Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Pretty, yet Easy Winter Table Arrangement

Happy Wednesday
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you refreshed
and relaxed.

We were away since last Wed.
 night and just got home last
night.  We were in Charleston
to see our daughter and son-in-
love....and to meet our new fury
 member of the family.  It was
very relaxing and refreshing
and fun as always.  The time
just goes by too quickly but
we are grateful for the time
we had......

Wanted to show you a pretty
 and very simple table center-
piece did back in January.

Here was my inspiration picture.
Not the greatest fault tho.
It came out of the same magazine
as my last fun here
"Entertain and Celebrate Winter"

Originally had it on my kitchen table
but moved it to my dining room table.
Decided to put mine on a tray as well
so it can easily be moved.

Here is a close up of the front.

 Decided to go with the normal 
colored pinecones to have
 more contrast.

Here is a close up of the back.

With no lights on..............

I already had everything I needed
to put this together, so again this
was a no cost to me arrangement.
The candles and 2 of the cylinders
 came from Dollar Tree, but I already
 had them.
Dollar tree is a great place to buy
candles and glass cylinders.

With a posterized affect 

and a soft lighting affect for fun.....


Thanks for coming by.....

Have a great Valentines Day


  1. Oh it looks so pretty. I am in the mood for simple and this is just that and so elegant too.

  2. beautiful table centerpiece, I am still trying to come up with one for my table, I love candles and I enjoy shopping at the Dollar Tree, too!
    Hope you had a nice visit.

  3. Hi Marty,
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments. How is your back doing these days??
    Have you totally recovered?? Hope so...

    Blessings, Nellie

  4. Thank you Sue.....glad you liked was quick and easy, so this might be your
    We did have a great always, thanks for asking........
    Hope all is well with you now. It has been good to hear from you lately.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie