Thursday, October 18, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 18, 2012

Hello Sweet Peas,

So.............How are you??

Have you wondered where I am??
I hope

We have been at Dee and Jerry's house since late 
Sunday afternoon,  and just returned last evening.
  Since they were away in Hawaii,  I told you we
might stay a night down there, but it actually 
worked out that we could stay till Wednesday.

It was a fun and exciting weekend I have to say, 
So I will tell you about it in my thankful list.

I am thankful
to finally know what our grandchild is gonna
be, course, we didn't care if it was a boy or girl
 just want it to be healthy and happy.  
But see for yourself what it is................

 Here are the proud parents about to cut the cake
and find out the news..................

Cutting the cake in sweet anticipation!!
For some reason a lot of our pics were blurry,
sure hope someone else got better shots.

Cutting deeper..........................

Gonna be a Baby Girl,  and our new
Grandaughter,  can you tell I am excited!

I am thankful
that they did it this way,  as it was a lot of
 fun anticipating and also wonderful to get
to see their faces when they found out.
It was a really precious time and so great that 
they shared it with the whole family like that! 
 Megan is very thoughtful person........and
 so was Scott to go along with it!!  lol

I am thankful
that while we were at the party we got to
see a friend of Scott's, who is like a 2nd son 
to us,  as he used to be here a lot as a young 
boy and teenager, and we hadn't seen him in 
quite a long while.  He always encourages us
 by things he remembers that we have said to
 him over the years.  It always shocks us, but
in a very good way......So touching that we 
had so much of an influence on him. 
Really Blesses our hearts!

I am thankful
for how patient and loving Scott is with
children.  He played with his friends kids
a lil boy that is 8 and a lil girl that is almost
4 most of the time.  They adore him,  and
he them!  He is gonna make a great DAD!
Not biased or anything!!  lol

I am thankful
that they were able to video tape the
event and send it over to Dee and Jerry
in Hawaii,  so they could see the whole
thing since she couldn't be here.
Amazing what you can do today!!

Pic from Dee and Jerry's patio with a posterized affect. 

I am thankful
we were able to go stay at Dee and Jerry's
and that hubby was able to take a half day off
 on Monday, on short notice.  He was also able
to work there on Wed. since they have wifi,
and he is closer to work, so not a long drive
for him on Tuesday either.  So that was nice.

I am thankful
we got to go in the pool even tho it wasn't for
too it was partially cloudy and the
pool was cold,  but we did get a lil time in there
with the sun shining,  so it was nice!

I am thankful
that we got take out the whole time,  so no
cooking,  other than just making toast or re-
heating something.  So it was like a 3 day
vacation for us, just a nice change of pace
and scenery.  Dee is very thoughtful like
that, and so is Jerry for going along with
Is there an echo in here!!  lol

I am thankful
that I got to go out walking in their lovely
older neighborhood.  The neighborhood is
at least 35 years old,  but I think it might
be older than that,  but you would never
know,  as there are new houses mixed in 
with the older ones and everything is 
immaculate in there.
Truly a visual delight..........thanks to
their Home owners Association.

I am thankful
for the fun of watching HGTV on their cable.
We always enjoy that when we vacation too.
Always a treat since we don't have cable at
home.........and I'm not complaining we like
it that it always gives us 
something to look forward to.................

I am thankful
Dee and Jerry got back yesterday,  safe and
sound,  altho, they were exhausted, they
were home.

I am thankful 
for these cute lil starfish dishes she brought
me,  they are so adorable. See them below.
They brought her Dad Kona Coffee, his fav!
So he was making coffee last night!!  lol

They are all the same size........this pic sort of makes 
them lookgraduated in size.

Aren't they adorable,  can't wait till next Summer
to use them in a tablescape.  Might just have to
mix them in with my Fall decor here somewhere
in the meantime.

I am thankful
that I returned refreshed and renewed and rested
and ready to go,  as soon as I straightened up
the house I cleaned the porch as it was in sore
need of it again.  Looks so much better!
If we could just keep these dratted racoons off
our porch,  they leave dirty footprints and hand
prints all over the place.  Annoying!!  lol

Well,  that is my list for the week,  hope you
enjoyed it..........I sure did!!
Not quite in the same way I am sure!!  lol

So glad you stopped by.............

Share something you are thankful
 for if you 'd like.

Have a great Friday and Weekend,

See ya next week,

Love, Hugs,  and
Sweet Baby Blessings,


  1. Well! What a good time you had! I can imagine how just a little change of scenery left you refreshed like a BIG vacation :)

    And pink congratulations to you! (I'm still not clear how that's mean they didn't know themselves until they cut the cake????)

  2. yeaaaaaaaaaaa its gonna be a girl..

    they really are the best:)

    glad ya'll had a good time..

  3. That's fantastic! It's always more fun for us to have little girls. I mean you can buy fantastic dresses, do their hair up with bows, and pink everywhere. It's just tons of fun. Just remember to dress her up as much as you can before she starts talking and deciding her own wardrobe. Than it's weird outfit city. I remember one of my sisters only wanted to wear underwear and under shirts. Odd!
    Thanks for your words about my house search. I'm so happy to read your words of encouragement.
    Congratulations to all of you. I can't wait to see this little angel!

  4. So very happy for you!!!!
    Congratulations over this joyful blessing of the LORD!

  5. Hi Sweetie!
    Such fun this Grandma thing! You're going to just love it, and I am so thrilled for you all! Too much fun, too, that our girls will all "pop" in the new year! What a blessing! Everyone was over tonight, and before they all got here, I just sat and watched and felt Mal's tummy. She is sooo amazed that a little life is inside her!

    Thanks so much for your prayers! I'm feeling much better tonight!

    Love ya,

  6. Congratulations on finding out about the grandbaby girl! I'm a bit partial to girls as you know... :)

  7. #1. Praise our LORD! I'm going to be a Great Aunt! (I don't mean that in a "bragging" manner, ha!)
    #2. Another joyful time together for all of the family. I forgot to give them the congradulations card I had in my purse!!
    #3. He indeed is a a wonderful young man as so with his wife being wonderful too! I can't believe how big their children are!
    #4. What a challenge that game was and to think this little boy won most of the games. It wasn't a "give-away" by the adults either, ha!
    #5. I'm sure Jerry and DeeAnna were as thrilled as we all were!
    #6. I'm so glad you both had an enjoyable mini-vacation!
    #7. So the pool was cool? I haven't been in mine for years! I need to start using it again.
    #8. That's how my eating is just about every day. Just Wednesday when I got back from lunch with the ladies from church, I did a take out order of chili that lasted me a couple of days!
    #9. I'm sure Rosie enjoyed it too!
    #10. I'm "bad" with cable. I like to watch the NHRA racing chanel!
    #11. Another prayer answered from our LORD. I have been praying for their safe return. I hope their jetlag doesn't last too long. I get jetlag when I occassionally sit up to 12:00 a.m. watching t.v.! Mind you, I rarily do that!
    #12. Your stardish looks really cute! You will have some new things to put with your shells next summer for decorating.
    #13. Are they back!! I had not seen any sign of them when I was feeding Molly!!
    Love to you all, Susan

  8. Aw! Congrats that's an adorable idea, but who is the one who know's to order the cake?
    Best Wishes for the arrival!

  9. Nellie

    Congratuations again! What a fun way to share the announcement of the gender. You will be a good grandmother too. Girls are so fun.
    What a nice little getwaway you got to have. I am glad you got to take a little dip in the pool.

    Thank you for always being there for me.

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie