Sunday, August 28, 2022
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Thankful Thursday August 25, 2022, and a Summer Table from the past.
Greetings and Salutations
Sweet Friends,
Hope this find you well and Joyful, and hope those of you who have children that are back in school are settling in to your new season and schedule.
We are doing well, and have had lots of rain this week, so everything is beautiful and green, as the grass and plants always love Heavens water the best! Even tho we have had rain, it hasn't been an overwhelming amount which is good. The perfect amount really......
Thought I would share a nice Summer Table from the past since this is my last August Post, and will be starting into Fall pictures soon.....since everyone in blogland seems to have their hearts turning to Fall now.
Thankful to see lil darling for a few hours after school. Also thankful for a night out runnings some errands and din din at Outback steak house.
Thankful that one of our favorite TV series has just come out with a new season. We weren't sure if they would or not, so we were delighted they did. It is called "Chesapeake Shores" and this is Season 6. We have watched all of them and it is a very clean with great story lines and characters. We highly recommend it.
Thankful for some really yummy peach/apple cobbler made by Pattie Labelle, if you remember her music. Wally World sells her baked goods, and all the ones we have had are awesome.
Thankful the hardware came in for our dresser way earlier than expected, and we have now replaced it and it looks great. More Modern and we are really very pleased with the way it looks. Amazing what just changing the hardware can do!!
Thankful for a lovely day at church, and breakfast at Perkins just us. Our usual sidekicks are out of town
Thankful for a sweet young lady that we
have known since she was 3 yrs. old and
have been friends with her family for
years and years. The Lord used
her to answer a prayer for me, about
something I was concerned about.
God is so good! Thanks Jenn.
Thankful for my new nutri-bullet I got
for Mother's day, it makes the best
smoothies and quick! There is only
2 that I make that I really love.
Here's the one I made today
find the recipe here.
Thankful that we finally found an under
burner plate for our stove. I just needed
one, but they are making them in black and
not so shiny, and mine are shiny, and don't
need to replace them all, then there was a
size issue too. Crazy! Thank heavens
there are still some stores you can go to
find things you need.
Thankful that hubbies blood work came
back so quickly. Just had it done on
Tuesday, and it doesn't usually come to us,
goes to the Doctor. Anyway, so thankful
everything was great! No flags! Always
such great news!!
and it takes all the angst out of his
upcoming Drs. visit.
Thankful we got to work out in the front
side yard today, cutting out the dead
palmetto palms. Not finished yet but it
looks way better already. Didn't stay out
as long today because it was super muggy
and hot and no breeze at all,
I am sooo looking forward to cooler
mornings that could happen in mid to late
September hopefully.
Thankful for something I read yesterday
that gave me a new perspective on a
chronic physical problem that I have
had for my whole life which has
only worsened with age. I have accepted it,
and feel it is my thorn in the flesh from
God to keep me humble, and have
even thanked Him for it and seen him bring
good things out of it, but what I read made
me see it as a gift, and Ihave never seen it
for that......and as I pondered that it made
me see the good things, He had brought out
it as a gift too, rather than just good
Love the way God can change our
perspective in a moment and when we least
expect it.
Thankful for a new book we are reading
called the Makers Diet. It was sent to us by
TBN, and we did not order it or ask for it,
so thought maybe we should read it, as it
could be a gift from God. So far, it has
been, that is where I read what changed
my perspective on my physical problem.
In Thankful #11. lol
That's it for Cozy Place this week,
Thanks for dropping by,
Have a Terrific Thursday
and Wonderful Weekend.
Sunday, August 21, 2022
Scripture Sunday
Jesus and his teachings...........very important that we know
what those teachings are, (thru reading the Bible) and do
our best to follow them.
Have a lovely Sunday,
Hugs, Nellie
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Thursday, August 18, 2022
Thankful Thursday August 18, 2022, Pictures of Paris, France
In God we make our boast all day long,
and we will praise your name forever.
Psalm 44:8 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hi, How ya doing?? Has it been a good week for you?? Hope so! Can't believe we are passed mid-August already......only 3 months until Thanksgiving!
Hard to believe that!!
Pictures today are things we saw in Paris, France about 50 years ago. We lived in Europe our 2nd year of marriage and we got to spend a weekend there. These are not my pictures altho we do have a lot that are similar, but they are, of course, not digital photos, so I happened to see these on Unsplash and they are pictures of the things that we did see, and it was such a fun blast from the past for me, and who doesn't love to see pictures from other thought you guys might just enjoy seeing them too. You probably will know most of them, so don't be offended if you do, some folks just might not know, so it is for them I labeled them.
So on with my Thankfuls..........
Thankful that lil darlings first day of school went well,and she likes her new teachers. We also got to take her out to dinner and have a sleepover and then make her fav breakfast and do some of her homeschooling the next day.
The Arc of Triomphe - First thing you see when you enter Paris by car.
Thankful that we got her one of the back packs on wheels (like how they make the suitcases) because we got a great deal, and it was really necessary as she has to bring so many books and things home with her from school, you can't believe how heavy her book bag was..... she looked more like a high schooler than a 3rd grader. lol It is good that she is strong..... cause I could hardly pick it up.
We also just read a news report today that said a lot of school kids wind up in the emergency room because of injuries caused by heavy bag packs. I can really believe that too! So we are doubly grateful after reading that!!
Thankful my Son got home safe and sound from a work trip on Friday.
Thankful that a design project that my daughter
and her friend just finished up turned out really
well, and their clients were very happy! They
were an older couple (like her parents.....)
and they had fun doing it as well.
Thankful that a Dr. Appt. with a new Dr. went well for my SIL Susan, and that he didn't change anything.
The Sacre Coeur Basilica
Thankful for the wonderful memories
of our trip to Paris when we were
only 20 and 24 yrs. old. It was
a trip we will never forget and one
we never ever imagined we would
ever get to do and see the things
we saw in geography or history
books. It was truly amazing to us
to see the Eiffel Tower and the
Arch of Triomphe
#7and 8
Thankful for a long chat with my
Daughter on the Ipad this Saturday
morning, as we haven't had a chance
to do that lately. Getting to see her as we
talk just adds so much more to the
conversation and helps to not miss
seeing her so much. Also Thankful for
what a wonderful invention facetime,
skype and all those sources are...
Inside the Louvre Museum - It is such
a huge and beautiful museum, So we
just looked for the famous paintings
and sculptures that we read were there,
like the Venus De Milo, The last Supper
and Monet' Paintings.
Thankful for a good day at church and
a nice lunch out with some other friends
to celebrate the passing of his test for
his job. Think I mentioned his passing
the test in last weeks we
got to celebrate this week. lol
Thankful that I got about 7 new cards
done this week.
Pont Alexander Bridge going acrossthe Seine River
Thankful for our lovely Daughter, her birthday
was yesterday, and glad she had a good day.
She and hubby are going to their beach cottage
for a few days to celebrate and get a change
of scenery.
Thankful that we got 2 big broken limbs taken off a tree in our back woods, and a bunch of small dead ones as well, and it looks so much better, and I was able to order some new hardware for our old dresser that we moved to the guest bedroom, it will hopefully give it a new more modern look and will match with our new night stands. We are still progressing in there, and we will get there eventually. lol
The Bastille Monument
Well, that's it for this week at Cozy Place.
Thanks for coming by and
do come again soon!
Love, Hugs and
Mid August Blessings,
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Sunday, August 14, 2022
Truths learned from Scripture
Thursday, August 11, 2022
Thankful Thursday August 11, 2022, and Summer Flowers and Chicken Gnocchi soup recipe
always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you well and hopeful
in your faith in God today, given the
crazy things that have happened to
our 45th President this week.
We give thanks for that even tho
we don't feel like it, but just because
the Lord tells us to.............we have to
remember that the Lord knew this
was gonna happen and HE has a
reason for it, that we might not ever
understand this side of Heaven.
So be encouraged that the Lord
knows what HE is doing!
Pictures today are of Summer Flowers.
Compliments of "Unsplash".
Thankful for dinner out at Carabba's with
my hubby, and leftovers for din din
tomorrow night. Just need to make a salad!
Works for me
Thankful we got our new night stands,
and they were in good shape this time,
at least the first one is that hubby put
together. We will do the other one on
Monday. Thankful we like them and
Thankful they came earlier than expected
too. So that was a nice unexpected
Note: He put the other one together
today and it was in good shape as
well and they look nice in the guest
room, Just working on styling them
now, since I decided not to put the
lamps on them this time. Still doing
work in there, but we are a lil but
further than we were.
When we are done I will show you
some pictures.
Thankful for 1/2 pd. hamburgers
we grill made from grassfed beef.
They are so filling and delicious.
Thankful for pretty fonts, like this one
I am using to write this post with....
I think they just add so much to
whatever you are doing!
Thankful for a good Sunday at church
and a fun time out to lunch with our
friends to Perkins. It has been about
a month since we have been able
to go out with them.........
so was very nice!
Thankful for "Perkins" new breakfast
item called "Cinnamon Bun Waffles"
It was really great, and comes with
eggs and bacon. I might just want
to go back next
Thankful for a couple that has recently
come back to our church after 20 yrs.
They were wounded emotionally and
spiritually, and we are so glad they
came back home to heal.
Their countenance has gotten better
every week now, and this was their
3rd week. They needed to be some-
where that people can love on them,
and our church is that place.
Thankful that awhile back I found
a copy cat recipe for Olive Gardens
Chicken Gnocchi Soup. We both like
it, but hubby really loves it. Then we
were in the grocery store recently and
found they had the gnocchi in a pack-
age and all you had to do was cook it
for a few minutes. Anyway, I decided
to make it today (Monday) and have
to say, I am thankful it came out really
great, if I do say so myself, hubs had
2 bowls, so he definitely was happy
with it, and so was I. Here is a link
to the recipe I found if you would like
to check it out. Click Here.
Thankful for my childhood, life long
friend LaNeta. Today is her 70th
Birthday. My family moved next
door to her family when I was just
6yrs old, and she and I became
fast friends, and were pretty much
inseparable and her Mom was like
a 2nd Mom to me, and they took
me to church with them, and they are
the #1 reason I am a believer today
because I saw Jesus in them.
I've heard it said to preach the
gospel wherever you go and if
necessary use words. They rarely
used words they just loved me
and lived their lives following
the Lord, and I saw it and knew
it was because of God and wanted
what they had.
Thankful for God's word the Bible,
and am especially thankful for the
book of psalms lately, as it is just
so comforting to read and be
reminded of who God is.....
Thankful for God's peace during these
turbulent times in which we are living.
Thankful for a nice cool shower
after working in the yard.
Feels like Heaven!!
Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week.
Happy you could stop by
Hope you have a truly Blessed
Love, Hugs, and
First of August Blessings,
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Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past
For God so love d the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life....