Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thankful Thursday September 28, 2017, scenes from Fall's past

Surely your goodness and love will follow
 me all the days of my life, and I will dwell
 in the house of the LORD forever.
Psalm 23:6 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you having a great 

Mine has been good....not a lot going 
on physcially since hubby has thrown
 his back out, so we are sort of taking 
it easy, until he is back up and running 
normally......think he is about there,
which is good..... cause we still have
windows to unboard, and the yard
needs mowing and we have to clean 
our porch and put it back together,
 so we will have plenty to do in the
 next weeks to come to keep us

Pictures today are from Fall's Past
 at Cozy Place.............

I am thankful

for a nice time with our son,
 Scott and lil darling on Friday 
evening, as Megan had to be
away, so we watched lil one
then when Scott came to get
her after work, we all had 
dinner together. Which was
nice, as we hadn't seen him
in a few weeks.

#2 and 3
that Hurricane Marie has now passed
 us by, as well, as Dee and Jerry.
and now....
 hopefully soon we can finally unboard 
our windows and put our porch back
 together soon, now just have to wait until 
hubbies back has fully recovered from
 hurricane clean up.

for a nice lunch at Cracker Barrel
after church on Sunday. Always
love their food and checking out their
 gift shop as well.  They have all their
 Fall and Christmas things out.

to hear that a sweet young man
that goes to our church is so happy
with his new job up in Ohio (where
 he did an internship).  He loves his
 family and really did not want to go,
but he and his parents both felt it was
 the Lord's will for him, so he went 
and he is just so happy and absolutely
loves his job, and they are treating
 him very well too, some of the ladies
are even bringing him food. lol
  He is just the nicest kid and is very
 smart and very nice looking as well.
So happy for him and his parents.

that a young couple from our class
 that has a baby and one on the way,
has found a new place to live and 
was able to find a car, as their's had
 broken down, and they definitely 
needed a bigger place to live.

for my dentist and dental office
staff. It is an all woman office, 
and they are all so warm, caring,
personal and friendly, so it is just
 a lovely experience to go there.
The Dr. always asks me about
my grandaughter, as she has a
lil one the same age, and they
are not rushing and hurrying and
take the time to talk and get to
know their patients.  It is just
so refreshing and I never 
dread going to the dentist, since I
 have been going there for about 
5 years or so now. They are all
very accomodating and do their
best to keep you out of pain too.

#8 and 9
that I now have no more silver
fillings in my mouth leftover
from childhood....but have to
say I am thankful for how long
they lasted.....over 45+ years.

for a chocolate milk shake from
Chick-fil-a .....It was scrumptious!
Can't tell you how long it has been
 since I had one. We always get frozen 
yogurt smoothies, but my feet were
 to tired after shopping, so was just
gonna get us some sandwiches and 
remembered they had milk shakes,
so that was my treat for being a
good girl at the dentist!!  lol

for our first pumpkin pie of the
season.  I love pumpkin pie and
so does lil darling........about to
have some for breakfast.  yum!

that we may have found the new
washer/dryer we are looking for,
hoping so,  as that will be one
more detail off our retirement
 list.  lol

Thanks for dropping by

Cozy is always

Is there anything you are 
Thankful for today??

Keep your light shining

Love, Hugs, and
the last of September Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Walking on Sunshine

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Starfish Cottage

The Dedicated House 

Stone Gable

A Stroll thru life

Saavy Southern Style


  1. #1. It's always a wonderful time to spend with family!
    #2 & #3 I'm praying no more come our way! I'm praying Jim's back to get back to normal. It always seems to take us longer to recover the older we get!
    #4. We ladies went to Pizza Hut on Wednesday. I love their personal pan pizza (the price too.)
    #5. The LORD's blessings are always so joyful!!!
    #6. I'm so thankful our LORD Loves His children so much!
    #7. As so with Adrienne at my dentist's office. I have gone to her since the late 80's!
    #8 & #9. I'm so thankful to not have had much wrong with mine. But my thanks goes to mom for having us as children always having our teeth checked when we were very young.
    #10. I love Wendy's chocolate Frosty's!
    #11. I love pecan pie too! I haven't bought any as yet!
    #12. I'm getting my budget ready too for S.S. this February!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. HI Susan,

    Thanks for coming by and for all your comments,
    Have a lovely week,

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: