Thursday, August 11, 2022

Thankful Thursday August 11, 2022, and Summer Flowers and Chicken Gnocchi soup recipe

always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.            Ephesians 5:20 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and hopeful

 in your faith in God today, given the

 crazy things that have happened to

 our 45th President this week.

We give thanks for that even tho

we don't feel like it, but just because

the Lord tells us to.............we have to

remember that the Lord knew this

was gonna happen and HE has a

reason for it, that we might not ever

understand this side of Heaven.

So be encouraged that the Lord

knows what HE is doing!

Pictures today are of Summer Flowers.

Compliments of "Unsplash".

            Now on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful for dinner out at Carabba's with 

my hubby, and leftovers for din din

 tomorrow night. Just need to make a salad!  

Works for me


Thankful we got our new night stands,

and they were in good shape this time,

at least the first one is that hubby put

together.  We will do the other one on

 Monday.  Thankful we like them and

Thankful they came earlier than expected

 too. So that was a nice unexpected


Note: He put the other one together

today and it was in good shape as 

well and they look nice in the guest

 room,  Just working on styling them

now, since I decided not to put the

 lamps on them this time. Still doing

work in there, but we are a lil but

further than we were.

When we are done I will show you

 some pictures.


Thankful for 1/2 pd. hamburgers

we grill made from grassfed beef.

They are so filling and delicious.


Thankful for pretty fonts, like this one

I am using to write this post with....

I think they just add so much to

whatever you are doing!


Thankful for a good Sunday at church

and a fun time out to lunch with our

 friends to Perkins.  It has been about

a month since we have been able

to go out with them.........

so was very nice!


Thankful for "Perkins" new breakfast

item called "Cinnamon Bun Waffles"

It was really great, and comes with

eggs and bacon. I might just want

to go back next


Thankful for a couple that has recently

come back to our church after 20 yrs.

They were wounded emotionally and

spiritually, and we are so glad they

 came back home to heal.

Their countenance has gotten better

every week now, and this was their

3rd week.  They needed to be some-

where that people can love on them,

and our church is that place.


Thankful that awhile back I found

a copy cat recipe for Olive Gardens

Chicken Gnocchi Soup.  We both like

it, but hubby really loves it. Then we

were in the grocery store recently and

found they had the gnocchi in a pack-

age and all you had to do was cook it

for a few minutes.  Anyway, I decided

to make it today (Monday) and have

to say, I am thankful it came out really 

great, if I do say so myself,  hubs had

 2 bowls, so he definitely was happy 

with it, and so was I.  Here is a link

 to the recipe I found if you would like

 to check it out.  Click Here.


Thankful for my childhood, life long 

friend  LaNeta.  Today is her 70th

Birthday. My family moved next

door to her family when I was just

6yrs old, and she and I became

fast friends, and were pretty much

inseparable and her Mom was like

 a 2nd Mom to me, and they took

me to church with them, and they are

 the #1 reason I am a believer today

 because I saw Jesus in them. 

I've heard it said to preach the

gospel wherever you go and if 

necessary use words. They rarely

used words they just loved me

and lived their lives following 

the Lord, and I saw it and knew

it was because of God and wanted 

what they had.


Thankful for God's word the Bible,

and am especially thankful for the

book of psalms lately, as it is just

so comforting to read and be 

reminded of who God is.....


Thankful for God's peace during these

turbulent times in which we are living.


Thankful for a nice cool shower 

after working in the yard.

Feels like Heaven!!


Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week.

Happy you could stop by


Hope you have a truly Blessed


Love, Hugs, and

First of August Blessings,


Sharing with:

Grammy's Grid

South House Designs

Between Naps on the Porch

Karins Kottage


  1. That's right, the Lord knows exactly what is doing on and He will use it for good. The way this world is going, that good just might be His speedy return, but whatever happens it is in His timing and not ours, He knows what He's doing, Amen!

  2. #1. Sounds delicious!
    #2. I know you're glad the work's done!
    #3. Yum, I can taste it now, ha!
    #4. YES, it is a very readable font!
    #5. The fellowship with Christian friends is a blessing from the LORD!
    #6. Isn't it great to get good food and not have to cook it yourself!!!
    #7. Yes, and the Love of the LORD does great things among His worshippers!
    #8. Isn't it great that even soups are so filling!
    #9. Praise the LORD for His convicting Spirit in us and fellow Christians!
    #10. Amen! His Word is a part of my life everyday!
    #11. The LORD's Comforter is a lifesaving for us in these end times!
    #12. Praise the LORD for providing all His blessings for us to enjoy!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie