Wednesday, January 15, 2014

White hyacinths - Blissful White Wednesday

Hello Sweet Friends,

How is the week treating you so far???
Hope yall are having much better weather
by now........I have seen those pics and
feeling bad for yall................thank
goodness for inside projects....right??

It's been a good week here so far, been 
out a lot these last few days, back to the 
dentist on Monday to get my retainers and 
then figured I would go to Sam's and of 
course, had to get my smoothie reward
let's not forget that!!  lol
Grocery shopping yesterday and ran in the
dollar tree store for a few minutes, and 
found some really pretty blue glasses,
 have wanted some for ages, but never
saw any I really liked, so those puppies 
came right home with me.  So  I moved
 my pink ones out to go to the hospice 
resale shop and put the new blue ones 
in their place............

and of course, today was our day to 
have our lil darling.  She is really on
the move more all the time.  Megan
said she took 5 steps on her own last
night, the last 3 being very quick. She
 did take a step or 2 here today, but 
not quite confident enough to know
she can do it.  She learned today to
 turn pages in her book when I am
 reading it to her, and to crawl under
 a chair, and to open the sliding mirror
closet doors, and something else too
can't remember right now.  lol
Anyway she is a hoot!

Well,  since hubby and I happened to
see these hyacinths at the grocery 
store in a bulb vase,  we decided to
get them for the fun of watching them
grow and because they smell wonderful.
Have never had any before, but I have
found they have a mind of their own
just like tulips do...............
Wish I would have thought to get a
pic the night we brought them home,
cause it was remarkable how fast
they grew,  by the next day we were
shocked at the difference from the
night before.......and I didn't decide
to take pics till they started to bloom.
Anyway, thought they would make
a nice Blissful white Wed. post.

notice they are straight up

one is mostly open,  and the fragrance is 
truly divine...........

All you do is keep filling it with water, 
 but you must keep the bulb out of the 

It drinks water pretty rapidly

and seems to change quite a bit afterwards

notice it is leaning now.  That was
the next morning after I water it again.

the next day it was really leaning

At one point it was leaning so much it was
starting to fall over, so I sort of angled
the bulb so it would be upright

Then the next morning it fell over 
completely on the table and the bulb was
 out of the vase and part of the roots were, 
(forgot to take a picture)
 so I filled it with water again 

and this is what it looked like 
and as the day has gone on it has 
gotten straighter over the bulb 
just like how it was when we first
brought it home...........Crazy!
having a floral science project!

Thanks for stopping in............
and say hello if you have some time.

Sharing over at Becky's for Blissful
White Wednesday,  just click here!

Hope you have a lovely rest of the

Love, Hugs and
Fragrant Hyacinth Blessings,

Really wish I could send you the fragrance
as well.................ummmmmmmmmmm


  1. I may have to look around for some! It's so nice to see some green in January. Loving white this time of year too!

  2. I bet the flower bulb smells heavenly. Sounds like your granddaughter is getting so big. They grow so fast

  3. My hubs got me paper whites this year and it did that same leaning thing. He was smart and got one of my heavy glass hurricanes and put it around it, helped a lot.

    Thanks for your visit today. I can practically smell that delightful hyacinth - which gives me hope that spring will eventually come! : - )

  4. Well, let me do this again, ha! Evidently a Windows' upgrade (behind the scenes) was occurring and it shut down on me.! These lovely surprises, lol!

    Your hyacinths are just beautiful!
    I didn't realize the bulbs were to be out of the water! It's pretty to see the "ponytail" of the roots, ha! I wonder if a deeper "neck" on the vase would help. The stem could lean against the edge of the vase and help support it. I'm so glad the leaning of it didn't turn the vase over!!

    I was wondering if our sweetie pie had started walking! Soon she'll be running all over the place!

    I had a busy Wednesday too! I was at Bible Study, then we went out to lunch. (Mike & Ruth M. mom)Bonnie's engine light came on in her car. Amma B. told her where she could go to get a free check. It turned out to be her gas cap. The car is 14 years old and the seal around the cap had dried out and was letting air mix with the gas when the engine was on. The new cap was the answer!! The engine light went off! Then I had to rush back to get Alice and take her to her radiation treatment. I didn't realize Paul (from our church that does the acting skits) was an RN there! We went by Publix afterward for her to get groceries. I got home about 5! The dogs were good!

    I'm so glad Christian singing groups have their songs on YouTube! I have been using some of them on my blog! Have a great week!
    I love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: