. Then I am going back with Jen for 10 days when Laura leaves on Feb 3rd we are getting on a plane a few hours later for Utah. I ma going to a conference and to help her decorate her house. Yippee. Jim and I will mostly be passing in the air as he returns home the day I leave. The year is starting out crazy already.

    I was so sad to hear of Susan's fall. Ouch! I am so glad there were blessings involved with the clinic right across the street. Bless her heart. She is such a true and loyal friend. Jim and I will pray for her speedy recovery.

    Your house looks so nice and the blue glasses are really stunning. I think you'll have lots of fun with them.

    I hope your Jim is doing well and still enjoying his work. My Jim is in hog heaven. He and his friend Dave just started painting the work shop they have been working on for a couple of years. Almost done on the exterior. They have a lot of finishing work on the inside! It is 1000 square feet so lots of room for them to work and play.

    Well, it is date night here tonight. So will be watching the movie called The Visitor. An older movie in our collection that we enjoyed the first time around. The popcorn is popping and I need to get the movie out, etc.

    Bless you, my friend, for your patience with me not reading and writing as I should. Give my greetings to our sweet sweet Becky we both love, and to your family and especially at this time to Susan! I'll send her a note tomorrow after church.

    Hugs, Bonnie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: