Friday, October 26, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 25, 2012

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
since as members of one body you were called to peace,
and be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope all is well with you and yours.

I am thankful to say all is well with us, and ours!
Sorry I am a bit late, but actually forgot to finish last 
night..........and on my way to bed I remembered but
thought too tired, in the morning!!  lol

It is a pretty windy and gloomy looking here this
 morning, wind gusts and more than likely we will
get rain too, all being thrown off from hurricane Sandy.
Which leads me to my 


I am thankful
that so far, we  have dodged another hurricane bullet, 
altho,  I am very sorry and praying for those who did not.

I am thankful
for the lovely cool mornings we have been having
here all this week in Florida, feels like Fall at least
 in the morning and late at night!  lol  
Was nice to get out and work in the yard a lil with the
 beautiful weather. So enjoyable!!

I am thankful
for Billy Graham and others who are great spiritual 
leaders and examples to us all, like Charles Stanley,
Andy Stanley, David Jeremiah, Bob Coy, James
Merritt,  and our own Pastors at our church.
Know there are plenty others, but they just aren't 
coming to mind right now.

I am thankful
for my Mom's (who is in heaven) potato salad recipe.
  I made a big bowl this week for the first time in a long
while,  and had forgotten just how delicious it is.....

I am thankful
that we have already voted,  and now just are waiting 
to see the results.  Just 11 more days!!

I am thankful
that we got one of our  new shelves up in the garage,
we have 2 more and maybe 3 more to go,  but we
have started, and can't believe how nice it looks and
how much more room we will have out there.


I am thankful
 on Wed. and Thurs., especially for Alleve Sinus and
 Ibuprophen,as my face was aching (allergy related) and
 then I started getting body aches along with my back issues, 
 so it has made me feel soooooooo much better,  and
hubby needed the ibuprophen because he had a lot
of dental work done Wed.,  so God bless those
little feel good

I am thankful
for the new things I have learned on my software
package this week.  Neat stuff!

I am thankful
that I have been able to work on a number of
cards this week, even with my back issues.
I sit a little at the computer,  then go do something 
else for awhile, then come back, and repeat the       Working tho!!

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry got to come over on Sunday,
we had a great time as always.

I am thankful
for organizations like Samaritan's purse, that
provide Christmas gifts and daily help to children
in underpriviledged countries.  Our bible study
group is each doing a shoebox christmas gift,
so I had the pleasure and honor of filling a
 shoebox for a young girl.

I am thankful
hubby finally found an all in one printer that will
work for us,  our scanner broke quite some time
ago,  so we needed a new one but you can get
an all in one printer for the same price as just 
scanner.  It will be nice to have a scanner again, 
so we can make copies when we need to, and
now we have a backup printer as well.

I am thankful
that my back is feeling much better,  not
completely there yet,  but able to sit and lie
down now with no problem.  Just sorta sore
still,  but hey, I can deal with that!!  lol

There a baker's dozen!  lol

Any Thankful's you would
like to share....
would love to hear them!

So glad you came by,and l
ook forward to hearing from you.

Have a Terrific Weekend,

Love, Hugs and 
Good Weather Blessings,


  1. Sorry about your aches and pains but glad you're getting over them...

    We're doing shoeboxes again this year too - at church.

    I join you in being thankful for preachers who are still able to afford broadcast costs. I'm so encouraged by them - especially during the night hours, etc.

    Have a good weekend, Nellie. I've a busy day today - and though it's not the hurricane, it's grey and rainy here! (Yesterday was SO beautiful....) :)

  2. #1. Praise the LORD. I pray it stays out in the Atlantic!
    #2. The evenings get pretty cool too! If it could stay like this all year, ha!
    #3. GOD is so good to fill His Church with His Holy Spirit! He said He will never leave us nor forsake us!
    #4. That reminds me; I thank my mom (who is in Heaven with your mom) for her recipe for her collard greens. I have gotten into eating them and other calcium fortified foods!
    #5. I'm voting at the booth to make sure it goes in as counted in the machine! I'm sure the others are too, but I just want to be reassured as I SEE it go in!
    #6. WooHoo! I bet it is nice! I need to get me some shelves or a small bookcase next to my chair in the den. Things are piled on this little table I have!
    #7. Oh tell me about it!!! I have been having problems with rubbing my eyes (due to the pollen irratation) that they are swollen, red, and bloodshot! I've been using eye wash that seems to help it some.
    #8. Great! That was me when I got my new computer. Now if I could only figure out this pain in the cartridge printer! Each time I put a new ink cartridge in it, it doesn't give you any instructions of alignment printing and I have messed up I don't know how many pages of my documents I'm printing!
    #9. I'm right the opposite! I do fine sitting, but when I get up my joints are so stove up and muscles ache, it takes me a few minutes of popping and grinding, ha, before I can get start started walking!
    #10. I still need to get them their anniversary card!
    #11. I'm thankful our churches can offer such things for others who need it!
    #12. Fantastic. I hope it doesn't act like mine when you put in new ink cartridges, lol!
    #13. I'm so thankful you are doing better. I have found it is challenging to be getting older!
    Love to you all, Susan.

  3. Sorry to hear about your back issues, Nellie. That's exactly what happened with my knee a couple of weeks ago. It just went out but feeling better each day, & I wish the same for you.

    Your post is lovely and very inspiring. I think it is so important to always keep those positive thoughts, no matter how small, first and foremost in our minds and hearts. I think it makes us better able to handle the challenges. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hi Nellie,

    I am sorry to hear that you have had a problem with your back. Thing like that that cause so much pain and slow us down are not fun. I have been there a time or two in my life. Your home is looking great, I just went to the post below on your white living room and it looks pretty.

    I am also glad you dodged the hurricane. I hope Laura and Robert will be as blessed. They live on Aquidneck Island in Rhode Island so it is a little worrisome right now.

    I am a little more worried because Robert and Spencer will be flying to Utah tomorrow for a visit with Robert's parents which will leave Laura and Ross home alone for the landfall. Hopefully it will be far from them. Robert's Dad is not doing well so he needs to go for a visit. With his deployment he has not seen his Dad in well over a year. Faith, we just have to go forward in faith and they will be as prepared as possible. I am thankful for faith and prayers that are answered today. Praying so much for Mitt right now and all of us. Cannot wait until this is over. Love to all of you and Susie too.

  5. I am thankful that you are happy and healthy.

    -Zane of ontario honey


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie