Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thankful Thursday September 14, 2017, more Fall flowers

 “Every word of God is flawless;
 he is a shield to those 
who take refuge in him.
Proverbs 30:5  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have been having a good 
week. This week has been much 
better than last week for sure.....much 
more relaxed and we are incredibly
 thankful to have Power!
This is definitely new for we
are typically without at least 5 -7 days.

Just can't quit saying.....that we are
 incredibly grateful to have us and our
 family and friends go thru this horrific
storm and come out of it okay. From
what we have seen so far, our area
doesn't seem to have taken as hard
of hit, thank goodness!  Course, we
have only see a few areas....mostly
tree debris, have only seen 1 tarp
on a house.....but know there are lot
 of people without power still. Have
 to say I am a lil disappointed as we 
really wanted to be able to help some-
one else out this time, since we have 
power and in the past we haven't and
 someone has always helped us out, 
 but I have called, emailed and asked
 and gone to homes of total strangers,
where there was no power but no 
takers, and they say they have every-
thing they need or there power comes
back on and I think most people are so
 thankful and relieved that we weren't 
killed or injured or our houses didn't
 take a hit that they have a great attitude 
even tho they have NO power. So...
that is amazing and makes me so
proud of our community.

The first part of this week was 
quite crazy, but it has been quite
serene the rest of the week.
Thank Heavens!

Well, gonna get on with my
 Thankful list..............

Thought I would add some
more Fall flowers....

I am thankful

I was able to prepare a number
of meals prior to the storm just
in case the Lord decided not to
answer our prayers about the
power, but he meats did
not go to waste, and I haven't 
had to worry about heating them
on the grill, and they have been
quite handy, as we have been 
exhausted after this whole ordeal.

#2 and #3
that we came thru the storm
well, with a peace in our hearts 
and no damage to our home and
very lil damage to the yard, and
and our power stayed on which
has never happened in the 36 yrs.
we have lived here (know I said
it before but we are just totally
amazed by it) and it was the 
same for everyone in the

that they send you tornado
alerts on the cell phone, so
you can take shelter. We had
quite a few as Irma was

for our sweet neighbor who
came over and helped us cut
up all the big limbs that fell 
off our big maple tree.

that we got most of the clean
up done today (Tuesday)
 Our front yard had debris  from
 all our trees everywhere.  So
 have to do more tomorrow,
 but want take near as much

that so far everyone we know
about has done well in the
storm with very lil damage.

for all who prayed for us and
for Florida, and for all those
who contacted us afterwards
to make sure we were okay.
What a blessing!
Many Many thanks!

that our grocery stores opened
up again today,  (Wednesday).
Although, we heard there were
a lot of empty shelves, as they
had to throw out a lot of stuff.

for a fun time with lil darling

for some Meyer Lemon cookies
 hubby discovered and brought
 home from our local Publix 
grocery store before the storm.
  They are so delicious..........

to be in A/C around the clock,
when we would typically be
burning up in these 90 degree
temps, for warm showers, instead
of ice cold ones, not having to
get our food out of a cooler, and
 being able to see without flash-
lights or candles and that once the
 storm was over, it was pretty much
 back to life as usual in some ways,
 altho I think we are a lot more con-
templative of what an awesome
God we serve..... and even more
appreciative than before, of all 
that we have, but also knowing
that we could live without it
if we needed is definitely
not the most important things
in life.

Well, that is it for our week
at Cozy Place..........

Glad you could come by.
always nice to know you
were here.

Keep your light shining

Love, Hugs, and
Hurricane Recuperation


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Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Starfish Cottage


The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

Oh My Heartsie Girl


  1. Thank you for writing this post Nellie. It shows such a wonderful attitude of gratitude towards GOD and man. It is comforting to learn that your neighbors all rallied together to clean up and help each other clean up in the wake of The Storm, which says a lot in such hostile and divided times as these.
    May GOD continue to Bless and Keep you and your loved ones safe and sound.


  2. You are so wonderful to offer your home to those without electricity. As in many cases, people want to stay in their homes to protect them.
    #1. Yes indeedy! I surely thank you for what you gave to me! It was delicious! You are such a wonderful sister-in-law and I love you!
    #2 & 3. GOD is so good to hear and answer our prayers! I'm praying fervently for those without power for the LORD to bless them to have it back on soon as possible. There is so much wonderful help from other states and I thank the LORD for their service to Florida!
    #4. Yes, and I'm in prayer for the man who has cleaned my pool for years. One of the tornadoes took off his roof!
    $5. Aren't neighbors a GOD send! One of my neighbors brought a case of water over to me today!
    #6. I haven't any debris, but my bougainvillea was stripped of all its beautiful flowers and leaves and partly so with my crepe myrtles.
    #7. Same here other than fore mention.
    #8. yes! And I thank President Trump for already having things in place for the governor's asking!
    #9. I go to Publix and the website said they would open Friday. That is usually when I go anyway, but I'm sure it will be crowded!
    #10. A wonderful time to get the mind off of the things in the recent past!
    #11. I love their ginger cookies!
    #12. The only thing I could think of to keep cool if I had no electricity would be to just lay in a bath tub of cold water, lol!
    Love you all, Susan

  3. Hi Elizabeth,
    Always so nice to have you come by......

    I think America is much more unified that our main stream media wants any of us to believe.
    As most Americans try to remain steady, loving, sensible and peaceable, the other side that
    is off the charts, hateful and obnoxious and sometimes even violent just have the Louder voice and get much more news media coverage to prove to normal folks that we are way outnumbered.
    I think the reverse might be the truth... or we would not have President Trump..........

    Thank you for coming by and for taking the time to comment and also thanks so much for your sweet and encouraging comments and your well wishes for me and
    my're a sweetie.

    Blessings Abundant to your and yours,

  4. Hi Susan,
    Yea, I think you are right about people wanting to stay in their homes, especially after a
    scare like this too.

    So glad to hear that most people in our area should have their power back by tomorrow.
    God Bless them I know it must have been a rough week, but so many had such great attitudes.

    Wow, you were fortunate not to have any debris....the Lord knows you don't need to be out
    in that

    Thanks for coming by and for all your sweet comments. Just can't stop thanking the Lord
    for rescuing all of us.........

    Have a great weekend,
    Love, Nellie

  5. Hi Nellie - glad to hear you came through the storm ok. We did, too, even though parts of our county were devastated. I'm in Brevard County here in Florida. Where are you? My daughter lives near us and they didn't even lose power; another daughter lives in Jax and the St Johns river runs through the downtown area. Flooding was terrible. We're counting our blessings and praising God for His protection and provision. I wrote about it on my blog, too. Let's pray the 3 hurricanes in the Atlantic head away from land.

  6. Hi Gail,
    So nice to hear from you...and so happy to hear you and your family fared the storm well
    too. We live in Volusia county......
    My daughters brother and law lives in Jaxs, and yes they had some flooding too.

    Yes, we so agree, we are praying they all 3 go north and don't hit land anywhere.
    Think we are hurricaned Just waiting and watching for Irma to arrive and everything changing each time you got the weather report was almost as bad as having all 3 hurricanes in a row, just 2 weeks apart back in 2004.

    Thanks for coming by and for your praise report as well, and we will all keep praying
    for these 3 hurricanes to go away..........

    Blessings to you and yours hon,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: