Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Fall Birthday Table for Megan

Morning Sweet  Friends,

So how was your Thanksgiving??
Hope it was everything you hoped
for and more................

Our's was......it was quite different but we had a
 wonderful day just being together.  Dee and Jerry
 got in late Wed. night,  then we went to Scott and 
Megans early Thurs.morning for nice brunch, of
orange and cinnamon rolls and Scott made a 
special french toast recipe that way really good,
 we also had a breakfast casserole and fruit salad,
so it was all yummy!!
 it was a gloriously beautiful day with just perfect
 weather, so we got to sit out on their pretty porch
 most of the time, talking, drinking coffee, and
 watching the baby play ball with different ones,
 and exploring in their beautiful yard and we also
 rode her around in a lil car she has, that is like
 a stroller............ so cute! 
 So it was all very refreshing and fun for us,
 since we live in Florida and we don't get a lot
 of those type of Fall days.  Our lil darling loved
it too, since she is an outdoor girl like her da da.

When we left there we went to see Susan at the
 rehab center and she had a nice Turkey dinner
there, which was good.  She was celebrating
her Thanksgiving by being grateful that the Dr.
said her hip has healed completely and that
she would be released to come home soon, and 
she did come home this past Sunday, and is
 doing well............we are all very happy 
about that.

Later the 4 of us, Dee, Jerry and us, went to 
Cracker Barrel and looked around the gift shop 
while we were waiting on a table,  then we had
a nice dinner, getting whatever we wanted,
hubby and I got the traditional Thanksgiving
dinner and it was very good, and the kids loved
there not so traditional Thanksgving dinner as
well....  then went by to feed Susan's pets, then
 went home and had our dessert we brought
home with us and coffee.  My fav part of the
meal....chocolate pecan pie........Yummo!

So it was about as close to a perfect day as it
 could be.............considering how different it
 was,  that just goes to show that different
doesn't mean it's a bad thing!

Now the table I am showing you today is
 Megan's birthday table, since her birthday
 comes right after Thanksgiving, so since I still
had all the Fall decor up decided I would make
 it a Fall table too.  We also had a dinner menu
 like what I would typically  make for
 Thanksgiving..... which is not Turkey.........
but a lovely chicken dish called party
chicken, with rice and 24 hr. salad,
 since we didn't get to have Thanksgiving 
dinner together, and then her favorite
dessert strawberry shortcake.

If you would like the Party Chicken recipe,
which is awesome and easy, and a great
make ahead dish that helps keep you out of 
the kitchen more on the big day and it is
 perfect for any holiday.
Just click here!

Here is a look down the table. Early in
Fall I had bought some new fall napkins
from bed bath and beyond, 2 brown, 2 
green, 2 rust, and 2 gold, they were a set
 for $8.00,  and I got them for what I would
have paid for shipping when I was buying
something else, figured might as well pay
a lil more and get free shipping and have
something to show for it........lol
I had these pretty fall paper napkins so
I just wrapped them around the cloth
napkins for color and beauty.

The Birthday girls place at the end of the table,
the place of honor for the special persons day.

A lil bouquet for her at her place setting!

Decided to use fresh flowers for her table and was so 
happy I was able to find some Fall flowers still cause
 was a bit concerned everything might have
already turned to Christmas colors.
  I love chrysanthemums especially this time of the year
but they are hard to work with for me, when doing a floral
arrangement cause of their thick stems.

 Already had this copper and green ribbon,  so just ran
that down the center of the table to highlight the copper
candleholders.  I used the large one as a vase, and
love these gold pumpkins with it too.

I tell you it was fun to be creating a tablescape again
cause it seems like it has been forever since I did any
thing creative............so really enjoyed putting this
together. Creating beauty just makes me happy!

Here is a close up of the smaller
candle holder.  I really love mercuy
glass and had never seen any in the
copper color, so hubby and I were
both very taken with it...........and
the price was great,  all 3 of them
for less than $10.00.

You can see they all have the same shape
just one is much larger than the others.

Used my brown glasses I got last year in Asheville.
they were a nice compliment. 

Here's an overview

Well, that's all folks.............
hope you enjoyed your visit.

Can hardly believe it is Dec 2nd

My plan today was to take down
 all my Fall decorations but just
 realized...... I need to get all our
gifts to Dee and Jerry wrapped,
and get some things together
that they left here, so Scott and
 Megan can take them to Dee and
 Jerry this Friday when they go meet
 in Ga.for the weekend.  Also have
 a few things I need to order online
 as well,  so there you have it.
Since we have our lil darling
 tomorrow it will make it more fun
 for her and us to look at Fall stuff
 rather than a bare house.........lol

I am itching to get started tho,
so Thursday's the day or maybe
even Wed. night......depends 
on my energy levels.

Well,  you have an awesome
week............I am sure you will 
be doing some Christmas 
decorating, so be sure to put on
some traditional Christmas music
 so it cheers you on, with the real

If you are in need of decorating
or cooking inspiration just check
 out a few of the above blog
 parties, you want be disappointed
 I assure you!!

Love ,  Hugs, and Fun
 Christmas Decorating Blessings,


  1. Your Thanksgiving celebration(s) sound lovely, Nellie. I'm glad to hear Susan has healed so well, too!

  2. What a beautiful table setting for Megan's birthday! I love the napkins!

    My Thanksgiving is that I am now home! I need to watch not to over do myself. I get really tired by the afternoon. It may have been because so many people were in and out; Stockwell plumbing, Stanley Steamer, the nurse for home health care came, finally Deltona Pharmacy delivered my wheel chair! I hadn't been graduated from it as yet to the walker 100%, so I really tired myself out! All's going well now! I know you are glad to get things back to normal, :-)

    Thank you for all of your hard work, care, and love!
    I love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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