Friday, October 5, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 4, 2012

Picture compliments of public domain -

It is good to praise the Lord
and make music to your name,
O Most High,
to proclaim your love in the morning
and your faithfulness at night
Psalm 92:1-2

Evening Sweet Friends,

I am a day late and a dollar short as they say.
This has just really been a busy week for me,
a really good week, but certainly way busier
than my usual.  I am finishing this up in between
wii tennis games!  lol
Sorry I don't have as many pic as usual.........
but I knew you would

Hope all is well with you and 
yours! and  you will sorta see what
 our week has been like..................

I am thankful
for our new to us, Van.  We have been looking
for awhile,  and Saturday we finally hit on one
that sounded great for us,  so we went to see
it and wound up coming home with her!
She is a 2008 Toyota Sienna with 60,000 miles 
but looks like a brand new Van.  She drives like
 a dream, and we really love her!!
I have nicknamed her Whitey,  cause she is
white and I have wanted a white car forever
it seems like!  So I am so excited, and just
love driving her.

I am thankful
for all the wonderful service and enjoyment
that our old 19 year Van gave us,  and altho,
it is time for her to go,  I shall miss her too. lol
We made some wonderful memories in that Van.

I am thankful
that we got our garage hoed out enough to....
 to get Whitey in there.  As we had given up
on getting our other car back in there just do
to circumstance after circumstance...............
Still have work to do out there,  and glad this
is giving us the incentive as it has been driving
me crazy for awhile now,  but was just waiting
for cooler weather.  

I am thankful
for places like Hospice and Good Will that you
can take good used things to rather than just
throw them out,  cause I don't like to waste things,
but am not really wanting to have a garage sale,
plus I like giving it to a good cause anyway.

I am thankful
for Hospice,  as they were like angels of mercy
when my Father-in-law had cancer years ago.
A great organization....................

I am thankful
for a good bible study lesson today,  and a fun
day out doing some grocery shopping,  and 
going to Michael's and the Dollar Tree, and
having a Chocolate Elvis..............ummmm
(I started this post yesterday afternoon late,
so most all of this post was done yesterday
but a few.)

I am thankful
that I found some really neat card embellishments
today at a great price,  and for just $2.43 I got
like 25 of them,  typically,  you get about 8-10
for $ for me!!

I am thankful
that I have learned quite a bit on the new card
software program,  and have completed 3 cards
now,  and am very happy with them.  Lots more
to learn yet,  but it's coming along................

I am thankful
that hubby found a psalm this morning that
he feels we should claim for our country.
I couldn't agree is Psalm 125.
If you get a chance read it, as you might
want to pray it and claim it for our country
and How bout that Romney................
didn't he do an awesome job!!  

I am thankful
that we are going to be finding out the Gender
of our new grandchild to be, on Sat. Oct. 13th.
Scott and Megan are having a baby gender party
where you find out what gender it is by cutting
the cake, if it is pink - it's a girl,  if it is blue, then
of course, it's a boy............hope they don't make a
 mistake and make it green or something crazy,
that would be something!!  Best be praying on

I am thankful
that Megan is coming along well,  and they have
heard babies heart beat a number of times now.
She is feeling a lil better too,  but still pretty tired.
She is 18 weeks now,  I think it is.............

I am thankful
for a nice morning out with Becky, our lil punkin 
maker from over at Junk to Joy, or Time Washed, 
 I think she calls it now.......I am having trouble keeping
 up with the name! Can you tell!!  lol  We went to Cracker
 Barrel and we both had a great breakfast and fun time
yakking and catching up. Seems like ages since we have
seen each it was a blessing!
Course, it is always a blessing to spend time with her!

Well, that is my list for this week.........
hope you have a nice list of your own.

Thanks for coming by.........................
Tell us what you are thankful for ........
would love to hear!!

Love, Hugs, and
 Sweet Fall Blessings,


  1. You have been busy..
    Congrats on the new van and a bay to pull her into.

    I am grateful to ALMOST be done with my livingroom. I keep saying if I ever get it back to normal I'll leave it alone. We'll see how long that lasts lol..

    have a wonderful weekend.
    grateful to be alive this morning and commenting..
    hugs and happy thoughts

  2. You HAVE had a full week, Nellie! Happy with you about Whitey. She sounds "perfect" for you.

  3. #1. I surely missed riding in your new van this morning to "Bagels and Blessings!"
    #2. What some years you did put (as well as miles) on grandvannie!
    #3. If you still need any help, let me know!
    #4. I know what you mean! I have mainly donated most of my video tape and dvd collection to the public library. I have also donated some to our church library. I'm getting ready to donate some of my book collection to the library. I have also itemized them on a letterhead and have gotten signatures for a write off on my income tax. I had the limit of $5.000.00 for the video/dvd collection!
    #5. As well you know with my dad too! They were a true GOD send!
    #6. Starting out the day with our Ladies Bible groups aways makes for a joyful day! Some of the ladies and I go out and eat lunch afterward in continuing our fellowship!
    #7. I look for sets of cards that have a Biblical inferences, but it's really hard to find them, especially since Hans "Write Place" is no longer in business!
    #8. I'll have to buy my "boxes" of cards from you when you get your business going!
    #9. Proverbs has many also, Prov. 29:2 "When a wicked man rules, the people groan, but when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice" One more, Proverbs 11:3 "The perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them (the wicked), but the Integrity of the upright will guide them (the righteous.)" GO ROMNEY!
    #10. Yea, I can hardly wait!
    #11. I shall pray for the LORD to give her strength.
    #12. Isn't it such a blessing! I'll be going to brunch with Sylvia, my teacher friend (for 24 years) the first Tuesday in November!
    Don't get too tired enjoying your driving in you new van! I can hardly wait to see it!!
    Love to you and all the family, Susan

  4. Hi Nellie

    Congrats on the new to you van. I love that you name her. I usually just call mine a her. LOL
    How exciting about finding out the gender. It sounds like a fun way to announce it. You will catch yourself in the baby aisles all the time altho you mighy have already checked them out.
    I am excited to hear and see all about your card making. Sounds like fun to me.
    Well for me I am doing fine except headed back to the Dentist for some more work. Seems like that happens a lot for me.

    Loved all you thankfuls
    Love & Blessings


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie