Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Table Top Tuesday - Punkins & Pinecones........

Morning Sweet Friends,

How are ya??  Hope you have had a nice 
Monday and a lovely weekend as well.

Can't believe we are into the 2nd day of October already.
Amazing how fast the time goes............

Have been a busy girl so am gonna make this short and
 just add some pictures..........if you can believe that!  lol

These are pics from our family room.  It is of our sofa table
that is against the wall.  You have seen her before!  Just
decorated differently.

Added some  berries in the topiary

 I really like to use natural elements particularly
in the Fall........................these leaves have been
around forever,  they are real leaves just preserved
with something!

Love these pictures,  I have 2......the other one
is up on top of my china hutch,  will probably
show that at a later date.

Just a close up of the picture.

Another cute lil punkin my SIL Susan gave to me.
It is a Jack 0 Lantern on the other side, and you
can put a candle in it, if you want, so the face shows up.

Well,  this is my 2nd Fall Table Top.....
will have some more to come.

Am linking up to Marty over at
 a stroll thru life, so if you want to see
 more festive ideas..........
Just click here!

Thanks so much for stoppin' in, 
always great to hear from you!!

Hope you are enjoying theFall weather,
still pretty warm here,  but I am
 enjoying my Fall decorations........lol

Joy of Fall Blessings to you,


  1. simple and sweet fall display.. I LIKE it~!


  2. Your tabletop shows the pretty colors of fall! I love your wall hanging! I have always loved linen picture wall hangings! Yours is great! Love to you all, Susan

  3. Looks so pretty! Love the leaves with the pine cones! Your pumpkin is cute also. Hope you're having a nice day!

  4. Very sweet vignette, Nellie. I love your Toscana print -- very tallish!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....