Friday, June 28, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Good Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Here is the scripture for today.

“This is what the LORD says—
 your Redeemer,
 who formed you in the womb:
 I am the LORD, 
the Maker of all things, 
who stretches out the heavens, 
who spreads out the earth by myself,

Isaiah 44:24 NIV

I love this verse!  Pretty clear
about who He is......

Have a Restful Sunday,


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Life and Linda

Thankful Thursday June 27, 2019, 4th of July centerpiece from the past

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
 let them ever sing for joy. 
Spread your protection over them,
 that those who love your name 
may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this find you doing well,
and weathering the heat okay.
It is like an oven when you
open the door to the outside
world here.  Definitely not
my fav time of the year, 
mainly because of the heat.
We have been getting quite
a bit of rain so that does help
 some, but then the humidity 
is very high as well. The plus
side is our grass in the front
yard where they put the new
drain field is growing back
way quicker than we had
expected, so we are quite
happy about that.

Not a lot going on here this
week other than having lil
darling on Tues. and Wed.
and working on cards, and
the normal day to day chores.

Since 4th of July will be
here next week decided
to post some pics of a
patriotic centerpeice I did
some years a back.
 It was one of those shop your 
house and use what you have

Well on with my Thankfuls...

#1 and 2

Thankful that our friends really
liked the Vow renewal certificate
we did last week.  

Thankful for their sweet encourage-
ment and guestures on our work
as well. Always nice to have some
one appreciate your work.

#3, 4 and 5
Thankful that I made 3 new cards
this week and caught up on some 
other things I needed to do towards
our business.

Thankful that we are about to hit 
the halfway mark on opening our 
online card business.  Getting very 
excited, as this has been in the works
 for years, but nothing could really
 happen until hubby retired and had 
the time to do a website. We are
still a ways out yet, but it is coming 
together finally, Lord Willing!!

Thankful for the joy it brings
me as I design cards, it is some-
thing that I never imagined I
would be doing and loving it
so much especially because it
is done on the computer.

Thankful for a good time with
our family celebrating Father's
day again.  Since we couldn't
get together last weekend we
moved it to this passed weekend
and we had a good time as always

Thankful for a long chat with
 my daughter yesterday evening.

#8 and 9
Thankful for all of you that
come by and visit my blog.


Thankful for all the creativity,
 inspiration, ideas and enjoyment
 I glean from all of the blogs I 
visit as well. 
 You ladies really Rock!!

Thankful for God's word and
the inspiration, comfort, and
peace it brings to our lives

Thankful that my daughter-
in -love was able to take a
new picture of me that I liked
 to put on my blog. She is very
 good at that..........
Will post it soon!!

Thankful for a heart warming
story we heard and saw on 
video. An Algerian teenager 
was walking down a street in
Turkey, and saw a little 2 yr.
old girl playing in an open
window and was concerned 
she might fall, so he stood
there watching her, and she
did fall, feet first and he was
able to catch her just inches
 before her feet would have 
hit the sidewalk. She sustained
no injuries!  He said, Thank
God I was able to catch her.
He was 17 yrs. old.

Well, that's it for this week.

Glad you could stop in,
and hope you have a lovely

Love, Hugs and
end of June Blessings,


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Life with Lorelai

Life and Linda

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Good Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Here is the scripture for today!

You will keep him in perfect peace, 
Whose mind is stayed on You, 
Because he trusts in You.
Isaiah 26:3

This is one of my favorite
verses I use when I am in
 a stressful situation, like
 having dental work or a
root canal, or getting a 
recall on a mammogram.
Reciting it over and over
again helps keep your 
mind stayed on Him.

Have a peaceful day!


Friday, June 21, 2019

Thankful Thursday June 20, 2019, Simple Summer dinner table

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; 
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
 To him belongs eternal praise.
Psalm 111:10 NIV

Good Morning Sweet Friends,
Welcome to Summer!!

It's finally official, altho, it has
 been like Summer here for  a 
month or more. 
Well, I am gonna get this posted
as it is mostly ready, just gotta
add some pics.

hmmm, not sure what pics to
post, ah, maybe a simple
summer table from the past.

On with my Thankfuls............

#1 and 2
Thankful that we got our
 porch all back together after 
we cleaned it last week, and
 It looks so nice. 

Thankful we also had some
work smarter not harder ideas
that we think might help with
less maintenance and keep it
looking cleaner longer. We 
are leaving certain plants off
the porch that drop leaves,
and moved some chairs away 
from the edge of the porch 
where they get rained on all 
the time, as we are in rainy
season right now.  We have
also been using bug spray
to keep the spider and bugs
away for awhile now.
Hopefully these changes
will help us, and maybe 
your porch too.

Colored pencil affect

Thankful for a fun night
out shopping for Father's
day and going to dinner.
Went to a restaurant (It's
called Cheddar's) we've
only been to a couple of
times.  Food was great,
less expensive than most
of the other restaurants,
 nice atmosphere and 
good service.

Thankful that we were
able to get our A/C in
our home repaired very
quickly on Saturday. 
We noticed it was not
working before it got
too hot, called the A/C
folks and since we have
a maintenance program
with them, they came 
right out and it was only
a power module, so the
guy called, came and
had it fixed within an
hour.  Amazing!!

Thankful that we got a lot 
of rest in the last week.

Thankful that our daughter
and son-in-love got to 
Jamaica and back safely,
and had a great time with
her hubbies family.

Thankful that hubby had
a nice Father's Day even
tho he didn't get to see his
children. We are celebrating
 with our son and his family 
next weekend. He did hear
from them both tho. We went
 out to lunch at Carrabbas
with our friends I will mention
later in this post and their
Dad.  Then hubby got a nice
long nap in.... So it was a 
good day for him, and he is
looking forward to next
weekend. We like to drag 
our celebrations

Thankful that my corn
bread didn't burn. I put it
 in the oven and then hubby 
decided to mow the lawn so
 I walked outside with him
to see a baby sandhill crane
in our next door neighbors
yard then started putzing in 
our yard a bit, and got tired
 and came inside. I could smell
 the cornbread the second I
 opened the door (which I had
 forgotten all about) and .....
amazingly it was right at 
the right time. It was nicely
 browned but not burnt. 
God's perfect timing!!  
I love the things HE does for
us....that cornbread is destined
to be in a Chicken casserole for
din din tomorrow night!!  lol

Thankful for clean sheets and
my cozy comfy bed.

Thankful for the opportunity
to make a certificate for a
couple who will be renewing
their vows for their 50th Anniver-
sary. We are doing it for the Father
 of our new friends. He is 97 yrs. old
 and is a Pastor and in great health 
other than his vision and hearing. 
 Anyway, he has known and been
 in touch with this couple for over
 50 yrs., and back when they orig-
inally got married they eloped due
 to family issues. He was Jewish and
 became a Christian and his family
disowned him, so because he was 
without a family, our friends Father, 
was sort of like a Father to them, so
 they now want him to officiate their
 renewal of vows. Isn't that a sweet
story.....  I have spoken about him 
on my blog before.  He is a wonder-
ful gentleman and everyone should 
have a Dad or Grandfather like him.

Thankful hubby was able to fix
my daughter-in-loves car for her,
especially since my son is out of
town this week. Our Hero!!

Thankful we were able to find 
some examples of Vow renewal
certificates and some pretty
graphics to use as well. 


Well, sweet friends,  that's it
for this week.

Thanks for joining us today.

Keep your light shining 

Love, Hugs, and
Happy Summer Blessings,


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Life with Lorelai

My Flagstaff Home

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Life and Linda

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Happy Father's Day,
and Happy Sunday,
Sweet Friends,

Hope all you Dad's out there
have a Restful and RelaxingDay,
 and hope all you Mom's and 
Children have fun spoiling
your Hubby and Dads.

Here is the verse for today.

Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel
of the wicked or stand in the
seat of mockers, but his delight
is in the law of the Lord, and
on his law he meditates day 
and night, He is a like a tree
planted by streams of water, 
which yields it's fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither,
whatever he does prospers.

Psalm 1:1-3 NIV (1984)

Hope you all have
 a Blessed Day!


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A Stroll thru Life

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thankful Thursday June 13, 2019, Coastal themed Father's Day Table from the past....

 The LORD is good to all; 
he has compassion on all 
he has made. 
Psalm 145:9 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well.

It's been a good week and has 
been a lot more productive
around here this week than last,
 altho I didn't try to run any
 marathons or anything.

It has just been rain, rain and 
more rain this week, and has
been raining all day today, so
it has been a very dreary day,
so we have taken advantage
of it, and just lazed around. lol

Pictures today are of a Coastal
 Themed Father's Day table
just in case someone might
still be looking for ideas....

So on with it............I might
actually be on time for once.

#1, 2 and 3
Thankful for a really wonderful
time at our friends Wedding last
Saturday.  It was really beautiful
ceremony, and they did their own
vows also mixed with the ones
our Pastor gave, and loved the 
songs that they chose, they also
did something I had heard about
but not seen before.  Rather than
a unity candle they had vials of
colored sand (each with their own
color) with a clear container in the
 middle, so the groom poured some
sand in his color, then the bride in
her color, and it made a very pretty 
sand art hill symbolizing what God 
says in Ephesians 5:31 about the 
two becoming one flesh. It was
a lovely yet simple wedding that
focused on the real importance
rather than being so ostentacious
like so many weddings are today.

Thankful that everything came
together so well, and for all the 
people who helped in the process
of making it a wonderful day for
 them. She especially didn't want 
to go into debt to have a wedding, 
and have all that debt to start off
their marriage, as she is a very
wise, and practical woman, and
 it was amazing how the Lord had
so many people do things as 
wedding gift or helped her find 
 so many things at a great price, 
and the expenses they did incur
 are pretty much paid off already. 
She said she has never felt so
 loved by God.

Thankful that my friend, is a 
wise and Godly woman, and
that she prayed for the Lord to
send her a husband if that was
His will for her, and she asked
for a Godly man who had no
children of his own, and that
would accept her children as
his own, and that is exactly
the answer to her prayer and
more. God's timing was 11 
yrs. later and he came into
her life just at the right time,
when she was devastated over
another situation. God's timing
is always perfect!

Thankful that I am feeling
much better since Monday.
I was feeling really bad on
Sunday and have taken it
easy for the most part this

# 5
Thankful that we have been
working on getting our porch
cleaned up by doing small
portions each day, early in
the morning, then rested 
after that.  Have to pace
yourself a bit after being

Thankful for what we have
learned out of some conflict
this week.  Conflict is never
fun...but there is always some
thing to be learned in it.  So 
ultimately it is good for us, if
we keep the right perspective,
keep talking and working at it.

Thankful I am finally getting
started on changing my living
room into a coastal look.  I
have had my bedroom done
in Coastal for a number of
years now, so moving things
out of there and into the 
Living room for a new look.
Looking forward to that.

Thankful that our great neice
saw the Specialist yesterday
about the tick bite. She got more
 symptoms than I told you about
last week as she didn't develop
them till this Monday. They were 
classic signs for Lyme disease, 
fever, headache, sore throat, 
nausea and vomiting. So they
now have her on a treatment
plan thank goodness. Called
yesterday and her symptoms
and subsided quite a bit 
already, so that is good.

Thankful that another long
time friend who has been
sick for a long time, found
out she has had pneumonia
for 6 mos......she is in the
hospital being treated with
like 3 or 4 antiobiotics, and
not sure how long she will
have to be there, but thank
heavens they finally dis-
covered it.....can't remember
the name of the type of 
pneumonia as I have never
heard of it before. She got
out of the hospital on Wed.
but is still very weak.

Thankful that our screened
in porch is spic and span
from top to bottom.  We
worked on it for 3 days,
cleaned the furniture one
day, the knick knacks and
 cushions another day and 
then on Wed. we cleaned
the actual porch and screens.
So happy to have that clean-
ing done, now just have to
put it back together.  The
fun part!!  lol

Thankful that our daughter
and son-in-love made it
safely to Jamaica on Wed.
It is a trip with his whole
family of origin, so they
are looking forward to a
great time.

Thankful for a good movie
we watched last night on
the Hallmark chanel.  It 
was called "Frozen Love".
We enjoyed it and think
you might too.


Well, that's it for Cozy 
Place today.....

Thanks for dropping by
Have a fun time spoiling your
Hubbies and Dads.

Love, Hugs and
 Mid-June Blessings,


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My Flagstaff Home
Look for Weekend blog hop

Life with Lorelai

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A Stroll thru Life

The Dedicated House

Life and Linda

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Summer Bathroom Refresh

Happy Monday  Tuesday
Sweet Friends, 

Started this on

Hope you had a lovely weekend.

We did...on Saturday at least.
we had the joy of going to our 
friends wedding on Saturday
and it was just such a lovely
 Wedding and reception. 
She was stunning of course.....
and he is a veteran, and wore his 
Army dress uniform, so looked
 very handsome as well.
Everyone that knows her and all
she has been through were just
beyond thrilled for her.

Sunday I finally got hit with
whatever has been making me
so tired.  Woke up with a bad
headache, hurting all over and
a bit of a sore throat and just
 exhausted, so wound up stay-
ing home from church and 
watched some Pastors on TV
and rested and slept off and
on all day, and slept really 
good last night as well, so am
feeling much better today.

In fact, we got out and cleaned
our porch chairs earlier this
morning, but been taking it
easy the rest of the day....not
wanting any relapses!!  lol
So the reason I am finally
having some time to do a
post today.   lol

Well, onto my Summer
Quest Bath Refresh......

It all started with me finding
 these Periwinkle blue towels
 a few months ago that I have
 been trying to find for years......
I had actually given up on find-
ing any, and then one day I was
in Penneys and there they were
on a clearance table. I was so
thrilled....doesn't take a lot for

Then I decided to try and find an
inexpensive white shower curtain,
which I found at Home Goods, and
liked that it had ruffles as that was
a nice change. Already had the 
shower curtain hooks, so thought
they looked perfect with it.

and once the room was mostly 
done we ran into the 5 and
 under store looking for some-
thing else, and happened on
these rugs for only $5 each, so 
just had to bring them home.

This is what is over the
 potty. Made these pics
a long time ago, but
rotate them in and out
of the guest bath from
time to time. Add a 
towel stack just for
color and warmth.

Raided my house to see what I could
find in the right colors, so this is
what wound up on the left side of
our counter. Not easy to see but
notice that the handle lotion,
liquid soap and box the birds
nest is in all match.  That was
a birthday or Mother's day
gift from my daughter last year,
and went perfectly with every
thing else...............

This is the right side of the

Also made these pictures too, 
have thought about putting the
words of a quote in each frame,
but haven't found the perfect
fit quite yet.  So still looking.

another periwinkle blue towel
and decided to add a birds nest
 as well.

I love my wallpaper and Border
 in here as much today as the day
I picked it out, and it's the only
place I can use purples and 
lavenders in my house. lol

Only this wall with the towel
 rack is floral, the rest are more
 plain...sort of antique looking 
with a french or Italian words 
written on it here and there
and the floral border around
the top of the room. Wish I
had thought to take a picture.

I loved the rugs but really
wasn't sure if I loved the
rugs on our tile or not.

But my daughter, grand-
daughter and daughter-
in love all convinced 
me I should leave them.
So now I am glad I did,
guess I just had to get
used to the new look.

Well, there you have it folks,

Hope you enjoyed your visit,
and come back soon.

Love, Hugs and early 
June Blessings,


Gosh, only 10  9 more days till
it is officially Summer.  It
feels officially summer here
in Florida already!!  lol

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie