Like your name, O God,
your praise reaches to the ends of the earth;
your right hand is filled with righteousness.
Psalm 48:10 NIV
your right hand is filled with righteousness.
Psalm 48:10 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope you have had a good week.
Been a busy but good week here.
Pics today are some shots of our
Winter family room.
So on with it..........
Been a busy but good week here.
Pics today are some shots of our
Winter family room.
So on with it..........
Thankful that the roofing guy
came on Friday to check out
what needed to be done, and
found out our leak was coming
from our chimney, and ours
is made of wood, so they came
back on Saturday and com-
pletely rebuilt/and painted it
and it looks great!
also was able to fix a problem
with our Aluminum screened
porch roof as well.....cause we
have been getting some leaks
with it too.
Thankful that it did not rain on
Saturday like it was supposed went from 50% chance
down to 10% on Sat. morning.
We and my sister-in-law were
praying for no rain until they
could get our roof done, so
we never got any, but now
we are wanting it to rain to
see if it took care of every-
thing!! lol
Thankful for a nice lunch
out after church just the 2
of us at Carrabbas.
We love their food and was
happy to bring home left-
overs for that night.
Thankful that my daughter and
son-in-love took a lil mini trip
to Asheville this weekend and
took their new puppy with them.
Bentley did amazingly well and
they had a great time, so they
are thrilled....cause Rosie was
a good traveler and they used
to take her everywhere, so they
are happy it looks like Bentley
is gonna be the same. He is
a Micro Golden Doodle, and
so cute........
Thankful for the fragrance of
fresh cut lavendar wafting out
of our guest bathroom into the
rest of the house from a new
bath and body wallflower
refill. Smells wonderful.....
Thankful for being able to get
out and sit in the sun a couple
of times this week since it is
perfect temps out there and
feels luscious.
Thankful to hear about a
Quick and great response
by Tim Tebow when some
one in a golf contest yelled
out "Jesus" after his golf
swing, to which Tebow
quickly responded
"Loves YOU!"
Gotta love Tim Tebow.
Thankful for more yard work
we did this week, lots more
where that came from but we
are making progress!!

Thankful that the Lord helped
us find something really important
that hubby lost and we looked and
looked and Nada then we prayed
O Happy Day!!
Well....that's it for cozy place
this week.
Have a lovely weekend
Love, hugs and
Early February Blessings,
Sharing with:
Shabby Art Boutique
Life with lorelai
Oh My Heartsie Girl
Thankful that the roofing guy
came on Friday to check out
what needed to be done, and
found out our leak was coming
from our chimney, and ours
is made of wood, so they came
back on Saturday and com-
pletely rebuilt/and painted it
and it looks great!
also was able to fix a problem
with our Aluminum screened
porch roof as well.....cause we
have been getting some leaks
with it too.
Thankful that it did not rain on
Saturday like it was supposed went from 50% chance
down to 10% on Sat. morning.
We and my sister-in-law were
praying for no rain until they
could get our roof done, so
we never got any, but now
we are wanting it to rain to
see if it took care of every-
thing!! lol
Thankful for a nice lunch
out after church just the 2
of us at Carrabbas.
We love their food and was
happy to bring home left-
overs for that night.
Thankful that my daughter and
son-in-love took a lil mini trip
to Asheville this weekend and
took their new puppy with them.
Bentley did amazingly well and
they had a great time, so they
are thrilled....cause Rosie was
a good traveler and they used
to take her everywhere, so they
are happy it looks like Bentley
is gonna be the same. He is
a Micro Golden Doodle, and
so cute........
Thankful for the fragrance of
fresh cut lavendar wafting out
of our guest bathroom into the
rest of the house from a new
bath and body wallflower
refill. Smells wonderful.....
Thankful for being able to get
out and sit in the sun a couple
of times this week since it is
perfect temps out there and
feels luscious.
Thankful to hear about a
Quick and great response
by Tim Tebow when some
one in a golf contest yelled
out "Jesus" after his golf
swing, to which Tebow
quickly responded
"Loves YOU!"
Gotta love Tim Tebow.
Thankful for more yard work
we did this week, lots more
where that came from but we
are making progress!!
Thankful for a great "State
of the Union" speech by
President Trump. I think
he pretty much covered
all the bases..........
Thankful for a really good
school day with lil darling.
She is already learning to
read and is doing so well,
we can hardly believe it,
and she is only in Kinder-
garten. Amazing!

Thankful that the Lord helped
us find something really important
that hubby lost and we looked and
looked and Nada then we prayed
and within 20 mins. we found out
that someone else had found it.O Happy Day!!
Well....that's it for cozy place
this week.
Have a lovely weekend
Love, hugs and
Early February Blessings,
Sharing with:
Shabby Art Boutique
Life with lorelai
Oh My Heartsie Girl
We are all so blessed and need to count our Blessings often. Great post.
ReplyDelete#1. Praise the LORD! I'm so thankful they were able to do a great job correcting the leak!
ReplyDelete#2. Another praise to our LORD for answering our prayers! We love you, LORD!
#3. I don't know why food taste better when you don't have to fix it yourself, LOL!
#4. It's good for them to start Bentley out while he is a young pup! He will do even greater when he is an "adult!"
#5. I was wondering how well the "vent" clip air fresheners would work that are made for cars?
#6. Yesterday (Saturday) was a great day for that!
#7. Yea!!! I pray the LORD blessed his swing and a hole in one :-)
#8. I need to get Steve to clear my front fence (Linda's side) while the growth is dead from the cold spells we have had. It will be easier to clear than when the growth is green!
#9. I pray every day for the LORD's power and strength to show Jesus through His servant, Pres. Trump!
#10. She is definitely gifted!!! Praise the LORD for your great teaching!!!
#11. Yes!!! I had lost my keys this week and did the very same thing! I searched and couldn't find them, then I prayed. Immediately, I thought, "The bird's room!" Sure enough, I went in and there they were! I forgot I went into their room when I first got home to let Jerry out and I had laid them down to open his cage door! The LORD is so good! How much more so when we have great needs! Love you, Susan
So glad you had a good week. Thanks for sharing your heart with us at #HomeMattersParty