Friday, November 4, 2016

Thankful Thursday November 3. 2016, Fall living room #2

And we know that in all things
God works for the good of those
who love him, who have been 
called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How has your week been going??

Well, I hope.............

Been a good week here so far,
other than some ongoing sciatic
nerve issues......that keep coming
 and going.......waiting for them to
just keep

Here are some more pics from
our Living room done up for Fall.
  In the header picture you can see
 the free printable I was telling you
 about on Tuesday that I got over at
Shabby Art Boutique 
from Kerryanne. 
I think it is just so beautiful, and that
 she is a very talented artist.  If you 
have never visited her,  just click here 
or go to
You won't be disappointed......

Did you notice the blue pumpkin...
that I selected both printables to
go with??

Love that  lil darling called it a  
"Blueberry Pumpkin"!  lol

Well,  on with my thankful list...

I am thankful

for a lovely time with our friend
from Seattle.  He spent a couple
of days with us, as we had lots
of catching up to do.  He lost 
his wife to cancer about 2 yrs.
ago, and she was only 42.     
They used to live here, so being
here in town and at our and the
homes of others and our church
brought back many memories
for him.  He is clearly still
grieving her loss. so it was a bit
of a weepy time as well , but
 that was good too, As we 
loved her too.

that he is going to get some
grief counseling when he goes
home, think this trip will help
get the ball rolling...........

that Scott, Megan and Brooklyn
got to go visit our daughter and
hubby this passed weekend.
Always love to know they are
having fun together, and thankful
 that they got there and back 
safely as well. 

for a very sweet and encouraging
card from one of our couples in
the young marrieds class.

that my son was not hurt in a car
 accident on Monday while in 
Charleston.  They had to get a new 
car, but thankfully he is just fine!
They drove home in their new car.
Know I told you on Tuesday but
just have to say once again that
 we are very thankful for God's
 protection over him............

that we got to see a new movie
put out by Kirk Camerson 
called "Revive Us".  It was
one of those movies that only
show once or twice in the
theatres all over the country.
Both times it showed here it
was when we were away in
Charleston, but they decided
to have another showing so
we got to go Tuesday night.
It was very inspiring and

for 2 new pairs of high heels,
black and nude patent leather
comfort shoes......very comfy.
Have wanted some in that nude
color for awhile now, they look
so good on Duchess Kate!! lol
and it was a buy one get one
half off deal,  which is
 always nice.

for God's word, the Bible and
 how it teaches us how to live
 our lives in a way that honor
the Lord..........

for Dr. Ben Carson and others who
have really tried to impress upon
Christians the need to get out and
vote on the issues.

that by this time next week the 
election will be over.........and
that no matter who wins we
know that it is the Lord's will
and that He is still on His throne.

for a good old fashioned cleansing
cry over a bunch of things that have 
made me sad lately.  Some times we
just get a pile up....and it has to find 
a way out.........and really this is the
best way......I am feeling way better
about life

It makes me think of this verse:

 You (meaning God) keep track
 of all my sorrows.
 You have collected all my tears
 in your bottle.
 You have recorded each one
 in your book.
Psalm 56:8 New Living Translation

I am many times a crier whether I am 
happy or sad, so I think it is so neat
 that He cares so much for us that He 
would do what this verse says.........

that I finally got to use my new blue
 tooth headset that hubby got me to go
 with our new phones.  We have been 
too busy learning how to use all the new
 stuff on the phones that we hadn't gotten 
around to it yet.  It was awesome I could
hear very clearly, and did the dishes and
made beef stew all while I was talking
to my sweet daughter on the phone,
and she could hear no back ground
noise either......where she did with
the speaker phone.  I love it......what
a great lil device.

Well, there you have it another week
 at Cozy Place.

So happy you stopped in...............

If you would like to see part 1 of our 
Fall living room. Click here or just
scroll down.

Have a Super weekend with your
family and or friends.

Love,  Hugs and
Early November Blessings,

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Walking on Sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends


  1. #1. Grieving can go on for a long time. It just gets further apart and less stimulus to bring back memories that can bring one to grieve. GOD's blessing is that we will see our saved loved ones again and what a celebration that will be!
    #2. I pray his church has a great grief program as does ours.
    #3. I'VE BEEN PRAYING FOR A SAFE journey.
    #4. That is always a joy raiser.
    #5. A new car! That must have been some crash! Or, was it a company car that was replaced?
    #6. He definitely is a witness for the LORD. I hope the movie will come out on DVD.
    #7. I always admired those who can walk in heels! I never could!
    #8. His promises to His followers are such a blessing of grace and mercy!
    #9. Amen! I have done my research and am ready to vote on Tuesday!
    #10. It is the LORD Who places those in the seat of ruling, whether for a nation's blessing or a nation's cursing. It will bring back those to His truth.
    #11. He knows our every tear. One Day He will wipe away all of our tears and sorrows to never be remembered anymore. Just as He casts all of our sins into the depths of the sea and remembers them no more, so will our tears and sorrows to be remembered no more.
    #12. Melitta (my hair dresser) has one and is always answering it when it rings.
    I love you all, see you Sunday evening, (the time changes back Sunday morning at 2 a.m.)

  2. You have so many reasons to be thankful. So glad your son is ok. it must have been quite a wreck to have to buy a new car. Sorry about your friend's wife passing. I hope he finds healing. Love the printable and your living room look for fall. Have a lovely weekend Nellie. Blessings, Linda

  3. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for all your comments.
    Actually Scott said the impact of the accident was not that bad, they were going slowly, guess it is just how they are making the cars these days, and it was their own car that had to be
    replaced. Good to see you last night.

    Have a great week,
    Love, Nellie

  4. Morning Linda,
    Nice to hear from you hon.....yes, we were very happy that he had no problems from the accident. He said the impact was really not that bad as they were going slow, but guess they
    just don't make cars all that well the Ins. Co. did total the car....crazy!!

    Thanks, we hope he finds healing too. Think being back in the old envirionment where he lived
    with her, has definitely jump started his emotions, and will probably be very useful as he starts his counseling.........

    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments Linda. Hope this finds you feeling better
    Have a beautiful week hon.
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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