Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Low Fat, Gluten Free, White Sauce Recipe

Stock photo from yahoo of gluten free white sauce in the making....

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you having a 
good Wednesday!

I am having a good day thus far.
It is a pretty & sunny day here right now,  but almost
every afternoon,  we are having storms and rain, so
expect that will be our afternoon. lol  Am hoping not
since we really need to mow the grass!  lol

A few of you asked me if I would share the Low
Fat Gluten Free, White Sauce Recipe I found online.
It was really good,  I have to say,  and could not
even tell any difference over the usual.

I love white sauce on my Cauliflower,  and also
to make creamed squash,  and I doubled the below
recipe and made both,  and even had some leftover.
Mind you that was enough for 2 of us,  so just trying
to give you an idea,  so you will know if you want to
 double or triple it, or maybe more,  for your own use.

This is a combination of my Low Fat version, along with
 their Gluten Free Version.  So here is their web address
 in case you would like to check out other gluten free foods.

White Sauce Recipe

~1 Tablespoon of margarine 

(I use Land of Lakes light margarine with canola oil)

~1 Tablespoon of Rice Flour

(I used Bob's Red Mill Stone Ground White Rice Flour
that I ought it at Publix Grocery Store)
Their recipe said sweet rice flour but somehow I missed
that when I went to purchase mine,  they said it is less
gritty,  but I didn't think mine was gritty!  Anyhow, just
in case you want to try the other!!

~1 cup Milk

(I used 1% Milk)

~1/4 Teaspoon of salt

~1/8 Teaspoon of Pepper


Melt butter over low heat, allow to cool slightly, and then
add the rice flour, stirring as you mix it in with the butter.
 When smooth, turn up the heat and keep stirring until the
 mixture bubbles. Gradually add the milk, stirring constantly
 to avoid lumps.  When all the milk is added, bring to a boil
 and then reduce the heat.  Cook for 3 more mins. Add the
 seasonings after removing from heat and blend into the
 sauce. ( I added my Seasoning once I put all the milk
in and it turned out fine.................not good at following
directions to the T, cause I have my own way of making
white sauce!!  lol.)

This white sauce could be used to make sausage gravy,
cream of broccoli, mushroom, celery or  cream of chicken
soup. Also can be used for creamed spinach, squash or
corn or to put on cauliflower.  and probably uses I would
not think of as well.  If you have any other ideas please
let me know....................

Hope you try and make it and enjoy it as much as we
did................some morning I am gonna make us some
sausage gravy............looking forward to that!

Thanks for your visit, 
look forward to hearing from you.

You have a wonderful day now!!

Hugs and 
Special White Sauce Blessings!

I am linking up to Lois over at
Walking on sunshine, so if you
want to see some great recipes
Just click here!


  1. I've never tried rice flour, can you substitute it in for all flour recipes?

    Thanks for your kind words about our friend's son Luke. It has been so hard to watch them get such frightening news.

  2. Hi Nellie, Thank you so much for this-you know I'm gluten free and love getting new recipes.
    Hope you have the most blessed evening.
    Love, Noreen

  3. I can hardly wait to try it! I have to go out and buy the ingredience, plus some veggies and sausage!! This gives me the incentive to do some cooking!
    Thanks, Nellie! Love you, Susan

  4. What a great idea! I have heard of rice flour but have not even looked for it! Hope you're having a nice weekend Nellie!

  5. Thanks for sharing your gluten-free recipe at Foodie Friends Friday! Cindy Cindy's Recipes and Writings

  6. Thanks for joining Foodie Friends Nellie! Don't forget to come back and VOTE on Sunday! Did you enter the giveaway??


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie