Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - September 6, 2012

Good Afternoon Sweet Peas,

I am early for a change, imagine that!

Hope you have been having a wonderful week.

Mine week has been good, some busy, some crazy and
some fun.............

I am thrilled today to be able to tell yall something I have
wanted to tell you since early July but couldn't, so the
day has finally arrived .........................

I am very thankful

drum roll,  please

keep going

that we are gonna be.....................

" Real First Time Grandparents",
and not of the furry sort....Scott and Megan
are expecting next March 5th, 2013.  We are
all so excited in fact, beyond excited.  It has
been very hard waiting to tell yall,  but they
only were telling family and close friends till
they got thru the first trimester, so was trying
to be a good girl...........and not spill the beans! 
But they are spilt
We are soooo looking forward to this.............

I am thankful
for a really fun Labor Day Celebration at
Scott and Megans new home.  Scott made
Lasagna and it was really delicious,  and it
was fun to watch them be so hospitable in
their new home.  They even sent us home
with lasagna................Loved that too!

They found out Megan was pregnant the
day after they put the offer in on their new
home, so it was so great that they were
able to move in so quickly.  It will be a
few more week before they find out
what gender it is...........
so more fun to look forward to!!

I am thankful
for some really great talks hubby and I have
had lately,  just talking about life and thinking
about things we will do when he retires.  
Fun Stuff to think about!

I am thankful
again for this Sunday School class that we are
in, as he gives us homework every week and 
these are some of the things he tells us to talk
about,  so his questions are really good for 
generating great conversation.

I am thankful
that hubby was able to get our computer up
and running by Tuesday night,  as we had a power
 surge on Monday night and it knocked out several
things on the computer!  We had a surge protector
too,  but hubby thinks it must of taken one too many
hits,  so had to get a new one,  and a new wireless
router as well,  and he was able to work at home
on Wednesday since it was up and running.

I am thankful
for the lil bit cooler mornings we have been having,
in the 70's and lasts till about 9:30 or so.  On Tuesday
I hosed down the whole front of the house getting it
ready for Fall decorations.  It was so nice out and
just loved being able to be out there in the cool
with a bit of a breeze.  Was some brief moments
of Fallish weather.  Glorious!!

I am thankful
that I have gotten all of my coastal stuff taken down
and hopefully will pack it up today,  and start on
putting up the Fall things...............looking forward
to ready for Fall Weather.  Wish it
automatically appeared when I put up the decorations,
but at least it will seem like Fall

I am thankful
I heard from my uncle that lives near New Orleans
this morning,  and they have no damage, thank the
Lord.....and he is already back to work in New that was great news.

I am thankful
that my sweet friend Becky over at Timewashed
 is selling tons of her fabulous pumpkins in her etsy 
shop.  If  you have never been there..............
just click here!  But make sure when you get 
there you look on her right side bar for her etsy 
shop,  then click on timewashed, at the bottom 
of the pictures.

Also wanted to tell you she is starting a new
 linky party called "Flaunt your linens Friday".
It starts Sept. 15th, 2012.  So be looking up
your special linens...................

I am thankful
for sweet blog friends that are always so willing
to help you out when you have questions or 
need information.  My Thanks to Terri and
Sonny for their sweet help this week.
Blessings Abundant to you both!!

I am thankful
for a new green bean recipe I got from Sonny
today,  so can't wait to make it for tonight.
It is for Roasted Green Beans,  have roasted
lots of veggies but never green beans,  so this
will be a fun new experience for me.

I am thankful
that when we pray about something that is
troubling us, that we can count on the Lord
to help us with it,  and many times give us
a whole new perspective,  I have experienced
that today,  and what a JOY!!
God is always so good................

I am thankful
I will get to have lunch with Dee tomorrow
since she is working closer by this month,
so looking forward to that!

That concludes my list for the week.
I know you probably have plenty
of your own thankfuls.......and
if you feel so led,  share a few with
us, want you!

So glad you dropped by, always
enjoy hearing from you so much.

Have a Great Weekend,

Love, Hugs,
and Baby Blessings to ya!



  1. #1. Yahoo! That makes me a Great Aunt! Prayers are being lifted for us all with GOD's great blessing to us all!!!
    #2. I'm so glad they want to know! I surely would, ha!
    #3. Retirement is such a blessing! I wake up every morning giving GOD the glory and praise that He allowed His blessing on me to do so! It will be doubly so with you!
    #4. As so with my Wednesday Ladies Bible class. I am so thrilled it has started up again this week!
    #5. Do you have a power surge protector on your in-coming power line? I had the electric company do so some years ago and have had ocassional surges to the point of turning off and back on, but the protector on my line has been a "life saver" for my electrical appliances, computer & electronics!
    #6. The hints of fall are great! I love the fall and spring when our weather is just right!
    #7. Wouldn't that be great! No one would have to ask about the season change, they'd just say, "Nellie's put out her fall decorations. Do you feel it in the air, lol!
    #8. Thank the LORD for His blessings!
    #9. Wow! such great blogs. Where do they get so much to share?
    #10. Thank you Terri and Sonny!
    #11. I put those in with all of the other veggies I roasted! Of course it wasn't the same recipe. Thank you Nellie for intoducing me to roasting veggies!
    #12. I realized that when His WORD tells us that "We have not because we ask not." I have learned so much with this verse.
    #13. Enjoy!!!
    Love to all of you, Susan

  2. Hi dear Nellie, Congrat's big time for you and yours. How exciting and I can tell you that there is nothing sweeter than being a grandparent. What a wonderful thankful list as well. I knew Becky would sell those pumpkins fast! Hope you have a wonderful evening.
    Love to you, Noreen

  3. Congratulations on you soon to become a grandma. Your list of thanks is long; it is good to write these lists from time to time.

  4. Nellie

    Congratulations on news! It is so exciting becoming a grandparent and I know you will be a great one. the little one will be so blessed to have such a beautiful person love him or her. I will be excited to hear the gender.
    I love your list of thankfuls as usual. It always makes me remember that no matter what there is a blessing that comes out of everything big or small.
    I am getting so excited about Fall too. Our weather needs to cool down.
    Guess what? I have another granddog. She is a beagle mix. My son Jeremy and his family just adopted Maggie. She is 4 months old and I get to see her tomorrow. I still miss my dog Max so much.

    Blessings & Love

  5. Wonderful! Every ONE of them -- but especially that first one! I'm sure we will hear more about that in the days/weeks/months to come :)

  6. That is just brilliant, brilliant news! Well done you!!! Can you congratulate grandparents for being grandparents?!! Well, anyway.....CONGRATUALTIONS!!!!


  7. I'm so excited for you! Waiting to find out if it's a boy or girl is soooo hard! I remember waiting to find out what my Mom was having when my sister was on her way. I wanted to get going on the nursery. It was so hard! Congratulations to all of you.
    I'm coming to Florida at the end of the month! Yeahhhh! :) And I'm now getting super serious about moving. I've put an offer in on a house. I haven't heard anything back though. I'm begging God everyday to help me out. LOL! I'll keep nagging...I mean praying! LOL! Have an incredible Sunday!

  8. That is so great, Nellie! I know you've heard it before, but being a grandparent is just the best thing ever. I'm so happy for you and your hubby, & for the new parents-to-be, too!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday January 30, 2025, and pictures of Winter decor

For I know the plans  I have for you,” declares the  Lord , “plans to prosper  you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future....