Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thankful Thursday Nov. 24th, 2016, another Thanksgiving table from the past

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a really lovely

We did, and we saw the Lord do some
amazing things in this past week, and
are indeed grateful to HIM!

Thought I would include some pics
from another Thanksgiving table 
from the past.......

I am thankful

for Jesus and all that He has done
for me on the cross and in His
ressurection to give me eternal
life...........and for all He has
done for me each and every 
day of my life.........
Can't imagine life without HIM.

for a sermon from the Pastor that
we do the young marrieds class with
 that just really spoke to hubby and I.

that we have the guest room and
guest bath all ready for Dee and
 her hubby, and have the grocery 
shopping done already.

that hubby is off the whole week,
so that is great.......

for a sweet unexpected surprise
from another neighbor.  It was
a cute lil scaregrow with a big
bow and hand lotion attached.
and a dozen fresh eggs from
their chickens.  Their lil girl
came over singing Happy
Thanksgiving to You.
She is such a cutie.

that Dee and Jerry got in safe and
sound from Charleson on Tuesday

that our Thanksgiving table is all
set and ready for our early Thanks-
giving dinner on Wed. night.  The 
kids have to go back in the early 
afternoon on Thursday,  so we are
 just having a brunch Thursday 

that my daughter is gonna help
me cook dinner for Wed. night
It will be fun for both of us as 
we don't get many opportunities
 to do that,  and I am very grateful
for the help as well...............
So much more fun doing it
together.......even if we were 
up till almost 2 a.m.

that all the food is prepared for our
dinner, All we have to do now is
 make a breakfast casserole and a
fruit salad in the morning for
Brunch on Thursday, then just pop
 it all in the oven.

Love make ahead recipes.......

update: we would up dumping the
breakfast casserole for just good
ole scrambled

for a yummy Thanksgiving dinner
and a great time with the family,
altho Scott and his family were
not feeling great, we still managed
to have a nice time.

for another sweet and unexpected 
surprise from our other neighbor that
sends us that awesome vegetable soup, 
this time she sent us over a delicious
 home-made Pumpkin Pie. um, um....

for a nice brunch with the whole
 family again. We had a nice morning
 and afternoon until about 2-3 pm.  
Scott and his family went to be with 
Megans family and Dee and Jerry left 
to go home to Charleston.  It was a
blessed time...........but now we are
 happy and exhausted but a good going to take a nap 
and maybe watch a Christmas movie
 later tonight........

Here to another week at Cozy Place,
Hope you had lots of sweet things to
be Thankful for, especially this week.

Glad you could hop on over.......

Can't believe tomorrow we will be
kicking off the Christmas Season.
Truly amazing how fast this year
 has gone....
Anybody else feel that way???

Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs and
Thanksgiving Blessings,

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

Love of Home

A Stroll thru Life with Marty


  1. Sounds like you had a blessed time with your family.
    We are heading out early today to be with 50 some of my extended family.
    Yesterday's dinner was shared with our youngest daughter and her children who accompanied us to a church that hosted an amazing Thanksgiving dinner. Daughter and I took some sides; I stayed to help clean up. Unusual but wonderful day. My heart is grateful. I give Him thanks.

  2. #1. Our LORD is so personal to each of us. His Love goes beyond our present comprehension! I look forward to the Day when we shall see Him as He is in all of His glory. I can't thank Him enough for choosing me before creation! Ephesians 1:4 says, "For He chose us in Him before creation..." Hallelujah to His Holy Name, the only Name by which we are saved!!!
    #2. I praise the LORD for those He brings into our lives whose fellowship strengthens our walk in Christ Jesus!
    #3. It feels so good to get things done ahead of time!
    #4. Yahoo!!!!
    #5. I remember all the wonderful gifts I used to get when I taught school. Now, in retirement, I just remember the sweet memories!
    #6. It was so good to see them!
    #7. It was a delicious meal, dinner and brunch! You are a great cook as is so DeeAnna!
    #8. I know you had an enjoyable time!
    #9. Sorry my Spinach snack was a little toasted, but still tasted good!
    #10. It was a wonderful time, with Rosie and Lola too!
    #11. I love pumpkin pie, but pecan pie I love even more, ha!
    #12. Yes, it was a wonderful time, thank you for all your hard work!
    This year seems to have zoomed by! It makes me wonder how much faster next year may go, ha! I guess the saying, "The older you get, the faster time goes," has some truth in it!
    I love you all, Susan

  3. Morning Rebecca,
    Nice to hear from you and yes we did have a blessed time.
    Wow, you have a very large family.....I can't even imagine what that would be like as our
    families have always been very small, and the closest thing to a family reunion that we had
    was when my maternal grandmother passed away 28 yrs. ago, and we were all together at Christmas time. Not complaining tho it does have it's benefits too. lol
    Nice you got to spend some time with your daughter and children. That is neat that the church
    has a big Thanksgiving dinner like that. All the widows in our church get together the week
    before Thanksgiving and do a dinner. Sometimes it is nice to do something different, the
    last few years we went to Scott and Megans for brunch then went to Cracker Barrel, so that
    was quite unusual for us, as I have always done all the I quite enjoyed that and was ready to do dinner again this year.........God is very good to us, isn't he??
    Thanks for stopping by and for sharing your thankfulness as well.

    Blessings hon,

  4. Hi Susan,
    Amen to #1, as His children we have lots to look forward to........

    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments about our cooking and hard work in the kitchen. You are most welcome........and thanks for the delicious spinach balls, we all
    enjoy them, and they tasted the same to me as always, and thanks for helping with the
    clean up....that is always so helpful.....

    Have a good weekend,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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