Thursday, September 27, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - September 27, 2012

Most of these pics compliments of public domain pics

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a pleasant week.

Most of mine was pleasant other than on Tuesday
when I wasn't feeling good,  but happily,  that passed
by quickly..................

Gotta hurry up and finish this as we have to go 
exercise on the bike and watch a movie or some

This will sort of fill you in on my week anyway.
So here goes.........................

I am thankful
for a really huge answer to prayer.
For over 5 years we have been trying to find a professional 
software package to be used for making greeting cards that
you can sell...............and have combed the web with no results, 
until...............this week.  Hubby just happened to go somewhere
 online to do something for his job, (he is a software engineer, 
by the way)  and happened on it, course, we don't really believe
 in happenstance, for believers.......we believe it was a divine
 connection.  So we have been able to download it and try it, 
 and I am beyond thrilled!!!
Exactly what we have been looking for all these years.........
There are some things I still need to learn but it operates very 
similiarly to what I had been using for the last 8 years,  but 
you were not allowed to sell what you made on there.  If you 
only knew the whole story you would understand why it is
 such a thrill......but believe me it is!!
and it seems to me to be confirmation from the Lord that
 I am moving in the right direction................

I am thankful
for a good day at bible study and a quick lunch with my
 Dee today.

I am thankful
that we are going over to see her and Jerry
for a longer visit tomorrow night.  

I am thankful
for the prayers that went up in my behalf, that kept me from 
getting sicker.  I was feeling perfectly normal by Wednesday.
What a joy that was!

I am thankful
that I have lost a few pounds and inches
 and seems like I am headed down to the next
 set point level hopefully,  cause I would like
to lose another 5 or so pounds.

I am thankful
that they finally put the Bible Challenge game online,  so
 we can watch it now, and it's great...... It also bypasses 
all the commercials as well.
We really enjoy it!

I am thankful
that  we got to spend time with Scott and Megan on Sunday, 
 and then I got to spend time with Scott on Monday giving him 
a hand with something,  it was fun.  Don't get those
opportunities very often.

I am thankful
that I found some scrapbook embellishments today
 that I have been looking for but couldn't find before.
I want them to make a guy card!

I am thankful
that another gift I am making is coming out very well,  
and I am so happy about that, and  can't wait to see
the finished product, and hope it makes the person
that receives it as happy as it did me to make it.

I am thankful
I had a nice long 2 hr. or more chat with my SIL Susan 
on the phone.  A fun time of catching up.

I am thankful
that I heard from my cousin Donna this passed week, 
she lives up in Virginia, and  it was great talking with
 her as well.  

I am thankful
that I was able to rescue something from a glass
of water I accidentally spilled in the kitchen that
ran over onto the breakfast bar, and it was just
in the nick of time.  Just as I moved it, the water
was running that way!  Talk about a close call.

Well,  God is Good All the Time,

and All the Time, God is Good!!

Thanks for droppin' by, always love
to hear from you.

Have a Sweet Weekend,  Full of
Everyone and Everything you Love.

Love, Hugs,
and Pumpkin Blessings,


  1. I get the idea that you're THANKFUL!
    So happy for you, Nellie.

  2. so happy to hear all your good news and reasons for thankfulness.

    life is joyful here and I am thankful beyond measure for that.

  3. #1. Yea! I know who I'll be buying my cards from!!!
    #2. Amen here! I'm so glad you had a great lunch with sweet Dee!
    #3. Double Amen!
    #4. Thank You, LORD, for answered prayer!
    #5. You go, Nellie! I'm the same, no loss no gain.
    #6. I finally located it on the cable! I really enjoy it! The answers aren't usually hard, it's just the format they put the questions in can sometimes be tricky.
    #7. So glad they are close for you to assist and enjoy!
    #8. It's amazing what I find when I go through things I haven't seen in years! How quickly the mind forgets!
    #9. I'm sure they will when so much joy has been put into it!
    #10. Was it that long! Oh, my dear!
    I surely enjoyed it too! My heart has been blessed by you!
    #11. It surely makes your heart glad when you hear from family. Mom's nephew surprises me on e-mail from time to time.
    #12. I have found myself being really "fumbled fingered" here lately. I grasp something and almost drop it while "regrasping" it! It's like I'm not thinking to grasp it tight enough! It's usually long slinder items like forks, pencils, etc. The joys of getting older, ha!
    Love to you and yours, Susan

  4. Today I am thankful for God stepping in and answering prayer extravagantly.

    For hard work that leads to results.

    For sweet friends who make me laugh.

    And For my dear little family whom I get to connect with heart to heart soon - the weekend is coming!

  5. I am thankful for reading you post today!
    I love to be around thankful people!!!
    Bless your sweet heart!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie