Monday, September 4, 2017

Thankful Thursday August 31, 2017, With Fall Flowers

Greetings Sweet Friends,

I am super late with this post, but
 it was about done on Thursday
morning when I started having
trouble with my lap top and could
not finish until now, so figured
I would go ahead and post it....

Hope this finds you doing well
 and having a grateful heart what
 ever your circumstances especially
 when we take a look at what Texas
and Louisiana. are  going through.
My heart and my prayers have been 
with those in Texas all week, and
 now with Louisiana as well.  

Just added some Fall looking 
flowers for your enjoyment
and gonna get these 
thankfuls posted.  

I am thankful

#1 and 2
for a safe trip to Charleston
South Carolina........and for
 being with Dee and Jerry all
 week and for all the fun we had.

#3 and 4
for all the rest I have gotten
 and that I am feeling considerably
better and not as exhausted.

for playing in the pool and
getting the best tan I have
had in years, and hoping it
will greatly improve my Vit
D levels.......

#6 and 7
for the absolutely gorgeous
 weather here our first 3 days, 
 it was so cool and breezy that
 we were outside all day long,
we drank coffee and sat out
their to visit, played in the pool,
 ate out there, and played cards
 out there and it was like bliss
for all of us after being shut up 
in the house for most of the very 
hot summer............we found out 
it was compliments of a tropical
disturbance right off the coast
by us, which thankfully didn't
 turn into anything till it got
 way off the coast.

for a fun girls time getting a 
pedicure and a free 10 min.
shoulder massage.  Then for
 a fun trip to Home Goods and
Tj maxx and that we found a 
number of cute outfits to put
up for Christmas for lil darling. 
 They seem to have the cutest
childrens clothing here.

that Dee and Jerry did not wind
 up going to the Dominican Republic
like they were suppose to because 
their lil dog Rosie wound up having
 a seizure just hours before they were
 to leave, they tried to reschedule
 but couldn't so they cancelled their
trip as this was the first time any
thing like this every happened
and it was pretty traumatic, and 
now we feel like the Lord was
protecting them since hurricane
Irma is right near there.

Rosie was doing better on wed. but
 on Friday she started having some 
other problems that we feel must have 
stemmed from the seizure, so if you 
feel so led please pray for her to recover
 completely, we would sure appreciate it,
as she is a really sweet lil dog an has
 been in the family for 13 yrs, or so.....

for the inspiration and encourage-
ment of watching those in Texas
come together in love and unity,
and for all of those that have come
to their aid. It has been a beautiful 
thing to see the way these dear
 people are holding up under such
 terrible circumstances,They have
 been truly amazing and inspiring.

that those that we knew in Texas
all fared the storm and are doing 
well. One friend had water about
5 ft. from her door.....but all of the
sudden the next few days the 
water miraculously receded. PTL

for President Trump and his 
Administration, Fema, Red Cross,
and many faith and church based
ministries, the military, police, first
responders, and just many many
people who have given to and are
 helping the victims of hurricane
 Harvey. You are all truly hero's,
and we thank you for your loving
and giving hearts.  May God
just pour out His blessings upon
you all as well as all the victims
of this terrible storm.

Well,here is to another
week at cozy place.

Thanks for your visit 
and do feel free to share
something you are thankful
for as well.

Have a good Labor

Day weekend and don't forget
 to pray for all those that are
 displaced in Texas.

Keep your light shining 

Love, Hugs and
First of September Blessings,


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  1. Thankful WITH you for the fine time in South Carolina, for the health you're enjoying, etc. Sure too bad about the dog. Were they just going to vacation in Domincan Republic? So many major disasters all around - fires, floods, famine... And all brought to our "doorsteps" by media as they are in progress.

    We don't have big plans for today (Labor Day). My sister and her husband are coming tomorrow and we look forward to conversation, sharing a meal or two and some table games, etc. Today we actually will labor! Mowing lawn, some work in flower beds, etc.

  2. #1 & #2. What joy to spend time with loved ones! Give them a hug from me, and Rosey too!
    #3 & #4. I'm so glad for you. Rest is definitely needed. I've been doing well with rest.
    #5. I'm thinking about my Vitamin D, When the tinnitus started was after I stopped drinking a daily boost! (which had the magnesium in it) I need to start drinking it again and see if the tinnitus stops.
    #6 & #7. I remember when it use to be cool here in the mornings until about noon, then the heat started. That was back in the '80's !
    #8. Alice and I used to do that once in a great while. I need to get a pedicure. Maybe that will help the dryness of my feet. I think that's why they have a slight numbness due to being
    dried out!
    #9. The LORD works in mysterious ways. I've been praying for her.
    #10. In church, prayer was lifted for those in Texas and Louisiana. Offering was also taken for them to our sister Alliance Churches is help them.
    #11. Yes, indeed, praise the LORD!
    #12. I pray the coming together in love for one another that many will come to know the LORD's salvation! Praise GOD for President Trump's salvation in Jesus!
    Love you all, Susan

  3. Thanks Rebecca..........
    Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you, but we didn't get back till Tues. nite
    then had lil darling on Wed., and have been doing hurricane prep every since. We are still
    waiting, but think it will be in the middle of the night. OUr trees are swishing more than
    they have been, but we hear it is a Cat 2 now and should hopefully be a cat 1 by the time
    it comes by us. We live on the east coast, so hopefully we want get it too bad, but it is
    such a big storm it just covers the whole state.

    Our lil Rosie girl is totally back to normal, so the Lord has answered our prayers.....
    Dee and Jerry were actually going down there to meet his family for a family vacation.
    Was sorry that didn't get to go, but they were staying 3 days longer since they were
    already there......and I really think the Lord kept them from going as I don't know
    that they would have been able to get out of there before the storm came.

    Hope you had a fun labor day with your sister and hubby....sounds like a fun time to me.
    We had a good day too.

    Thanks for coming by always good to hear from you. Will be happy to have this storm over
    with, but then it looks like we have Jose coming along behind least we are
    prepared already..........

    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: