Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy Winter Birthday Tablescape for my Son-in-love

Hiddy Ho.... Let it snow 
Sweet Friends,

I know a lot of you are experiencing those 
polar temps. again,  so sorry to hear that,
but hope you are able to stay in and stay
toasty warm in spite of it.

Since it is still so cold and since it is still snowman weather
for a lot of you and since I forgot about it in early January,
.figured I  would show you a fun table I did for my SIL Jerry's
 birthday right before Christmas, his birthday wasn't until 
January,  but we celebrated early since they were
 here for Christmas.  

Since it was only gonna be a few days before Christmas
 and we had lots of cooking to do,  we decided to try and
 make it as easy as, salad,  and choc.
 chip cookie cake w/ frozen yogurt,  all his favorites, so 
decided paperware was the way to go, and I like to sort 
of have a theme as it seems to make the decorating
 easier. So was still thinking about what sort of theme to 
choose and we went to Wally World one evening and 
just happened on these cute lil snowmen plates and 
snowflake napkins.  I thought they were adorable  and 
colorful with lots of blue for a guy and they had the word
 Merry on his gift tag........and I thought Merry Jerry........
and it just seemed to fit him.  So we decided we would 
get them and make it an easy and fun night for everyone..

So here is what I started with............

Here is the birthday boy's place..........
Hubby got into it too and  happened to find this cute lil 
candy holder snowman in the upper left corner,  so we
 bought that and filled it with chocolate candy to put
at his place.

Here's a better look at the lil candy snowman

I already had this animated snowman, Susan
 gave me years back and Brooklyn loves it, so 
thought maybe I could somehow work him 
into the centerpiece.

So Susan happened to read on my blog about how
much the baby was enjoying the other snowman,
so she brought us this one so the baby could enjoy
it too.  So it was perfect........I could put one of
these on each end of the table.

And I had my beautiful snowflake candle,  but it
 needed some height,  so put in on a mini cake stand 
in the center, and there was our fun centerpieces.
  They sing and move and play  music.

Did everyone else's place setting just a lil different.

a lil look down the table.

Glad you could stop in today
Hope you enjoyed snowmanville............

We sure did.......hubby even found a snowman
word search book,  so we did 3 rounds of that
for nice dark chocolate candy bar prizes. 
Think we all enjoyed it very much, and Megan
must have enjoyed it the most, cause she won
 2 games, and one of them was while she was
holding Brooklyn..... and playing the snowmen
 kept Brooklyn happy while we were playing 
word search................
an extra added bonus.  lol

Am linking up to Amaze Me Monday 
with Cindy...........Just click here.

Am linking up to Tablescape Thursday
with Susan....Please click here

Love Hugs,  and
Snowmen Blessings,



  1. What a fun table setting. Your little snowmen are so cute.

    It makes me wish we had a family celebration coming up. Both of our kids will be away for Valentines Day.

    Maybe I will do an after Valentine celebration with them

  2. It was a great celebration, and so enjoyable! The Table setting was so "wintry!"
    Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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