Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thankful Thursday - September 21, 2017. Fall decor from the past....

 How priceless is your unfailing love,
 O God!  People take refuge in the
 shadow of your wings.
Psalm 6:7 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you ready to greet tomorrow is the big day.

  I am so ready for some cooler 
weather but that won't be happening 
here in Florida for at least another 
month probably.  I have been busy
this week getting ready for Fall,
and having a lot of fun doing it.
Will show you next week.

Thought I would show you some
pics from Fall's past today....

So on with my post.......

I am thankful...

that we were back at our church
after 3 weeks of being away, 2 wks.
at my daughters and 1 week due to 
the it was great to
 be back at our home church of
36 years......

that our furry grandaughter dog 
Rosie is off all her meds now, and
is doing just fine. We are all very
happy about that.........

#3 and 4
so thankful... that Jose has passed
 us by and Dee and Jerry as well, and
also thankful that it looks like Marie
 is gonna take a similar path only
 further out in the ocean, which is
great for us, but feeling horrible
for all those in the islands that got
hit many places and
things to pray for these days!!

for the fun of Fall decorating and
having a house to decorate after
last week.  Have really been
enjoying it as I haven't done much
decorating since Spring.......
and it is sort of therapeutic after
seeing all the pictures of mass
destruction on TV.....and a
neighborhood full of debri left
over from Irma.

for My paternal grandmother,
 Nellie whose birthday would 
be tomorrow the 22nd, I have
very fond memories of her,
as she was always so good to
 me.....she has been in Heaven 
with Jesus for about 28

for one of my dearest friends,
Vicki, whose birthday is the
22nd of Sept., as well...
She is truly like a sister and 
just one of the best friends I
have ever had for almost 35
years now.......Just wish we
lived closer...
Happy Birthday Vicki,
Love You Gal.....

for a new cookie find at our
local Publix market.  They are
cream cheese pumpkin cookies
and they are yummy and are really
great with a cuppa Joe........
Unfortunately the Meyer lemon
ones I mentioned last week are 
out of season until next hoo!  lol

that I am about finished with my
 Fall decorating, so will be hopefully
packing up the spring/summer stuff
 and packing away the Fall containers
Now just time to enjoy it...
  whoo hoo!

for a really good movie we watched
 that is based on a true story.  It is 
called "The case for Christ" and we 
rented it off of Amazon in case you
 are interested in watching it.

to hear everyone in our area has
their power back, it took a week
or more for some of them, and
thankful for the men who do all
that hard work to get it back on.
Our next door neighbor is one
of them.
God Bless them all!

for all the rescue teams, those in the 
military, christian ministries and 
fema and anybody that is actively 
involved in helping those in the
 worst hit areas.  I read where 80%
 of the relief aid is coming from
 Christian ministries, I think that
is so Wonderful!!

If you are wondering where to
give.....Samaritans purse is a
really great place to give........

Thanks for joining me for another
week at Cozy Place......

Always glad to have you come

Love, Hugs and
and end of Summer 


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Oh My Heartsie Girl

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Saavy Southern Style

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  1. #1. Yes, wasn't it wonderful to be in the House of the LORD again with all our Christian brothers and sisters in Christ! I surely did miss last week due to hurricane Irma!
    #2. A great big "Thank You, LORD!" I surely know how it feels when we have one of our pets feeling poorly! In fact!!!!!! Cody is back to visiting me several times during the night with his purring and contentment with me petting and hugging him again!
    #3 & #4. Also prayers being raised for those in Mexico that were hit with a bad earthquake! So far, 200 have lost their lives. I pray they are now with our LORD!
    #5.It is always such a warm feeling when I visit to see all of your lovely decorating!
    #6. My, how the years do pass! She is also with mom and dad! Dad, 26 years and mom 15 years!
    #7. Yes, indeed, Happy Birthday to Vicki!
    #8. Those sound delicious, especially for the fall season! I love their prepackaged "Steenstra's Almond St. Claus Windmill Cookies" that are in a cardboard tray covered with clear plastic. in the bakery section. I get them every week and eat 2 a day!
    #9. It's great to be finished and sit back and relax! I love my Rhumba auto vac, but I still use my upright in the bedroom. It always feels good when it's over!
    #10. I've started watching a new series on get-TV. It's called Heartland and is about a family of several couples, children, gramdpa on a ranch and beautiful horses of all kinds!
    It comes on from 5-7 (2 episodes) The stories are a continuation, but like me when I started watching I just "plugged-in" with the story line.
    #11. When I was out driving and the power trucks would pass, I always gave them a thumbs up! I know they all were working hard! Those that saw would wave back!
    #12. Yes! And I again thank President Trump for preparing beforehand and not waiting until the governors asked! I pray the federal relief also includes the electric companies so they don't go up on our rates to make up for the outage they won't collect for! People don't need that expense on top of their loss! I'm praying the insurance companies don't go extreme with their increased rates either! I pray the LORD's provisions upon us all!
    Happy Autumn to you and yours! I love you all, Susan

  2. Glad to hear you are getting "back to normal" and had minimal disruption compared to so many...
    Those pumpkin cream cheese cookies have me salivating up here!
    So much else in your post I could comment on, but suffice it to say it's always good to hear what's going on in your part of the world ♥

  3. Hi Susan,
    Sorry I am so late with answering.....

    I bought some of those windmill cookies and they are great. Really enjoying them. Cause I
    love gingerbread cookies too.

    We have been watching Heartland for a few years now, in fact, we are watching them a 2nd
    time now.......we absolutely love this series.

    Yes, thankful to Pres. Trump to for all he is doing to help all the Hurricane and earth
    quake victims. Just so much happening at's crazy. So thankful Marie
    is gone out to sea, and hope she causes no problems for North Carolina.

    Thanks for stopping by and for all your comments.

    Love, Nellie

  4. Thanks Rebecca,

    Nice to hear from you. I went back to the store several times and they haven't had the
    pumpkin cookes.........think I am gonna call and see if there is a certain day they make
    them or something, cause they were really good and we want

    Hope all is well in your part of the world too, and thanks for stopping by and taking
    the time to comment..........

    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: