Friday, November 28, 2014

Thankful Thursday Nov. 27th, 2014 - Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving
to You and Your Family

We hope you and your
family had a joyous day
of celebrating the people,
places, things and situations
that you are deeply grateful
to our dear Lord for.........

For it is good to give
Thanks to the Lord.
Psalm 92:1

I am thankful

that we are awaiting the arrival
of Dee and Jerry tonight, their
 plane has been delayed
so they want be in until 12:20
now........but as long as they
arrive safe and sound that is
all that matters.
Update: they did arrive safe
and sound...............

that tomorrow we will be going
 to Scott and Megans 
for a breakfast/brunch and we
are so looking forward to it.
For dinner we are going to
Cracker Barrel since it will
just be the 4 of us,  and really
 looking forward to it, I might
add.  This will be the easiest 
Thanksgiving I have had since
 I was probably 25 years old......

that they decided to do it at 
their house this year, perfect
timing for all that has been
going on in our lives lately.
All I had to do was a fruit right now
that works wonderfully well

that we got our house cleaned
up so quickly, as we have not
had time to do much here at
all since Susan broke her hip.

that Susan is so happy about
her homecoming this Sunday,
  truly praying she is as ready as
 she thinks she is..........

that the Dr. said her hip is
completely healed now, and
she can start putting as much
weight as she can stand to put
on it, painwise!  That should
make her much more steady
on her feet.

That I got some shoebox 
Christmas gifts done, cause
on Monday I didn't think I
was gonna be able to.....
cause over the weekend 
Susan's bathroom and bed
roomed flooded and we had
 to call in the Insurance Co.
and a emergency water
extraction service............
So Sat., Mon. and Tues. we 
had all these appts. to take
care of...........and more to

that my precious daughter
in love Megan helped me
with the Shoebox Gifts.
She did some shopping for
me, and threw in some per-
fume that she had never opened, 
which was so helpful, so all I 
have to do is wrap them
sometime before Sunday.

that Susan's friend who is a
nurse is gonna be able to get
 her from the rehab place on 
Sunday since Dee and Jerry
 will be coming back from his
families to stay Sunday and
 Monday until their flight back.

that our lil darling is chatter-
ing away these days and saying
quite a few words, some are 2
syllable cute
to hear her chattering she some-
times sounds like a lil chinese girl
as she is trying to get in on the 

that Rosie (our grandaughter dog)
and our cat Molly really like
our lil darling. She is so gentle
and sweet with them, Rosie
licks her too death, and Molly
rubs all over her! and Brooklyn
smiles, laughs and giggles
 about it cute
to watch.

for these beautiful copper mercury
glass candle holders we happened on
 for less that $10.00 at Burlington coat
factory. They are beautiful, and were
part of the answer to what I was gonna
 do for a centerpiece for Megans birth-
day celebration this coming Sunday.  

Well,  it has been a better week
here this week............we had
a few bumps in the road,  but
these were much easier to 
weather than some of the others.

Again hope you have a fun,
joyful and safe Thanksgiving
with all those you love.

Love, Hugs and

Blessings Abundant,


  1. GOOD MORNING! (7:55 a.m.) :-)
    #1. When waiting for loved ones, time makes it all the more joyful when you see them!
    #2. The Thanksgiving dinner was good here, but it's always better when you are with your loved ones!
    #3. Thank you so much for bringing me some of your fruit salad. I ate it all up, ha!
    #4. I'm so glad you were able too! I've been looking so forward to coming home, not just to get my life back in routine, but for you to get yours back too!
    #5. Believe me, I'm more than ready! People heal better when they are home and in their own environment.
    #6. I have found first thing in the morning I can put equal pressure on it! What a delight!!!
    #7. As the saying goes, "When it rains, it pours!"
    #8. It's so grateful when we have people come to our rescue!
    #9. Alice has surely been a close friend indeed, through all the trials of life starting with dad. then mom, and now me!
    #10. Sounds like she is using inflections with her voice too!
    #11. Interaction with our pets is a joyful part of our lives!
    #12. Happy Birthday to Megan!
    Love to you all, Susan

  2. A Thankful Thursday from me...
    I just got back from physical therapy where I walked up and back down a 3 step staircase with NO HELP and no holding from the therapist! Praise the LORD for His Goodness and Blessings!
    Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie