Thursday, September 27, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - September 27, 2012

Most of these pics compliments of public domain pics

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a pleasant week.

Most of mine was pleasant other than on Tuesday
when I wasn't feeling good,  but happily,  that passed
by quickly..................

Gotta hurry up and finish this as we have to go 
exercise on the bike and watch a movie or some

This will sort of fill you in on my week anyway.
So here goes.........................

I am thankful
for a really huge answer to prayer.
For over 5 years we have been trying to find a professional 
software package to be used for making greeting cards that
you can sell...............and have combed the web with no results, 
until...............this week.  Hubby just happened to go somewhere
 online to do something for his job, (he is a software engineer, 
by the way)  and happened on it, course, we don't really believe
 in happenstance, for believers.......we believe it was a divine
 connection.  So we have been able to download it and try it, 
 and I am beyond thrilled!!!
Exactly what we have been looking for all these years.........
There are some things I still need to learn but it operates very 
similiarly to what I had been using for the last 8 years,  but 
you were not allowed to sell what you made on there.  If you 
only knew the whole story you would understand why it is
 such a thrill......but believe me it is!!
and it seems to me to be confirmation from the Lord that
 I am moving in the right direction................

I am thankful
for a good day at bible study and a quick lunch with my
 Dee today.

I am thankful
that we are going over to see her and Jerry
for a longer visit tomorrow night.  

I am thankful
for the prayers that went up in my behalf, that kept me from 
getting sicker.  I was feeling perfectly normal by Wednesday.
What a joy that was!

I am thankful
that I have lost a few pounds and inches
 and seems like I am headed down to the next
 set point level hopefully,  cause I would like
to lose another 5 or so pounds.

I am thankful
that they finally put the Bible Challenge game online,  so
 we can watch it now, and it's great...... It also bypasses 
all the commercials as well.
We really enjoy it!

I am thankful
that  we got to spend time with Scott and Megan on Sunday, 
 and then I got to spend time with Scott on Monday giving him 
a hand with something,  it was fun.  Don't get those
opportunities very often.

I am thankful
that I found some scrapbook embellishments today
 that I have been looking for but couldn't find before.
I want them to make a guy card!

I am thankful
that another gift I am making is coming out very well,  
and I am so happy about that, and  can't wait to see
the finished product, and hope it makes the person
that receives it as happy as it did me to make it.

I am thankful
I had a nice long 2 hr. or more chat with my SIL Susan 
on the phone.  A fun time of catching up.

I am thankful
that I heard from my cousin Donna this passed week, 
she lives up in Virginia, and  it was great talking with
 her as well.  

I am thankful
that I was able to rescue something from a glass
of water I accidentally spilled in the kitchen that
ran over onto the breakfast bar, and it was just
in the nick of time.  Just as I moved it, the water
was running that way!  Talk about a close call.

Well,  God is Good All the Time,

and All the Time, God is Good!!

Thanks for droppin' by, always love
to hear from you.

Have a Sweet Weekend,  Full of
Everyone and Everything you Love.

Love, Hugs,
and Pumpkin Blessings,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Table Top Tuesday - Fall cuteness................

Hello There Sweet Friends,

Hope your weekend and Monday was good!

We had a very nice weekend and Monday,
but today I am feeling like I am trying to come
down with something.......feel exhausted and
had a slight headache when I got up, but about
an hour ago I started feeling achy all over
 and chilled.  Real excited about that!!  lol

So am gonna cut this short,  cause as soon as I
 am done with this post I am headed in for a nap
 and hoping to stave this stuff off.!!
If you feel led to pray for me, I promise, I want
mind a bit!!  lol

Well,  this is the top of my serving cart that is
in between the family and dining room.

This just showed a better shot of the picture but sort of cut the
other stuff off.................

Here is a bigger shot.  Can you tell it is a Thomas Kincaid print.
I love his work.........was very saddened by his passing!

I think I love this picture so much because it reminds me of the
year that we lived in Germany way back when we were first

 Here is a cute lil pumpkin made by Becky from over at
Time washed,  several years ago.  Set it on a plate with
potpourri and stuck those lil glitz leaves on there.

colored pencil affect.

and I love getting these lil guys out,  there is a lil
girl which you will see in a moment!
I just love their lil smilin faces................
they make me smile just like my smilin snowmen
at Christmas!  Just so cute!!

My lovely ceramic pumpkin from my sweet
SIL Susan.  I have really enjoyed it!

a lil pumpkin photholder I got at Target
years ago,  so stuck it in the clay pot and
stuck a lil scripture verse on it.

 and that prayer goes for you too!!

and last but not least is the lil cutie patootie girl!
So darn cute.....................

Well, this is just one of my table tops,
there will be more to come.................

Glad you came by,  and look forward
to hearing from you!

I am linking up to Marty over at
a stroll thru life, click here to see
fabulous table tops!

Have a Wonderful Day!


A Wonderful Fall Yall!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - September 20, 2012

No, this isn't my front door, altho it is this color of red,
 This is a public domain picture that I just thought was pretty!

  Greetings Sweet Peas,

So how has your week been??
Wonderful, I hope!

Mine has been very good, I was out more this
week which was fun. Went to lunch with Dee,
 and did some food shopping and looking around.
Today was bible study and went to Bealls look-
ing at clothes.  Tried on a cute looking hounds-
tooth print outfit, but felt like I looked like a
 houndstooth pumpkin in it!! lol
 Did buy my first Christmas present today,  I 
usually don't start until mid to end of October, 
but just happened on something, so decided
 to grab it while I saw it!! 

Was finished with my Fall decorating then 
decided I should change some things around 
in my foyer, since it looked more springish, 
and decided it would look funny to come in
from Fall stuff at the front door to a spring
foyer, which led to the living room as well,
 still working on it, but just about done.

Well, better get on with my list or I am
gonna tell you all of my thankfuls before
I even get

All the rest of these are my pics from last year or the year before!

I am thankful
that I finally met a lady I have heard about a
 lot lately, but had never met, she will be heading 
up the women's ministry in our church.  I was
delighted to meet her this morning as she visited
with our bible study group.  She is a lovely lady.
Now I don't have to wonder who she is anymore!!

I am thankful
for a  new shiny creamy white ceramic pumpkin
 we found on a quick trip to Hobby Lobby last
night.  She was beautiful and 40% off,  so she
just had to make her way to our house,  since
I decided to make my white living room look
a bit Fallish too!  

I am thankful
for a nice movie we watched last night called
the Notebook III.  It really was a very good
movie,  and had the same characters in it from
the Notebook II,  also a great movie as well.

I am thankful
for afternoon which I am about
to partake.  Don't do it often, but certainly more than
I used to..........  but when I do, just a short 30 min.of
kicking back in the recliner, whether I sleep or not
is so rejuvenating!

I am thankful
that I finally decided on a new dentist for us.
After much research and arduous decision making
I called and made appts. for us yesterday!
Don't know about you,  but just don't make
decision as easily as I used

I am thankful
for something I read today, that said Christianity
is the fastest growing religion in the world, and
that it is spreading like wildfire in other countries
like, China, India, Africa, and southeast Asia.
I find that incredibly exciting considering our
culture today!

I am thankful
for all things Fall, especially pumpkins,  I just
love pumpkins,  and I love anything made with
pumpkin especially pumpkin pie, and pumpkin
butter, which is next on my list to make.

I am thankful
for a sweet compliment I got on my daughter from
her older co-worker yesterday when I went to pick
 her up to go to lunch. Makes a Mom's heart sing!!
Would just love to be a fly on the wall and watch
her as she does her job sometime,  cause I just
 know she does a great job!

I am thankful
for all the sweet things that she tell that Jerry does
for her as well.  He is really good to her.......
Another thing that makes a Mom's heart sing!! lol

I am thankful
we are gonna do something with Scott and Megan
 this weekend,  as we haven't seen the in awhile.

I am thankful
that Princess Kate and Prince William did get
some justice from the courts on their invasion of
privacy situation, altho,  I doubt with the internet
media that it will kill all of the pictures unfortunately.
At least it might help to quell them being hunted
down and  infringed upon the way they are.
I don't care how much money someone has,
or how famous or popular they are, no one has
the right to treat people like that, it's just wrong!!

I am thankful
for a delicious low fat white sauce recipe I found 
online that is made with rice flour.  I made it tonight
to go on our cauliflower.  I have not had that in years
and it was sooo good.  I think it would make great
sausage gravy to go on biscuits as well. Yum!
My dad used to make that and it was so wonderful!
Also would make great creamed squash or cream

of broccoli soup.  If anyone is interested let me
know and I will share the recipe.

and this is my front door!!

Well, that is it for this Thursday.....

Thanks for stopping in...........
and for your sweet comments,
  it is always great to hear form you.

Love, Hugs, and
 Sweet Pumpkin Blessings,

Monday, September 17, 2012

Is anyone else feeling badly for Princess Kate and Prince William

Prince William and Princess Katherine in the
Solomon Islands.  Love the look on his face.
They are simply adorable!

Good Monday Morning to you
Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a good weekend??

I was just reading the yahoo news again about the situation
 with the nude photos of Princess Kate.  Is anyone else in
blogland feeling badly for Kate and Will??

  I think it is deplorable
that someone would do that,  it isn't like she was out flaunting 
herself all over the place trying to attract attention or some-
thing.  For heavens sake,  she was nude sunbathing with her
 husband in a private place.  I think she is such a lady and
I am sure she is probably embarrassed beyond measure, and
I am sure Prince William probably feels terrible that he can't
protect her from this,  and I feel for both of them that this
has to be a horrible reminder of what his dear mother,
 Princess Di,  had to go through, and the ultimate cause
 of her death. 

 What is it with people??  They need
to get a life.....................and think!
Think about how they would feel if someone did that to 
their Wife, Mother, Sister, Relative or Friend. 

 I am very happy the royal family is persuing it in court,
 and I hope and pray they bankrupt that magazine and any
 other tabloids or magazines that invade the privacy of
 people like that.  Just because they are famous doesn't
 give anyone the right to do that...........

Just read where Prince Williams wants the perpetrator
to have criminal charges...........Go Prince William!
This is the same magazine that produced all the photos
of princess Di after the car crash...........I hope Prince
William gets what he is asking for, and that it puts
and end to this type of thing for good!

and just so you is not like I am hawking
nude sunbathing or anything, never done it and at
my age probably never will, but feel that her
privacy should have never been invaded like that.
She is probably very much regretting that decision
and they are probably realizing how much they
underestimated the papparazzi's,
If truth be known they probably climbed up on a
roof or scaled the side of a bldg. or something
to get those pictures.............

Well, stepping off my soapbox

We had a nice quiet and restful weekend,  did attend
another funeral on Sat., it was for a sweet man at our
church who had ALS.  It really was a lovely service
and tribute to his life.  Worked in the yard some,
and Sunday we worked in the Nursery with the 
toddler's during the service.  Now it has been a
lot of years since we did that,  and oh my gosh,
we are so out of

Thankfully, we had some teen girls and a few Mom's
 helping out too, who knew the ropes!  I was trying
to stop this one lil guy from turning his sippy cup
upside down,  and one of the Mom's said not to
worry....see...and she turned it upside down and
nothing came out,  and I said
and she said yea, they make them like that now.
I felt older than dirt!!  lol
I have to say honestly,  that the nursery has never
 really been my area of giftedness anyway,  of course,
 I did it when our kids were in there as all good

I am kinda of an older kid person,  we are strange
we like teenagers!  I have never been a woman
who goes, Oh a baby,  let me have her!!  lol
But I have to say I adored my own,  but enjoyed
them so much more once they were talking and
walking........mainly, because I could never stand 
it when they were crying and I couldn't figure 
out what was wrong with them, made me a
wreck......and I am very thankful to hear from
lots of friends that you love your grandchildren
 even more, as it is just like having your own 
children all over again,  accept without all
the work! Now I like the sounds of that!! lol
So if all that is true,  then I am in good shape
with our new grandbundle coming in March of
next year!  Shew!!  lol

Well, guess I had best get busy.

You have a good day now,
and thanks for your visit.

Be sure and leave a comment 
telling us how you feel about
 the situation with
Princess Kate............

Hugs and Good Week Blessings,

Friday, September 14, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - September 13, 2012

 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble,
 whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, 
whatever is admirable--
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy
--think about such things.
Phillipians 4:8

Happy Friday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Sorry I am so late, but was having  busy yet
fun day yesterday, so didn't think you would mind.

Hope things are going well 
with you and yours.

  I know it has been a bit of a discouraging week with
 so much violence going on in our world at large.
That is all the more the reason of why I do this...
 Thankful Thursday keep myself focused on
 the blessings that I do have, and hopefully to help
remind you of the ones you have.............
 even in the midst of craziness going on around us.
 It is so important that we keep our eyes on the Lord
more now that ever!  He holds our future and we need
 to trust Him, even when everything looks bad.
He is able............and He even tells us how to stave off 
anxiety in Phil 4:6-7 and 8.  Truthfully Phil: 4:6 and; 7 are 
my life verses, and it was some time later that the Lord
 began teaching me about verse 8.  If we want to keep
anxiety away we have to not continually talk and
 rehearse all the bad news over and over again.
We need to look for good things that are happen-
ing and talk about those instead.

So with that said, here goes my attempt to set
my mind on good

I am thankful
that my bible study group started up
again this morning.  It is going to be a
study on the book of James,  so should
be very good.

I am thankful
for a fun time out by myself,  ran to 
Michael's with the intention of just getting
something I needed, and wound up spending
a couple of hours in there looking around and
talking, as I ran into a friend from church there
too. Almost everything was 50% off,  so it was
a great time to shop.

I am thankful
I decided to go to Yomii and get some
frozen yogurt afterwards,  it was nice and
cool and refreshing as it is pretty warm 
out today, about 96 to be exact!
Yikes......I thought our really hot temps
were done................maybe not!
but I can sure hope!!  lol

I am thankful
that I am pretty much done with my
Fall decorating other than maybe some
minor tweakingl.

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry are coming over tonight
for dinner,  they haven't been over since
her birthday celebrations, so looking 
forward to it.  

Happy to report they came and we had
a nice evening catching up.  Also,  the Lord
used her to give me a great reminder about
something.  You can see what in #10.
The bible says something about out of the
mouth of babes,  well, she is 28 but she
is still a babe to us parents!  lol

I am thankful
for leftover fajitas from last night, cause
that is what I had for lunch once I got
home from bible study and shopping!
  They were still Great! Yum!

I am thankful
that I just realized my car insurance
bill was due today,  fortunately,  I pay
it online,  so I will still be on time.  PTL

I am thankful
that our City officials decided to distribute
new trash receptacles to everyone in our
town.  They are huge and they are on wheels
with a lid that is connected,  very nice,  and
saved us buying a new one,  since that was
the plan till we heard about these coming.
Our tax dollars at work,  Super!!


I am thankful
that I came across some very pretty paper
napkins at Michael's  and found some cute
acorn and pinecone scrapbooking  embellish-
ments that go nicely with them,  so now I am
planning my Thanksgiving table already, and
it wasn't even my plan to do so.......
Just love when you find something you really
like and that works for the next upcoming
occasion.  Great!

I am thankful
that the Lord show us where we need to make
 needed changes,  and uses other to remind of us
things that we momentarily forget, so that we can
 prayerfully request his help. The neat part is many
 times we are so unaware that there is even a problem,
or that we have gotten so caught up in something.

We have been talking and reading too much lately 
about the coming election and all the stuff that is going
 on,  and it is making us angry and frustrated.
  Am not saying we need to bury our heads in the sand, 
 but when it is too much the topic of conversation all
the time,  it is just too much.  Also, as my daughter
so wonderfully reminded me, we really can't do 
anything about it but pray and vote, and I might
add and maybe help in some politcal way, but
 that is really it folks!
So.............our best resource is to pray pray pray 
and then pray some more for our country
 and leaders...............and the be sure to vote
in November................

Cause so far,  I don't see the anger and
frustration helping one bit!!  lol

not to say that sometimes there is not
righteous indignation over some things,
but let it prompt us to prayer too, if it is
gonna do any good at all..................

I am thankful
that I had a good nights sleep and actually
slept in till about 9:30 this morning, very untypical 
for me. Guess I must have needed it.

I am thankful
that my rhythm rocker seems to be working,
(that is an abdominal exerciser, in case you
are wondering) lol
So far,  it has not given me a lot of trouble with my 
back or neck, have experienced a lil bit,  but doesn't
 seem to last afterwards, so hoping that continues!

Here is my list of thankfuls for the 
week,hope this will encourage your
 heart, even if in just some small way!

Thanks for dropping in..............
Look forward to hearing from you!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Love, Hugs,  and
Right thinking Blessings,

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie