Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Thanksgiving Table 2016

Hello Sweet Friends,

Bet this finds you bustling around 

taking down your Fall decorations
or maybe you are way ahead of the 
game and looking for trees and gifts,
and starting to make your nest all 
beautiful for this sacred and highly
 favored time of year!

It is my most favorite time of the
year, for sure..............
The Birthday of Jesus!!

Not much going on around here
accept I have spent the day taking 
down and packing away my Fall 
things yesterday, and the house
 looks so pitifully empty....😢

But... in a few days it will have
a whole new look..............😁

Since I have nothing to share to do 
with Christmas as of yet,  thought I 
would just share our Thanksgiving 
Table from this year.

I put the other leaf in and made the 
table larger for a change. Much
more roomy like that, only problem
is I only have one tablecloth that
work with this size, fortunately,
it is gold and was perfect.
Then added my pretty burlap
runner with lace.

Decided to use my shabby chic dishes and
 a variety of Fall colors this time around.
Green, rust, gold and dark brown napkins,
 and faux sugar fruit to add a lil interest,
at each place setting

For the centerpiece:
I used my lovely white pumpkins stolen
 from the mantle, and replaced with the
 gold ones I had on the table before. 
Some gold mercury glass votives,
 preserved leaves from Asheville, 
pinecones, nuts, 2 real white baby
 boo pumpkins and a few colored
 votives with leaves did the 

The righthand  side of the centerpc.

Lil darlings place, notice the bunny
Gave her more fruit so she would 
have something to play with.........
she was not feeling well, so didn't 
do too much playing ......and turned
out she had a double ear infection,
bless her heart!  Doing much better
now tho...........

I used clear and brown glasses 
that were in the same shape, 
just to add a lil more brown to 
the table.

The Lefthand side of the centerpc.

a nice overview

It think it has a subtle Fall look

Thought I would throw in a few of the
 recipes that I have already posted on my
 blog before, just in case someone would
 like to try them. They are great make 
ahead dishes for the holidays................

We had a lovely dinner............

Scalloped potatoes

24 hr. salad/ and regular salad
Broccoli casserole

Cranberry sauce

5 grain Italian Rolls

Iced Tea/lemon

Dessert was:

Peanut Butter Pie (my daughter 
made this and it was a real hit.
It was Pioneer Womans recipe,
absolutely Delicious!!)

Pumpkin Pie

Cheesecake Bites

Thanks for stopping by........

Hope Thanksgiving at your
house was beautiful, delicious,
 full of love, good fellowship
and fun.........and most of all

Love, Hugs and 
Last of November Blessings,

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Quotes to Ponder #1 - Unexpressed Gratitude

Morning Sweet Friends

Hope this finds you doing well
this Sunday morning.

Recently we have come across
some really great quotes that I feel
are biblically based, and are great
for pondering............

for instance:

Gratitude that is unexpressed,
Espresses, "Ingratitude"!
(quote from Pastor James Merritt
in a sermon last week)

Whoa..........thought provoking
quote, huh!

I will leave you to pondering.

Sweet Sunday Blessings,

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thankful Thursday Nov. 24th, 2016, another Thanksgiving table from the past

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a really lovely

We did, and we saw the Lord do some
amazing things in this past week, and
are indeed grateful to HIM!

Thought I would include some pics
from another Thanksgiving table 
from the past.......

I am thankful

for Jesus and all that He has done
for me on the cross and in His
ressurection to give me eternal
life...........and for all He has
done for me each and every 
day of my life.........
Can't imagine life without HIM.

for a sermon from the Pastor that
we do the young marrieds class with
 that just really spoke to hubby and I.

that we have the guest room and
guest bath all ready for Dee and
 her hubby, and have the grocery 
shopping done already.

that hubby is off the whole week,
so that is great.......

for a sweet unexpected surprise
from another neighbor.  It was
a cute lil scaregrow with a big
bow and hand lotion attached.
and a dozen fresh eggs from
their chickens.  Their lil girl
came over singing Happy
Thanksgiving to You.
She is such a cutie.

that Dee and Jerry got in safe and
sound from Charleson on Tuesday

that our Thanksgiving table is all
set and ready for our early Thanks-
giving dinner on Wed. night.  The 
kids have to go back in the early 
afternoon on Thursday,  so we are
 just having a brunch Thursday 

that my daughter is gonna help
me cook dinner for Wed. night
It will be fun for both of us as 
we don't get many opportunities
 to do that,  and I am very grateful
for the help as well...............
So much more fun doing it
together.......even if we were 
up till almost 2 a.m.

that all the food is prepared for our
dinner, All we have to do now is
 make a breakfast casserole and a
fruit salad in the morning for
Brunch on Thursday, then just pop
 it all in the oven.

Love make ahead recipes.......

update: we would up dumping the
breakfast casserole for just good
ole scrambled eggs.....lol

for a yummy Thanksgiving dinner
and a great time with the family,
altho Scott and his family were
not feeling great, we still managed
to have a nice time.

for another sweet and unexpected 
surprise from our other neighbor that
sends us that awesome vegetable soup, 
this time she sent us over a delicious
 home-made Pumpkin Pie. um, um....

for a nice brunch with the whole
 family again. We had a nice morning
 and afternoon until about 2-3 pm.  
Scott and his family went to be with 
Megans family and Dee and Jerry left 
to go home to Charleston.  It was a
blessed time...........but now we are
 happy and exhausted but a good
 exhausted.........so going to take a nap 
and maybe watch a Christmas movie
 later tonight........

Here to another week at Cozy Place,
Hope you had lots of sweet things to
be Thankful for, especially this week.

Glad you could hop on over.......

Can't believe tomorrow we will be
kicking off the Christmas Season.
Truly amazing how fast this year
 has gone....
Anybody else feel that way???

Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs and
Thanksgiving Blessings,

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

Love of Home

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving
Sweet Friends,

Hope your have a wonderfully
Blessed Day with your family
and/or friends.

I am thankful for each and every
one of you......

Love, Hugs, and
Thankful Blessings,

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thankful Thursday November 17, 2016, Thanksgiving table from the past

And we know that in all things God works 
for the good of those who love him, 
who have been called according
 to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a much better 
week than I have..........and bet you
are beginning to prepare for
Thanksgiving, am I right!!

It has been all consuming, draining,
and emotional and a very difficult
week, that I can't go into, but I am 
trying to keep in mind the verse
below my header picture. I believe
 it to be true with every fiber of my
 being, but it doesn't always feel
true........but that is where faith
comes in.....God allows a lot of
things that looks bad at the onset
that turn out the most wonderful
results......and we are certainly
praying and watching for that,
but sometimes it takes a bit of
time unfortunately......while he
is working together all things
with all people involved. We
have sure been learning some
things this week.....

Just gonna add some Tablescape
 Pictures for your viewing pleasure,
 and get on with it.

I am thankful

for praying friends to lift us up
during difficult times. I love that
people don't need all the details
to pray, cause the Lord knows
the details............

for a phone call from one of my
best friends that lives a few hrs.
away, that we haven't seen or
talked to in awhile.

that my husband was not one
of the ones who are near retire-
ment age that they are asking
if they want to take some kind
of financial package to leave
the company. Guess inspite
of being laid off.  He would
like to work about another
year and a half.


that sometimes when you think
 you have problems.....that you
 can hear of someone else's problem 
and your's doesn't sound so bad, 
 and you are then thankful you have
 the problem you have not the 
one they have.  Perspective is

for the Lord's wisdom and direction.
I am so glad that when we don't 
know what to do, we can ask Him
as He always knows what to do.

for a sweet story of how a 9 yr.
old brother saved his infant 
brother from getting hurt in
a fall.  The Mom was changing
the babies diaper, when she was
distracted by her 6 yr. old son,
and she was standing right there
but had her back turned for just
a min. and the baby wiggled
himself off the changing table
and his 9 yr. old brother was
walking by just as he was about
to fall, an he grabbed him right as 
he was about to hit the floor. 
The baby would probably have
 fallen on his face too.  The 9 yr
old brother said he felt like an
angel pushed him into the room,
and he did not believe he could
have done that on his own as
the baby weighs 30 pds. and
he can hardly pick him up
normally.  This story really
blessed my heart.  Wish you
could have seen the video.

that our daughter got another
 amazing offer with a real estate 
company that is incredibly flexible
 and she might even get to do home
staging which she would love to do.
So happy for all these great 
opportunites for her, as she is 
beyond thrilled.

that my daughters husbands parents
got to come and visit with them this
 week, as it has been a while since
 they have seen them and they had
a great time.

for having coffee with my sister
 in law Susan this morning........
as it has been awhile.

for a new TV series we have been
watching and really enjoying called
 "The Crown".
It is about Queen Elizabeth and 
Prince Phillip.  It is a very good
series....also just saw somewhere
the other day that they have been
married for 69 yrs. I think it is.
Good for them!!

that I finally got a letter written

that needed to be done, and it
took days as I wrote it and re
wrote it to try and make it as
loving and reconciliatory as It
could under the circumstances.

that we finally got rid of our
old bed frame and some other
stuff that needed to go to
Good Will, so something else
off the list......lol

Well, there you have it.....always some
thing to be thankful for....

Thanks for coming by........

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, as I am
 not sure if I will post next week,  since
our daughter and hubby are coming.

I will leave you with my life verse.

Love, Hugs and 
Pre-Thanksgiving Blessings,

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Thankful Thursday November 10, 2016, Fall living room #3

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are doing well and feeling
encouraged in spite of this past week,
as I know it has been quite a week.

Know I am quite late, but just been
living life.............

Thought I would add the photos of
 the last of my Fall decorations in the
 living room...........

 I am just gonna get on with it
as all my thankfuls are already
done, just need to get it

I am thankful

for our Veterans who have given
their lives for our freedom and
for the Veterans and their families
 who have sacrificed so much to
fight for our freedoms that we 
have.  Where would our nation
be without them. We are grate-
ful to you from the bottom of
our heart.....and we pray that
the Lord blesses you in 
Amazing ways.
Thank You for what you did
or what you are doing now
for us and our nation.

Happy Veteran's Day to You!!

With poster edges affect

for the pleasant surprise last
Friday of a friend dropping
by unexpectedly and spending
some time with me.  Was nice
to catch up and great to know
she is doing so well.

for a fun night out shopping
for our son's birthday and for
our anniversary. Then dinner at 
a new to us, Mexican restaurant
called Habaneros, however,
we weren't overly impressed 
with the food,  but it was a
 nice change, at least.  lol

for a fun time with the whole
 family on Sunday as we
 celebrated Scott's birthday. He
is now Jack Benny age!  lol
Some of you will get that... but
others that are younger probably
not!!  lol

for 46 years of marriage with
my sweet hubby.  Could never
imagine my life without him.

Here we are  in 1970

Just in case you might be interested
 in reading our story. 

Click here for Part 1 How we met

Click Here for Part 2  How are 
marriage was saved

It was written
7 yrs. ago................when I first
started blogging........not much
has changed accept both our
children are grown and married
and we have a 3+ yrs. old grand-
daughter that we adore and get to
watch every Wednesday. We are
still living in the same city, and
the same home, going to the same 
church and still working with 
married couples, and enjoying
our lives together.  What can I
say but.......God is good.

With omni lighting affect

for a very nice evening 
 reminiscing over our many years
together, and looking at wedding
 pics, etc.
It wasn't exactly what we had 
planned, as he was suppose to
be off work Mon and Tues. but
due to a crisis at work we decided
for him to move those days to
Thanksgiving week, but he got to
work at home at least, but it sort
of put a damper on the day, but
it actually turned out to be quite
a nice evening. We were gonna go 
out to dinner, but my sciatica was
 acting up a lot and I really didn't
 feel like going out, and he was
 gonna go get take out,  but we had
 leftovers from Scotts dinner, which 
was cuban food, and that sounded
much better to us, and it heats up
well, so we had that and the next
night he brought home Italian food
 from Carrabas, so we got to
 celebrate for 2 nights. 
 Works for me!
and I set a pretty table and we had
 our sparkling red grape juice we 
bought just for the ocassion, but 
totally forgot about the night

Poster edges affect

for a new refrigerator even tho
we didn't need it yet.....Our old
one is 35+ yrs. old, and it is that
bisque, biscuit or almond color,
and getting very hard to find.
We have been waiting almost
2 yrs. trying to find a decent
dishwasher in that color. Still
Nada.....anyway, got to thinking
if our fridge went out, we would
be stuck having to buy staineless
steel, which would look terrible
in the kitchen with all our other
appliances..........and figured we
can do without a dishwasher
but we can't do without a fridge.
It was delivered on our Anniv.
and I really can't believe how
 excited I am over the new fridge,
 guess practicality really does
 come with age!!  lol
I am absoutely thrilled with it,
as it has the freezer on the bottom
and the fridge up top.  Everything
is right up there where you can
see, and it means not a lot of
bending over.  Also will be easier
to clean.....  I can stand up to do
it rather than killing my back or
having to sit in a chair..........lol
So I am more thrilled with it as
the days go by.

that my daughter has a new job
2 days a week in her field, which
is Radiology, but she specialized
 in Mammography. She will start
 on December 5th,  and she is 
very excited about it.
Then later in the week she was
offered another job doing Dexa
scans, and it is just one day to
1 1/2 days, but she sets her own
schedule and can work it around
her mammography schedule.
She starts there next week.
So she has accomplished her
goal of being able to work
when she wants and to have
the flexibility to take off when
she wants to come visit or when
others come to visit with them.

Colored pencil affect

very thankful, that my daughter
in love, Megan was not hurt in
an auto accident this week. and
yes, in their new car.....it was a
minor fender bender, so she is
fine and so was the other lady.
Unfortunately, the new car was
slightly damage and in the shop
being repaired, but it could have
been so much worse.  So thank-
ful for the Lord's watch care
over her as well. If you haven't
been by in awhile...my son was
just in an auto accident last
week..........and he is fine too,
and she was in the new car
that just got replaced from
his accident.

that her Dad and step-Mom
 were able to loan her their car 
until she gets her's back next 

With poster edges affect

that God has heard the prayers of
 his people about who the best choice
 for President was, even tho it seems
 the lesser of the 2 evils........
The Lord can use anyone He chooses
 to accomplish His purposes. I believe 
this election has been prayed over more
than any election that I have ever
 known of, and now if we American's
 will just continue to pray for our 
leaders as much now, as we did when
 the campaign was going on,  I believe
God will heal our land....but I
believe it is truly up to us, 
according to 2 Chronicles 7:14

if my people, who are called by my name,
 will humble themselves and pray and seek
 my face and turn from their wicked ways, 
then I will hear from heaven, and 
I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

for a verse that was in our up-
coming Sunday school lesson
for this Sunday.

It is Proverbs 21:1

 The king's heart is in the
 hand of the LORD,
 as the rivers of water: 
he turneth it whithersoever he will.

Just the fact, that it was in our
 lesson for this week, with the
 election being this week,  it
just really spoke to me of
 God's sovereignty even over
bringing encouragement to
us when we need it most.
This is a 3 yr. study course we 
are doing.....no one could have
planned that.....some will say
oh, that is just a coincidence,
but I believe it was a divine
word of encouragment to
God's children.

Well,  there you have it.....
another week at Cozy Place.

Thanks so much for coming by,

always happy to know you were

Have a lovely weekend with those

 you love and hold dear.
God Bless our Veterans and
the USA...........

Love, Hugs and Blessings,


Sharing with:

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

StoneGable with Yvonne and Friends

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie