Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Part 2 of Christmas Living Room Tour

Happy New Years Eve
Sweet Friends,

So are you ready for the
New Year?
Course, it doesn't matter if 
we are ready or not, 
 It is coming!!   lol

 I have always liked New Years myself,
 it is just something fun and new with so
many fresh possibilities and like a new
fresh start into the year. I am not a big
one for New Year's resolutions, but I do
like getting reorganized and back on track
 after having a refreshing break over the
 Christmas holidays.  So looking forward 
to is sort of a bitter/sweet
thing tho, as hubby will be going back
to work, and we have really enjoyed
him being able to work at home for the
last almost 3 months.  It is sort of like
summer break with the kids when they
were home and in school.  Always hated
sending them back to school, but looked
forward to having a routine again.

Woke up and couldn't get back to sleep
cause my back is hurting, so figured I 
would work on this post.....trying to get
all the Christmas ones in by New Years,
as I know yall will be wanting to move
on to decorate for Winter or Valentine's
day,  whatever strikes your fancy.  I
will go with the Winter decorating

Well, this is part 2 of my Christmasized 
Living Room.  I will be showing you
the shelves on our etagere'.

I am starting with the bottom shelf and working
my way up, then over and down.  lol
I love using poinsettias in my home for Christmas,
they are just so rich in color, and our lil darling
loves this snowman playing the piano and singing
" have a holly jolly Christmas". 
 Another Gift from Susan, my SIL.

Love this lil santa


Got this cute "Merry and Bright"  printable 
from Ann over @ On sutton Place.
Check her out,  she has a fun blog.........


 Love having these lil letter cube blocks,
 cause I can usually spell out
                                      something for every season.                                                

The Lower shelf on the right side.



A pretty shadow of one of the snowflakes
 hanging on our windows.

Well, there you have it, part 2,  if you missed
 part one and would like to see it, 
 Just click here or scroll down.

Stay tuned for Part 3,  tomorrow!

Thanks for coming by to visit!

Hope you have a lovely
 New Years Eve.

We will be tucked away at home tonight as
We are having a sleep over with Brooklyn,
 so looking forward to that.

Have a Fun...... but Safe
New Years Eve!

Hugs n' Blessings,

Sharing over at:

The style Sister with Karin

A Stroll Thru Life with Marty

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas Living Room Tour - Part 1

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a really Wonderful
 Christmas, and are now enjoying some
 much needed down time to relax and 
unwind before the New Year.
That is pretty much all we have been
doing since hubby is off from work,
and it has been great!!

We are looking forward to having 
Brooklyn spend the afternoon and
night with us tomorrow for New
Years eve, so Mommy and Daddy
can have some time for them-
selves for a change, and we too,
 haven't gotten to watch her for
 the last 2 wednesdays....cause
I was sick, so we are looking
 forward to having her all to

Am a lil late with my Christmas
decor pics, but figured better
late than
the old saying goes.

Here is another cute printable that came 
from Ann over @ On Sutton Place.

Thought it was cute added to the wreath.

This stand with the angel sits right
below the wreath.

I think she is so pretty.  All the
above photos were of the foyer.

Here is the first piece of furniture when you head into
the living room.  

A festive pillow for the sofa.

Now onto the coffee table.........
I used traditional Christmas colors in here this year,
last few years I used more whites and silvers.

I love poinsettias at Christmas time.  Enjoyed
mixing them with white hyrangeas.

and a Christmas Cottage magazine, one of
my fav seasonal!

and who doesn't like colorful Christmas balls and
pine cones............

Will leave you here..............

Part 2 -  will be close ups of the etagere 

Hope you enjoyed the tour.............
and come back tomorrow for Part 2.

Have a fun and safe
 New years Eve.

Hugs n'  Blessings,

Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas or Winter Tablescape

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a 
Wonderful Christmas!!
and that the memories 
are enjoyable and lingering!

I have to say we really did,  it was truly a delightful
day, it was a quiet morning with just hubby and I
opening our gifts to each other.......  we have come
 back full circle, it was sort of like our very First
 Christmas together!  Then my Sil Susan came
over about 10:30, and we had brunch and visited
 until around 2 or so,  when Scott and Megan came
 with the baby.
 Then things go a bit more lively as we were
 watching the baby enjoy her gifts, and opening
 ours too. We got her a huge teddy bear and a
 tricycle. you will see below.......we had to laugh
 she even seemed to enjoy the clothes we got her.
She would take them around and showed them
to her daddy and Aunt Susan. Most lil ones
 have absolutely no interest in

She of course, has to learn to ride the trike, 
 but did pretty well with some help from her 
Mommy.  Her other grandparents got her a 
pink rocking horse, that makes the noise of a
 running horse, and moves it;s head and tail, 
 adorable, and of course, Brooklyn loves it......

She also got some type of remote controlled
car that she can ride in from her Aunt Dee
and Uncle Jerry and sure seemed to like
too, but she is still learning how to navigate
that as well.  Like most kids they like any
thing that

It was pretty much as perfect a day as it could
be accept for one thing...........and that was Dee, 
Jerry and Rosie were missing, but we were glad
that since this was her first ever time not to be
 with us at Christmas, that Jerry's parents went
 up to visit them for Christmas, and they had
plans to go to the Biltmore Christmas afternoon,
something they have been wanting to do every
since they moved there.  We did get to talk to 
her for a few minutes in the morning.and they
 were certainly with us in spirit...........

Isn't he adorable.  We found him at Cracker Barrel
 back in Oct. when we went up to Asheville for those few days.

Well, guess I had better get on with my
tablescape here...........

Started off with these pretty plates and napkins I found
quite by accident at TJ Maxx.  Was still trying to decide
on what to do for my Christmas dinner table,  had
already decided on the brunch table,  so finding these
were a nice surprise.

right afterwards I found this lovely heavy duty wrapping
paper there too, and thought it would be great
 as a table runner.

used my brown tablecloth  and glasses since
 I was going for a natural woodsy affect.

Already had the lil pinecone ornaments and
all the greenery from our old Christmas tree
we replaced last year.

My sleigh that I keep on the dining room
table anyway was perfect, as it has brown
green and some rusty red,  so put it at the
end of the table since no one would be
sitting there............

Pulled the floral arrangement off my
coffee table and took the red candle out
and put in a white one and added some
other white candles for the centerpiece.

I really wanted to see if I could find some
lil deer ornaments to go on the table but
with me being sick and not being able to
get out,  I just had to improvise which
was just fine....................

Now I am wondering why I put the fork way over there,
would typically put it right next to the plate..... must
of been my leftover flu brain fog!!  lol

You probably didn't notice but the lil plates you saw 
earlier (used those for dessert)  had some touches of 
red in them,  and was wishing the napkins did too. 
 Afterwards, when I was cleaning up I realized if I had
 just opened them up and  flipped them the opposite
direction they did have the red touches too.  Poo..........
Think they must have packaged them wrong.

Turned out to be a nice simple woodsy
table,  just like I intended. Hubby said it
was one of his favorites, think it was be-
cause it looked a bit more manly.   lol

with colored pencil affect

a nice overview

overview looking  down the table.

So happy you could stop
 by for a visit, hope you
 enjoyed it,  and will come
back again soon.

Hugs and Blessings Galore
for a Happy 2015,

Can't believe we are about to leave

another year behind.......

Sharing over at:

Three Mango Seeds with Clydia

Dwellings with Cindy

A Stroll Thru Life with Marthy

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday


Merry Christmas 
Sweet Friends,

We wish you and yours a truly
 Merry Christmas.
May the Lords love, peace and joy 
 envelope you and your family
 during this
 holy season of the year.

I so appreciate each and every
one of you!

Joyful Blessings,

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born,
 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him
 in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no
 room for them in the inn.

 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby,
 keeping watch over their flocks at night.  An angel of the Lord
 appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them,
and they were terrified.  But the angel said to them,
 "Do not be afraid.

 I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 
 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; 
he is Christ the Lord.

 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and
 lying in a manger."  Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host
appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,  "Glory to God
 in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."

 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds
 said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has
 happened, which the Lord has told us about."  So they hurried off and
 found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.
 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had
 been told them about this child,  and all who heard it were amazed
 at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these
 things and pondered them in her heart.  The shepherds returned, 
glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen,
 which were just as they had been told.

Luke 2:6-20

Jesus is truly the Gift 

that keeps on giving 

All Year Long...............

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Family and Dining room Tour

Merry Christmas
Sweet Friends,

Just had to say it...........
cause it is almost here!

Wow, the last week has flown by
 in some ways, but sure felt slow
when I was sick!  lol

I am feeling much better,
  still coughing and hacking,
 but hey, that is  way better
 than what it was!!

Was gonna give you a 
family and dining room
tour last week, so since
I didn't figured I would
just do it this week.

The  header and next 4 pics  are 
of the coffee table.  Look closely over on
the left side of the you see my
lil mitten garland.  I took some close up of
it to post when I did the fireplace but none
of the came out well..........I thought it was
cute.......and if you look where the arm of
the chair is..............

back in that shelf cubbie,  you will see this.  Took a
pic on the opposite side of the fireplace but just too
dark to get a decent picture.........

Just loved Thomas Kincaides work,  and was so
sorry to hear of his passing last year.

Our Christmas tree,  you can see the edge of it
in one of the above pictures.  It has colored and
white lights.  Hubby likes the colored ones,  I
like the white

I only decorated it with beads and plastic
snow, and love it that way.

with paint daubs affect

Found this wall art a few Christmas's ago and thought it was
 perfect to go with my Gift arrangement.  The picture there
 in the middle was a lovely poem a dear friend wrote and her
hubby printed and gave it to us.  It is called "The Gift".

It's about the Gift of Jesus.

These were some cards I made with printmaster a few
years ago for my mantle,  decided to use them some
where else this year.

with colored pencil affect

Also decided to put our stockings some
where different for the first time in 34 yrs.
The other 2 are on the mantle.  If you didn't
see it scroll down to the last post.

Remember the first thing I hung this year,
well,  this is it..............Have really enjoyed
it too...........

Here it is hanging in the hallway right off
the dining room.

Here's a few overall shots of the dining room.
Without the light....

With the light,  see the edge of our nativity scene

Well, here is the front side.  We have had this nativity
set for 36 years...........We did lose 1 wise man tho!!

Hope you enjoyed the tour............

Well,  I am off to the kitchen to make some beef
stew and some 7 layer mexican dip for tomorrow.

Scott and the baby will be coming over in the morning
unfortunately,  Megan has to work half the day.  Wish
she could come too,  but glad we will get to see Scott
and Brooklyn,  haven't seen Brooklyn in about 10
days..............seems much longer than that!  Will
kinda be glad when she can talk on the phone that
way if I am sick or away I can always call her and
talk to her................

Have a wonderful Christmas Eve
 with your loved ones.........

posterized affect

Love,  Hugs and
Merry Christmas Blessings,


Sharing with:

Patti and Paula over @
 Ivey and Elephants

Cindy over @ Dwellings

Marty over @ a stroll thru life

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie