Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas Brunch and Dinner Tables 2013

And a Good and Cold Morning to you
Sweet Friends..........

Oh My Heavens, I can't believe the temperatures
 some of you are having to endure these last few 
days. Our thoughts and prayers are certainly with 
you all. It is a cool +38 degrees here right now in
 comparison to what most of you are experienc-
ing. You guys know what cold really is...........
 just thinking about it gives me a chill up my
 spine. I am thinking and praying for those poor 
fellas who have to work on the power lines and
 electric,  can't imagine how they even do it
 in this weather.  What unsung heros they
really are..................

 I am concerned about our children who are in 
Asheville and now my son, Scott who is headed to
 Baltimore, Md. today for a trade show, none of us
 have ever experienced sub 0 temps. like this.  
Dee said her ears burned for over an hour last 
night after taking the dog out, cause she didn't
 have her beanie hat with her, cause the temp
 changed so much in an hour she didn't know she
 even needed it..............she said she want be going
 out without any time soon.....................thank good-
ness she has long hair,  hate to think how much
 worse it would have been if she didn't have hair
 covering her ears.  The wind up there is incredible.
Cause we had freezing temps when we were there
in November,  but I would have never known
it was freezing if it weren't for the wind.  Just
cuts right through you..............
 Hubby heard on the news
last night that in these temps you can get frost
bite on your face in just minutes.  Whoa....
that is scary stuff...........

Thought I would share another Christmas table
with yall today.  Shared our Christmas Eve table
yesterday so if you want to see it I will put the
link at the end of this post, or you can just scroll
down to my post before this one.....

Here is our Christmas Brunch Table, it was for all 7 of us
adults,  and of course,  we had a high chair for Brooklyn
 this year!! 

Knew I would use my late Mother-in-law's Spode
 Christmas dishes,  and also wanted to use this golden
 brown buffalo check tablecloth before I turn it in to 
curtains, sometime in 2014.  Was trying to fold these
fringed napkins into lil Christmas trees but they just
didn't look right, so since I had happened onto these
lil hor'derve toothpicks,  thought they might make
a neat candle flame instead,  so folded the napkins
like a candle and stuck the pic in........well ah candles.

 Also love using this vintage green glasses
from an elderly neighbor,  that we loved but 
who passed away over 36 years ago.
I saw some today on ebay and they were made
by anchor hocking in the 1940's.  Never knew
that before...............
I have also seen several blogger friends who
have some in red or in green but a different
shape than mine.  Such a vibrant shade of
green.............love it!

Was stumped for a centerpiece,  but thought about using
some goblets with candles, and remembered this glass
Spode platter,  so then decided to use the spode Christmas
 goblets with candles instead of just the plain ones.
  It is not easy to see in some of these pics but there is 
Santa at the top of the tree on the plates,  so had 3 Santas
 that my late brothers wife made for us years ago, so 
added those on the plate with some Christmas balls,
in gold white and bright green.

then filled a large candle holder with more
Christmas balls

then decided to use these pretty clear
glass balls a sweet friend made for me a
 few years back, as well.  I have it sitting on
 a candle jar lid in case you are wondering.

It has the same look on the other end of
the table.

I used some of the spode goblets for the guys, as I only
 have 5 of the pretty green ones.........and they are smaller
 too, so the guys like the bigger goblets anyway!!  lol
and some green andes Christmas mints

A look across the table.

A look down the table toward the
 living room.

A look over the table.

and here is our lil Darling enjoying Christmas
Brunch with us!  Bright as a button!
and she was sick the day before..............

A look down the table toward the window.
This pic ends the Christmas Brunch Table

and here is
Our Christmas dinner table.
It was just the hubby, Susan and myself,
 for dinner as the kids all were at their
 other parents houses

 Used the same pieces for our night
time table with a few lil changes.  Took
the Santas off the center plate.

Was able to make the Christmas tree folded
napkins with these plain green no fringe napkins.
Then again used the lil hor'derve picks as a tree
topper for them.

Used the same tablecloth with my corelleware
with square salad plates this time, and different
 silverware.  Ran the whole centerpc
across the table rather than lengthwise, and
used silver andes mints.

Another look down the table,  these next 3 pics
were all taken with my new camera.

This was taken looking towards the living room 

If you would like to see how to do this napkin fold.

Mine didn't come out quite as well as hers tho!
Think your napkins have to be perfectly square
and mine weren't..............lol

If you missed our
Christmas eve table and would
 like to see it - Click Here

Am so looking forward to making a big pot of
 Beef Stew today............sounds so good I can hardly

Hope you stay warm ................
and that you have no power outtages!!

Love, and Big Warm Toasty Hugs,


Am sharing with Marty over at 
a stroll thru life
Click here to go there!

Am sharing with Pattie and Paula over at

Ivy and Elephants
Click Here to visit them!

Am Sharing with Susan over at
Between Naps on the Porch
Click her for a visit.


  1. Hey Gal! Absolutely love the little napkin trees!! Soooo cute!! You are too clever! And Brooklyn is so big and precious! I see a lot of her daddy and grandparents in that sweet little face!!

    Love ya!

  2. Brooklyn is adorable, I love that sweet smile and those precious chubby cheeks.

    Gorgeous tablescape and I love the checks. My favorite pattern.

    Thanks so much for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  3. It sounds like Rosy may need some doggy jackets! I hope her paws were not cold! I hope DeeAnna will cover her own ears to not get frostbite! (As so with Rosy's paws!)

    I love the brown with your Christmas dishes! The buffalo brown check tablecloth really set off your beautiful green glasses as well! Those glasses look like pure emerald! And, what a fantastic display of your candles in the goblets. It was a gorgeous centerpiece! The best display was Brooklyn at the corner of the table, lol!

    What a surprise to see how amazing your napkins were folded like a tree! Wow! I love the hor'derve picks too!

    Beef stew on a cold day, yum yum! I had some Chicken corn chowder! Not home made, Progresso brand!
    Love to you all, Susan

  4. Hi Nellie! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog :) Your table looks so beautiful, I don't even know where to begin! Of course Brooklyn is definitely the star of the show! What a little doll. I love how you did the candles with the tree flame out of the napkins! What a creative idea!! I love the napkin trees too! The green goblets are the perfect touch for Christmas. I have always loved those Spode plates too. Stay warm and beef stew sounds sooo good right now!! It is just way too cold!

  5. Love the combination of the tablecloth pattern with your Spode. It's really rustic cute! I'm glad it's going to get back into the 60s here. I'm sure you're warming back into nice temperatures too.
    That little Brooklyn is so big! A real princess!

  6. Hi, Nellie. So glad you stopped by and left a sweet comment about my Epiphany post. Also glad I got to see your lovely table (love the buffalo check with the Spode Christmas plates!), but the prettiest thing at your table was in a high chair, yes? Darling! ~Zuni

  7. Thanks for the comment you left on My Best Flea Scores in 2013 post! I live in Bavaria. I've been to Trier and Luxembourg. Nice areas!

  8. I'm so impressed with the thought and time and talent you put into setting your table, Nellie. (I read your more recent Thankful Thursday post, too, and share your happiness for all the good things in your life.) ♥

  9. You are turning that great tablecloth into curtains??Oh , no! I love it - so versatile!! Your 2 settings are so pretty…love your centerpiece in the first setting, great idea - I never thought to place tea light in stemware!! Also loved your tree napkin folds - very clever! Happy New Year and thanks for stopping by!!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: