Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thankful Thursday November 17, 2016, Thanksgiving table from the past

And we know that in all things God works 
for the good of those who love him, 
who have been called according
 to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a much better 
week than I have..........and bet you
are beginning to prepare for
Thanksgiving, am I right!!

It has been all consuming, draining,
and emotional and a very difficult
week, that I can't go into, but I am 
trying to keep in mind the verse
below my header picture. I believe
 it to be true with every fiber of my
 being, but it doesn't always feel
true........but that is where faith
comes in.....God allows a lot of
things that looks bad at the onset
that turn out the most wonderful
results......and we are certainly
praying and watching for that,
but sometimes it takes a bit of
time unfortunately......while he
is working together all things
with all people involved. We
have sure been learning some
things this week.....

Just gonna add some Tablescape
 Pictures for your viewing pleasure,
 and get on with it.

I am thankful

for praying friends to lift us up
during difficult times. I love that
people don't need all the details
to pray, cause the Lord knows
the details............

for a phone call from one of my
best friends that lives a few hrs.
away, that we haven't seen or
talked to in awhile.

that my husband was not one
of the ones who are near retire-
ment age that they are asking
if they want to take some kind
of financial package to leave
the company. Guess inspite
of being laid off.  He would
like to work about another
year and a half.


that sometimes when you think
 you have problems.....that you
 can hear of someone else's problem 
and your's doesn't sound so bad, 
 and you are then thankful you have
 the problem you have not the 
one they have.  Perspective is

for the Lord's wisdom and direction.
I am so glad that when we don't 
know what to do, we can ask Him
as He always knows what to do.

for a sweet story of how a 9 yr.
old brother saved his infant 
brother from getting hurt in
a fall.  The Mom was changing
the babies diaper, when she was
distracted by her 6 yr. old son,
and she was standing right there
but had her back turned for just
a min. and the baby wiggled
himself off the changing table
and his 9 yr. old brother was
walking by just as he was about
to fall, an he grabbed him right as 
he was about to hit the floor. 
The baby would probably have
 fallen on his face too.  The 9 yr
old brother said he felt like an
angel pushed him into the room,
and he did not believe he could
have done that on his own as
the baby weighs 30 pds. and
he can hardly pick him up
normally.  This story really
blessed my heart.  Wish you
could have seen the video.

that our daughter got another
 amazing offer with a real estate 
company that is incredibly flexible
 and she might even get to do home
staging which she would love to do.
So happy for all these great 
opportunites for her, as she is 
beyond thrilled.

that my daughters husbands parents
got to come and visit with them this
 week, as it has been a while since
 they have seen them and they had
a great time.

for having coffee with my sister
 in law Susan this morning........
as it has been awhile.

for a new TV series we have been
watching and really enjoying called
 "The Crown".
It is about Queen Elizabeth and 
Prince Phillip.  It is a very good
series....also just saw somewhere
the other day that they have been
married for 69 yrs. I think it is.
Good for them!!

that I finally got a letter written

that needed to be done, and it
took days as I wrote it and re
wrote it to try and make it as
loving and reconciliatory as It
could under the circumstances.

that we finally got rid of our
old bed frame and some other
stuff that needed to go to
Good Will, so something else
off the

Well, there you have it.....always some
thing to be thankful for....

Thanks for coming by........

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, as I am
 not sure if I will post next week,  since
our daughter and hubby are coming.

I will leave you with my life verse.

Love, Hugs and 
Pre-Thanksgiving Blessings,


  1. Remember- nothing is a surprise to God. He had the solution before the problem ever existed.
    Happy Thanksgiving sweet Nellie!
    big big hugs and lots of love,

  2. Hi Caroline,
    So very nice to hear from you hon.
    Thanks for your encouraging words, and have to say we have really seen HIM work this week in amazing ways.....and we are beyond grateful.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours,
    Many hugs to you too,
    Love and Blessings Sweetie,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie