Sunday, February 24, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for the day!!

Look to the LORD and his strength; 
seek his face always.

1 Chronicles 16:11 NIV

Have a Blessed Sunday,

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thankful Thursday February 21, 2019, Winter Family Room #4

 Now, our God, we give you thanks,
 and praise your glorious name.
1 Chronicles 29:13 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and 
happy.  Can you believe it...
I am actually on time for

We are well and happy, and
enjoying our day at home, as
today is usually our day out 
since we pick up lil darling,
on Thursdays, but Lil darling
 is out of school on break, this
 week, so she is home with her 
Daddy today, but we did have 
a fun day with her yesterday.
So tomorrow or Saturday
will be our day out this week.

Pictures today are from our
 Winter family room again!

If you missed Part 3, and 
would like to see click here.

So on with it.............

Thankful for a fun sleepover 
with lil darling on Friday night
so her Mom and Dad could
celebrate Valentine's Day.

Thankful that our roofing man
was able to come back out this
weekend, cause as we were away
we had no chance of knowing if 
the roof leak was fixed cause it
didn't rain before we left, but the
night we got home it rained all 
night and it was still leaking in 
2 places which I think were all 
coming from the same area. The
 other end of the porch was fine. 
So hopefully we will know for
sure by Tues. or Wed. as it is
suppose to rain

Thankful for what a lovely
and honest man the roofer
is.....he responded right away
to hubbies call, and then came
out on Sunday to fix it, because
he couldn't get here on Sat. 
like he had planned.  He had
a very good reason for not
coming as well.  He was work-
ing on another ladies roof and
he had just told her that some
one had cut her rafters putting
an A/C unit in and that it was
very precarious, and so they
had just all gotten off the roof
as they were talking to the lady
and the whole roof collapsed.

Thankful that no one was hurt.....
Sounds pretty miraculous to me.
and he said she didn't have much
damage inside to her things, it 
seems, as the dining room table
 and her sofa kept the roof from
 hitting the floor, so they were
there till 10 at night helping
her get moved out.

Neat thing....hubby and I had 
prayed for he and his crew for
safety on Sat. morning, as we
thought he would be on our 
roof that afternoon.

Thankful for an incredibly
good movie based on a true
story about an Army Chaplain
and his family and what they
went through.....we think 
every American needs to see will give you a much
deeper understanding and 
appreciation for what our
 military families go thru.
It is called "Indivisible"
and you can rent it on or as well.

Thankful for more work we 
got done in the backyard. 
More grapevine gone!! yea!!

As you can see we had a tree theme going on, so copied
and printed trees full of snow for my board.......

Thankful that we found out
our roofer does other handy
man things.  So we asked
him about tearing down our
shed so we could put up a
new one, and he said have
you ever thought of just
fixing it, since it is a solid
structure? and we said we
just didn't know if it could
be fixed altho looking at
it you would not know it
is in bad repair, so looking
like he is gonna repair it 
for us, which makes us
both happy as my hubbies
Dad built it as a playhouse
for my daughter when she
was 2 or 3, so it is over 30
years old, but I love it as
I think it adds character
to our backyard. So very
happy about this news.

Thankful for our sweet
neighbor.  She once again
 brought us some of her
homemade Vegetable
 soup and it was delicious
as always.

Thankful that we got to
spend some time with her
this week as we had her
come over so she could
watch them cut her big
diseased Oak tree down in 
her front yard. We were all
sad to see it go, but good 
not to have to worry about
it ever falling on the house
during a storm.

Thankful that my daughter
and son-in-love made it
safely to Colorado for a
get-away with along time
friend and her immediate
and extended family. They
were like a 2nd family to
Dee when she was 
growing up.

Thankful that she has a lot
of friends at work that want
to keep Bentley (their new
4 mo.+ old puppy). One of 
them is staying at their house
 to keep him while they are
away. Such a nice lady.

Thankful that someone close
to me prayed and asked Jesus
into their heart. Wonderful!!
They will never regret that

with a watercolor affect


Well, there you have it folks,
another week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for the visit 
Have a fantastic weekend.

Love, Hugs and
End of February Blessings

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Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Stone Gable


A Stroll thru life

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Birch look candles tutorial and Winter in the Family room #3

Happy Tuesday 

So how are ya sweet Friends

We are fine, just trying to get
back on track after our trip.

Thought I would show you
another project I did that
was quick and easy. 
Loving these projects!!

Here is my Inspiration Photo

It came out of the same magazine
"Entertain and Celebrate Winter".
as my other projects.

Have to say this magazine has
had some of the most fun and
easy projects I have seen in a
long time............

I have seen a lot of birch out there in
 blogland last and this Winter, and
 liked the look, then of course I saw 
the inpiration photo, so when we 
were at Michaels I looked for some
birch but didn't see the kind you 
can wrap around like they did in the
 inspiration photo, and they had some
 Birch wood rounds but they were 
expensive and not really what I 
wanted anyway, so the thought came
 to me to check the scrapbook paper....
and when I did.... I found this wood 
look paper and thought hey,
 that works for me.

See candle below!

I already had some clear glass 
candle cups from old candles that
 were used up and that I had 
cleaned and stored.

So just laid them on their side

 and marked where to cut the
paper. I just realized I should
have rotated this picture so
you could see the mark. Sorry!
 It is at the the bottom of
 glass cup.

then cut it on my paper cutter,
but you can do it with scissors
if you draw a straight line from
where the mark is to the top of
the paper.

Then laid the paper out front side
 down and sprayed the paper with
the Elmers spray adhesive. At
this point you have to work
quickly as it dries pretty quick.

Then I sat the candle cup on 
the sticky paper carefully,
 and began rolling it up onto
 the candle cup. Be careful
to roll it slowly and straight.

 Then smooth it  all over to 
make sure it adhered to the 
glass well, 

and here it is...I did another
one for the tutorial and put
a reg. small pillar candle
inside this time.

Quick and easy.....took less
 than 5 mins.

The first ones I did I put mercury
 glass votive cups inside of the
 them and loved how they came out.
  Again a very
quick and easy project and it only
 cost me .99 cents for the scrapbook
 paper. I already had the mercury
 glass votive and the"Elmers Extra 
strength spray adhesive," as well.

And you don't really need the
extra votive holder unless you
want to have it.  I just thought
it dressed it up a bit and looked
better than just a plain votive
candle by itself.

Look for pretty packaging that you
 can incorporate into your decorating 
at times. It is free fun and beauty.

This is another vignette in the room. 
 I used a tin that we got Italian cookies
in at Christmas time.  Also used a
pretty cookie tin on the bottom of 
my rolling cart you saw a few pics
back.  It was white and gold.
Nothing like free decor!!

Here I just stuck some greenery and 
a pine cone in a perfume box I also 
got for Christmas.
It smells fabulous and I loved the
 box as well.....

If you have followed me long, you know
I enjoy the packaging of many things, and
think it is a shame to let it go in the trash
until I have repurposed it even just for
a little while........guess because I know
how much creativity and work goes
into it....since I design cards.

With photocopy affect

Thanks for coming by today.

If you missed part 2 and would
like to see it, click here.

Hope you have a good week,
and keep your light shining

Love,  Hugs and
Mid February Blessings,


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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,

Here are the verses for the day!!

Blessed are those who have learned

 to acclaim you, who walk in the light

 of your presence, LORD.
 They rejoice in your name all day long;
 they celebrate your righteousness.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Thankful Thursday February 14, 2019, Winter in the family room #2

Like your name, O God, your praise
 reaches to the ends of the earth;
 your right hand is filled with
Psalm 48:10 NIV

Good Saturday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well.

I am a bit later than usual, as
we pretty much hit the ground
running when we got home from
our trip onTues. evening and have
 been busy every since. So I am 
just gonna get this posted.

Thankful for a safe and uneventful
trip to Charleston and back to visit our 
daughter, DeeAnna and son-in-love
Jerry, and to meet our new FURRY
 Grandson puppy, Bentley.

Thankful for a great time visiting,
eating in and out, enjoying her cream
cheese strawberry coffee cake, card 
playing, shopping and watching
 HGTV at night, enjoying their lovely
 home and some cooler weather, but
 not too cold, perfect for us really.

Thankful to finally get to meet
this newest member of the family.
He is a reddish micro golden doodle
and such a cutie and very smart as
well. He was totally housebroken
in about 2 weeks. Once he gets
passed that teething stage he is
gonna make a great pet.

Thankful that he was not biting
as much as he previously was.
Our daughter was concerned
about that cause he is still teeth-
ing and their lil teeth are so sharp,
and hubby takes blood thinners,
that was her concern....
But he didn't get us one time, so
that was a good thing!!  lol

With poster edges affect

Thankful that we were able to
sit outside for a couple of the
days, and go for one golf cart 
ride the first few days that were
 high 60's as those are 2 things 
we really enjoy doing. No
pictures tho,  but since it is
Winter they wouldn't be so
 great anyway............

Thankful for a few times we
all went out shopping, it was
a lot of fun. We found a new 
store called "Five Below"
Everything in the store was
 $5. or less.  

With lighting affect

Thankful we tried a new to us
Mexican restaurant called
"Mex One"  There food was
really good.  Will really want
to go back there next time
we visit them.

Thankful for some really yummy
edible goodies we found while
browsing in world market, we
got some chocolate covered
 blueberries and something called
Lemon blueberry Drizzlers by
creative snacks co.  They are
really good.....

Thankful our friend who is
getting married in June found
her perfect Wedding dress and
 $100 under budget, as she was 
concerned about that
was an answer to prayer and she
 was quite thrilled about that.

Thankful that my daughter-in
love said we are getting a 
"Five Below" here soon.
So excited about that.....

Thankful for the opportunity
to do 2 random acts of kind-
ness for a lady at the grocery
store. Was a great way to
enjoy Valentines day!!

Thankful for a quiet but nice
Valentines day. A nice 30 min.
 walk in the neighborhood, a
trip to the grocery store to find
a dessert we both liked, picking
up lil darling and getting take out
from Carrabbas for later in the 
evening, and getting her frozen 
custard, and getting some for us
too, which wasn't in the plan but
they were buy 1 get one free for
Valentines day, so we couldn't
resist....Turtle Sundae's... Yum!
 Bringing her home and spending
 some time with her, and giving
her a Valentines gift that she
really liked.  Having dinner
after she left and then watch-
ing the movie "Dumplin",
which wasn't in our plan either,
but turned out to be different
but good....
We were gonna watch "You've
got mail", one of our favs,
so saving it for another night.


Well, there you have it another
week at Cozy Place

Thanks so much for stopping
If you missed part 1 and would
like to see,  click here

Have a really lovely weekend,

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie