Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Table Top Tuesday - More Fall Fun

Evening Sweet Friends,

Hope you day was good!

Mine was good,  just had a lot to get done,  and then my 
computer was not wanting to cooperate with me today
 for some strange reason.

I have been trying to get this posted all day,
but for one reason or another it just hasn't happened.
until now,  and it is bedtime so hoping to quickly get
er done....................lol

Thought I would show you some more Fall pictures
from my house.  These first shots are of a round
table in my family room.

Love all these natural elements...ya know!

I usually put this arrangement on the coffee table
but decided to do something different this year!
I like it here, a nice change, and will show you
the coffee table next week probably.

All my natural elements in Colored Pencil

This next table top is in my hallway on the way
to the guest bathroom and bedroom and our
computer room.  We have a split plan .
Master Bedroom and Bath on one end, other
bath and bedrooms at opposite end.   We
have really liked that!

A faux pumpkin with just a few added touches

I like to use greeting cards sometimes if I really like them,
and they remind me of someone special or a special event.

I used the blue to give a punch of color and a lil surprise.

 Posterized Affect

 Always nice to add a lil candlelight. I do love using my candles
They just cheer me up,  and most of them make the house
smell so great!

Well, That's All Folks.... for this week!!

I am linking up to Marty 
over at a stroll thru life,
if you want to see more fun
 Table Tops, Just Click Here.

Thanks for droppin in, 

 always good to hear from you.

Have a Wonderful rest of the week!

Hugs and Pumpkin Blessings,


  1. autumn looks gorgeous at your place!

  2. very pretty fall arrangements in your home Miss Nellie.
    subtle and stylish..

    I'm off to the store today and need to remember various nuts or my glass jars. I've forgotten them the last two weeks even though I wrote them down on my list:)

    see ya soon
    hugs and blessings

  3. Hi Nellie, thanks for stopping by!! Your home looks so lovely decked out for fall- my family are going to be very surprised next fall here in Australia because I just love all the fall decorations and am going to add them to my home! usually we don't decorate much except for Christmas. I really love the fall weather after the long hot summers we have.
    Please call again..

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  7. Love your fall vignette, the pumpkins, flowers, acorns and pine cones are all so perfect. Beautiful displays. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  8. Pretty Fall touches, Nellie! Thanks for stopping by to see me. I am now following you. I hope you will follow me back :)

  9. Hello Nellie, thanks for visiting. I am your newest follower. Looks like you have your Fall on. The pumpkin is great with the books. Loving the acorns in the leaf plate.

  10. Are those real flowers? They are beautiful!

    My printer has been acting up. It will print half of the sheet then "spits" out the rest!!!

    Whoops! All I had to do was read further down about your flowers! They surely look real!

    What is a "faux" pumpkin? It looks real! Looks nice with the pinecone.

    Your home always looks like a perfectly decorated home all would love to see in their own!

    Love to all of you, Susan

  11. Very pretty, Nellie! I like blue with the Fall colors.
    You are all decked out for Fall!
    Here from Tabletop Tues. Pop over!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie