Saturday, September 30, 2017

Scripture Sunday - Do not fear

Do not fear, for I am with you; 
do not be dismayed,
 for I am your God. 
I will strengthen you and help you;
 I will uphold you with my 
righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10  NIV

Great words of comfort for the crazy
days we are living in.........

Have a Blessed Sunday,


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Starfish Cottage

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Stone Gable

A Stroll thru life

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thankful Thursday September 28, 2017, scenes from Fall's past

Surely your goodness and love will follow
 me all the days of my life, and I will dwell
 in the house of the LORD forever.
Psalm 23:6 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you having a great 

Mine has been good....not a lot going 
on physcially since hubby has thrown
 his back out, so we are sort of taking 
it easy, until he is back up and running 
normally......think he is about there,
which is good..... cause we still have
windows to unboard, and the yard
needs mowing and we have to clean 
our porch and put it back together,
 so we will have plenty to do in the
 next weeks to come to keep us

Pictures today are from Fall's Past
 at Cozy Place.............

I am thankful

for a nice time with our son,
 Scott and lil darling on Friday 
evening, as Megan had to be
away, so we watched lil one
then when Scott came to get
her after work, we all had 
dinner together. Which was
nice, as we hadn't seen him
in a few weeks.

#2 and 3
that Hurricane Marie has now passed
 us by, as well, as Dee and Jerry.
and now....
 hopefully soon we can finally unboard 
our windows and put our porch back
 together soon, now just have to wait until 
hubbies back has fully recovered from
 hurricane clean up.

for a nice lunch at Cracker Barrel
after church on Sunday. Always
love their food and checking out their
 gift shop as well.  They have all their
 Fall and Christmas things out.

to hear that a sweet young man
that goes to our church is so happy
with his new job up in Ohio (where
 he did an internship).  He loves his
 family and really did not want to go,
but he and his parents both felt it was
 the Lord's will for him, so he went 
and he is just so happy and absolutely
loves his job, and they are treating
 him very well too, some of the ladies
are even bringing him food. lol
  He is just the nicest kid and is very
 smart and very nice looking as well.
So happy for him and his parents.

that a young couple from our class
 that has a baby and one on the way,
has found a new place to live and 
was able to find a car, as their's had
 broken down, and they definitely 
needed a bigger place to live.

for my dentist and dental office
staff. It is an all woman office, 
and they are all so warm, caring,
personal and friendly, so it is just
 a lovely experience to go there.
The Dr. always asks me about
my grandaughter, as she has a
lil one the same age, and they
are not rushing and hurrying and
take the time to talk and get to
know their patients.  It is just
so refreshing and I never 
dread going to the dentist, since I
 have been going there for about 
5 years or so now. They are all
very accomodating and do their
best to keep you out of pain too.

#8 and 9
that I now have no more silver
fillings in my mouth leftover
from childhood....but have to
say I am thankful for how long
they lasted.....over 45+ years.

for a chocolate milk shake from
Chick-fil-a .....It was scrumptious!
Can't tell you how long it has been
 since I had one. We always get frozen 
yogurt smoothies, but my feet were
 to tired after shopping, so was just
gonna get us some sandwiches and 
remembered they had milk shakes,
so that was my treat for being a
good girl at the dentist!!  lol

for our first pumpkin pie of the
season.  I love pumpkin pie and
so does lil darling........about to
have some for breakfast.  yum!

that we may have found the new
washer/dryer we are looking for,
hoping so,  as that will be one
more detail off our retirement
 list.  lol

Thanks for dropping by

Cozy is always

Is there anything you are 
Thankful for today??

Keep your light shining

Love, Hugs, and
the last of September Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Walking on Sunshine

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Starfish Cottage

The Dedicated House 

Stone Gable

A Stroll thru life

Saavy Southern Style

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Fun items to use for Fall Decorating #1

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you enjoying some 
cool Fall weather unless you live
 in Florida, as that won't be happen-
ing for probably at least a month.

So if you are having great weather
enjoy every minute of it........

Told you last week I finished my
 Fall decorating,  and I would show 
you some pictures this week.

Today I will start with our entry

Item #1

Use small signs or tags that you
already have or make your own.
I used a sign I already had and I
also made one......You can make
them in photo shop, printmaster
or any card package or if you 
are great at writing or drawing
by all means use that talent.

Item #2

Use a blank Christmas wreath
and put whatever you want on
it......I just simple stuck flowers,
faux apples, berries and nuts in
the wreath, I never use glue, then
 I can take it all off and do some-
thing different with it the 
next time.

I used to sell wall accessories years ago,
  and we were taught that the most important
 wall to decorate, was the first wall you see
 when you walk in a room.  That would
 be what they call your Impression wall.....

So when you come in our front door,
this is the first wall you see.....and
quite honestly this wall has been a
enigma for me for 35 years, and just
this past Spring I finally had it done
in a way that I was thrilled with.
See Below.......

As you can see the layout is 
 much the same but just changed
 it up for Fall............

Item #3

Use most anything that has Fall
colors;  Here I used books and
a birdhouse.

Item #4

Use Fall printables - there are free
Fall printables all over the internet,
Just type in free Fall printables and
you will have lots of choices, and if
you have been blogging long you
 probably know most of the free
printables are offered by other
bloggers, so take advantage of
this free art.
or make your own as I did here.

 I designed my own Fall printable
 to go over a picture that had a 
brass frame, then printed it on
 shiny photo paper.

Item #5

Use double sided tape.

I just use double sided tape and
attach it to the glass on each
corner and in the middle between 
each corner, then center it and stick, 
 and you have yourself some 
new art work.

and Here is what it says......

I will try and see if hubby can help me
find a way to make it available to yall
too, just in case you are interested.

Item #6

Use fresh or faux flowers in
any Fall colors.  Flowers always
bring the outside inside,  as well
as pinecones and natural elements.

Item #7

Use scrapbooking paper.
They come in an array of colors
and patterns and look beautiful.

Year before last, I bought a set of 
 watercolor pictures for my birthday
 but I bought them with a purpose in
 mind.  The pics themselves, inside
 the matting were exactly 12" X12"
 - the size of scrapbooking paper.....
I knew that way I could purchase
pretty scrapbook paper and would
have a new picture or pictures,
by using my tape method.

Here is a close up of the scrapbook
 paper, it is hard to see in the picture,
 and it looks way better in person
 that these picture makes it look...
The background is a gold foil and
really looks rich.

Here is the bottom of the plant stand/
table....I should just call it a table as
that is the only way I have used it
so far..........

Item #8

 Use candles....especially in
the Fall and Winter.

Everything always looks better
 with some candlelight.


Hope this will inspire you if
you are in the process of doing
your Fall decorating.

Have a Blessed Day


Keep your light shining brightly!


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thankful Thursday - September 21, 2017. Fall decor from the past....

 How priceless is your unfailing love,
 O God!  People take refuge in the
 shadow of your wings.
Psalm 6:7 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you ready to greet tomorrow is the big day.

  I am so ready for some cooler 
weather but that won't be happening 
here in Florida for at least another 
month probably.  I have been busy
this week getting ready for Fall,
and having a lot of fun doing it.
Will show you next week.

Thought I would show you some
pics from Fall's past today....

So on with my post.......

I am thankful...

that we were back at our church
after 3 weeks of being away, 2 wks.
at my daughters and 1 week due to 
the it was great to
 be back at our home church of
36 years......

that our furry grandaughter dog 
Rosie is off all her meds now, and
is doing just fine. We are all very
happy about that.........

#3 and 4
so thankful... that Jose has passed
 us by and Dee and Jerry as well, and
also thankful that it looks like Marie
 is gonna take a similar path only
 further out in the ocean, which is
great for us, but feeling horrible
for all those in the islands that got
hit many places and
things to pray for these days!!

for the fun of Fall decorating and
having a house to decorate after
last week.  Have really been
enjoying it as I haven't done much
decorating since Spring.......
and it is sort of therapeutic after
seeing all the pictures of mass
destruction on TV.....and a
neighborhood full of debri left
over from Irma.

for My paternal grandmother,
 Nellie whose birthday would 
be tomorrow the 22nd, I have
very fond memories of her,
as she was always so good to
 me.....she has been in Heaven 
with Jesus for about 28

for one of my dearest friends,
Vicki, whose birthday is the
22nd of Sept., as well...
She is truly like a sister and 
just one of the best friends I
have ever had for almost 35
years now.......Just wish we
lived closer...
Happy Birthday Vicki,
Love You Gal.....

for a new cookie find at our
local Publix market.  They are
cream cheese pumpkin cookies
and they are yummy and are really
great with a cuppa Joe........
Unfortunately the Meyer lemon
ones I mentioned last week are 
out of season until next hoo!  lol

that I am about finished with my
 Fall decorating, so will be hopefully
packing up the spring/summer stuff
 and packing away the Fall containers
Now just time to enjoy it...
  whoo hoo!

for a really good movie we watched
 that is based on a true story.  It is 
called "The case for Christ" and we 
rented it off of Amazon in case you
 are interested in watching it.

to hear everyone in our area has
their power back, it took a week
or more for some of them, and
thankful for the men who do all
that hard work to get it back on.
Our next door neighbor is one
of them.
God Bless them all!

for all the rescue teams, those in the 
military, christian ministries and 
fema and anybody that is actively 
involved in helping those in the
 worst hit areas.  I read where 80%
 of the relief aid is coming from
 Christian ministries, I think that
is so Wonderful!!

If you are wondering where to
give.....Samaritans purse is a
really great place to give........

Thanks for joining me for another
week at Cozy Place......

Always glad to have you come

Love, Hugs and
and end of Summer 


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Oh My Heartsie Girl

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Shabby Art Boutique

The Craftberry Bush

Stone Gable

A Stoll thru Life

The Dedicated House

Saavy Southern Style

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Scripture Sunday - Relationship with God

Happy Sunday Morning 
Sweet Friends,

After going through Hurricane Irma
 at the risk of life and limb to myself
and my family, and to so many others 
here in Floridait really made me think
 about how very blessed we are to know
 Jesus, and to know our eternal destination
 will be heaven.  I also know there are 
many who don't have that assurance and
don't know Jesus, but would maybe like
 to know Him. So the thought of how
many people could have died here in 
Florida and also knowing the hardship
 many people are facing gave me a very
 strong desire to share some scriptures 
that would be helpful to anyone who is
desirous of a relatonship with Jesus.

It is a group of Bible verses that 
will help you understand how to
 start a personal relationship 
with Jesus Christ!

For all have sinned and fall short
 of the Glory of God.
Romans 3:23

We have all done things that are 
wrong, like lying, stealing, cheating, 
cursing, gossiping, hatred, discord 
and the list could go on and on, 
but most importantly God calls 
these wrong things SIN.  

So we have to be willing to admit 

that we are a sinner. We aren't
sinners because we sin,  we were
born with a sin nature......

The Wages of Sin is death...
Romans 6:23A

We will all die physically one day,
but there is also a spiritual death
which alienates us from God for
eternity, and the bible talks about
a place where lost people will be
in torment forever, unless they
accept the truth of what scripture
teaches about Jesus.

Understand that according to a Holy
God we all deserve death for our sin.

 For God so loved the world that 
he gave his one and only Son,
 that whoever believes in him shall
 not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 

But the gift of God is eternal life
thru Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 6:23b

This eternal life is a free gift from 
God to you and to me, it is called 
Salvation. You can not earn this gift,
 because it is not based on anything
 that we can do, but is based on what
Jesus has already done, but we must
make the choice to believe and
recieve God's free gift.

Ask God to forgive you for all the

wrong/sinful things you have done
in your lifetime and then ask God
to make you His child, so that
you can know Him personally.

God demonstrates His own love
for us, in the while we were yet
sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

Jesus died on the cross for us to
pay sin's penalty for all of humanity
and that includes me and you. He
bought us out of slavery to sin and
death!  The only condition is that 
we believe in Him, and what He
has done for us, understanding that
we are now joined with Him and that
He is our life.  He did all of this
because He loves us so much. His
love is what saves us, not religion
or church membership or our own
goodness........cause we can never
be good enough on our own....

Whoever will call on the name of the
Lord, will be saved.
Romans 10:13

Call out to God in the name of 

If you confess with your mouth Jesus
as Lord, and believe in your heart
that God raised Jesus from the dead,
you shall be saved; for with the heart
man believes, resulting in righteous-
ness, and with the mouth he confesses,
resulting in salvation.
Romans 10:9-10

If you believe that God is knocking
on the door o your heart as Him
to come into your heart.

Behold I stand at the door and knock,
if anyone hears My voice and opens
the door, I will come in to him.
Revelation 3:20A

Is Jesus knocking on your hearts
door???  If so, hope you will take
the steps you read here, as it is
probably the most important step
you will ever take, and it will be
the best thing you have ever done
for your life.  Walking with God
is not always easy, but it is a very
blessed I have known the
Lord since I was a teenager and
have been walking with him for
over 50 years, and would not
change a thing...........

If you have any further questions 

Please feel free to email me at

Love and Blessings Galore,


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Starfish Cottage


The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Shabby Art Boutique

The Craftberry Bush

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie