Friday, January 10, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 9, 2014

I will praise God's name in song 
and glorify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30

Hello Sweet Friends,
Hope you have had a good week and that
 you have been able to stay nice and 
toasty warm....

It has been a good week here, and did warm up
some... was gonna tell you the temperature and 
decided that might be cruel for some of you.   
I haven't taken down any of my Christmas 
decorations yet, still enjoying them,  and waiting 
for a Christmas get together with a friend tomorrow, 
 we decided last year to just wait and have our own 
special day after christmas when everything has
 settled down.  Much more enjoyable that way.........
and something to look forward to as well!
These are just some random pics I took with my 
new camera..........I took the pic of the front door
 because my sweet son-in-law bought me and
 his Mom a fresh pine wreath, and they brought
it all the way from Asheville.  I loved it I haven't
had anything with fresh pine in years,  course,
I can only have it outside, cause we are allergic
to it,  but it is fun to open the door and get a
whiff every now and again, and it looks so pretty
 too.  It is starting to brown a lil but has held up 
pretty good,  I just keep spritizing it with water 
every few days or so..................So it might make
 it thru January...................

Anyway, better get on with my list...................

I am thankful
that we live in Florida, after hearing
what the rest of the country has been
dealing with.............

I am thankful
for our first pot of Beef Stew this was divine,  always my
fav winter meal.

I am thankful
that we got started back to exercising
this week and to praying together more.
We finally made a schedule,  so that
should help us.

I am thankful
we got to see Brooklyn Wed. morning, cause
 it has almost been 2 weeks,  and we were having
Brooklyn withdrawal symptoms we have missed
 her so much. This is how she looked when she
 arrived and grampy got her from the car. We had
 bought her this lamb hat and mittens for christmas,  
just wish you could see the other ear, cause she
 looks like a lil lamb,  so cute!

I am thankful
for simple pleasures like staying in my warm 
flannel  PJ's all day when it is cold outside.......
Just love doing that!!  lol

I am thankful
for a new book we are reading called
"Angel in the Fire",  one of those books
it is hard to put is a true story
about God's goodness in a terrible situation.
Can't wait to know the ending of it all.


I am thankful
that I finally got my 2 permanent crowns today,  
but will go back monday to get my retainers, 
 to keep my teeth from moving around anymore.  

Just happened to walk by the window 
and thought these would make pretty pics.


I am thankful
that our hair grows and pretty quickly because
 my hair was cut just a little bit too short and I am
 having a time doing anything with it,  and really
 am not liking it too well............but thank the Lord
it will grow and that will change..... and I am
 hoping for very

I am thankful
for a fun day out shopping afterwards going
to the dentist and of course, my chocolate elvis
reward for being a good girl at the

I am thankful
for dinner out at Carrabbas tonight
with hubby.  It is a brand new Carrabbas
in a town nearby,  we were suppose to
go there for our Anniversary back in
November,  but we didn't get to go that
night and got take out from somewhere tonight was the night,
and it was delicious as always!
and we have leftovers for tomorrow
night.....can't beat that!!

I am thankful
to be home and in my jamies,  it was sort of
 a misting rain,  and I got sort of cold and damp, 
 and my feet hurt after all that walking around for 
hours trying to wait for hubby to get off work.
Plus I really don't like driving in the rain either.
So I am comfy cozy with a full tummy and feeling
 happy as can

I am thankful
that my friend Becky from over at Time Washed
is getting to come over today for a lil Christmas
Brunch Celebration with me.  It has been too
long since we have seen each other,  so we
are both thrilled for this time together.

I am thankful
for a neat story of divine intervention that I read 
about on yahoo this morning.  A man from our area
 who is a truck driver was pinned under his truck for 
almost 8 hrs. in -41 degree weather on Monday. His
wife whom he calls faithfully every morning knew
something had to be wrong cause he always calls,
so she kept frantically calling his cell phone, and
it was on vibrate, so eventually it vibrated the phone
out of his pocket and then he was able to give a
voice command for it to call the last number he
had called,  (now he could not touch the phone 
cause he was frozen to the ground) he didn't even
 know who the phone would be calling but it turned
 out to be his boss,  and he  just said whoever this is
whatever you do please don't hang up the phone.
His boss was able to track his schedule and get
 help for him,  they had to cut him out of his clothes to 
get him out,  and he is in the hospital but expected
 to get out today and head for Orlando. What a
miraculous story,  he should have frozen to death.
Love hearing these kind of stories..........

Well, here's my list for the week...........

Hope you have a good list yourself......

Thanks for coming by and hope you leave
a thankful or two we
can be encouraged by you!!

Love,  Hugs,  and 
Winter Blessings to you!



  1. Natural pine scent can be strong (just like my night jasmine. It can give me headache if I breathe too much of it!)
    #1. I haven't seen the news! I pray this winter won't be any worse than it has been!
    #2, I bet you did enjoy it! That's the best about winter, the stews, soups, and hot chocolate!
    #3. I have found since I retired (and am older, ha) I have to make schedules! Most of it is written on my calendar or on my notepad!
    #4. How cute!! She is getting so big. Not the little Newborn anymore!
    #5. Don't you know! Since it's just me there have been some days I stayed in them all day!
    #6. It is so important to read of GOD's leadership through the trials of life.
    #7. I know you will be glad when it is all over!
    #8. I know what you mean! Melitta always cuts mine short short twice a year! I like it when it grows out some.
    #9. Alice and I went to "Good Fellows" yesterday. They are a Christian owned Italian restaurant. The food is great!
    #10. I had leftovers too!
    #11. When I don't have to go out, I love rainy days!
    #12. I just know you had a great time. Sylvia and I are meeting this coming Tuesday!
    #13. What a great intervention of the LORD!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. I hope you are having a great week Nellie. I've already attended 3 funerals so far this year. There is so much to be thankful for.

  3. Beautiful wreath Nellie, so sweet of him! Brooklyn looks so adorable in her little lamb hat and mittens...just precious! Me too, I love pj days...those are the best. The only thing that makes it better is breakfast for supper that night...LOL! Thanks for your input on the fireplace, something to consider for sure! Hope you have a wonderful week!!!

  4. Hi Nellie! Nice to see you are so happy. :) Brooklyn is so precious. She looks like such a well cared for little baby. She's lucky to have such a wonderful family. Having a terrific January here. The weather is great. Not as good as yours probably. But great for Dallas. Have a great rest of the week!

  5. Hi! I was reading the story of the man and the truck and I have to wonder if he was around here. We had over 4500 trucks (that isn't a typo) stuck in our town for 2 days last week in our blizzard and we did have wind chills in the -40's. I don't know if you saw my post and video about it, but it was terrible. So many people were trapped for hours on the interstate and our town turned several places into shelters.

    Your baby is such a her in the hat!

    My daughter had live wreaths on her front porch and they were brown by the time we got down there for Christmas. I will have to remind her to spritz them next year...I know she didn't think of it.

    Good to catch up with you. It has been crazy for us lately and I don't see much improvement coming. I am trying to spend more time blogging, it is good for me!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: