Saturday, June 8, 2019

Thankful Thursday June 6, 2019, pics of Father's day table from the past.

Rejoice with those who rejoice;
 mourn with those who mourn.
Romans 12:15 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good and
productive week.

Ours has been good,  but not too
productive as we have just been
 so exhausted over here for some 
reason.  Lil darling has been the
 same, so think we are either having 
allergy problems or fighting off
 something. Have our friends
wedding to go to today,  so
 hoping we feel a bit peppier 
today.  lol

Since Father's day is just around
the corner thought I would put
some pics of a past Father's Day
table on for you to see. Hope it
might help spark some ideas 
for someone.

So on with my Thankfuls....

Thankful that we got to go to
our lil buddy's graduation.  He 
lives across the street from us,
but he's not such a lil buddy
anymore as he is 18 yrs. old
now and graduated from
High School.  He is such a
sweet young man.

Thankful for a special service
on was a podcast
of district conference for our
denomination, which is the
Christian Missionary Alliance.
Lots of great testimonies.

Thankful for a fun afternoon
and evening with the family. 
They came to our house this
 time and we had picnic fare.
 We haven't grilled hamburgers 
and hot dogs in quite awhile, 
so we really enjoyed it. and 
got to have a nice time
 chatting and playing with
lil darling.

Thankful for a new series to
watch on TV called "Little
Men".  It is really another
wonderful series, on the
Hallmark station.

Thankful that hubby got the
last 2 sprinklers fixed.  He
had already fixed some in
the front yard before the
drainfield ordeal, and one
got rebroken, but they fixed
it, so now they are all work-
ing properly.  Always nice
to have things working
properly and hopefully it
will improve the looks of
the grass in the backyard
not that it matters so much
right now, as our backyard
is a wreck too, from the 
shed construction that is
going day our
whole yard will look
normal again,  and hope-
full that will be soon. lol

Thankful that due to a con-
versation with my daughter I
was reminded of something 
I used to eat for breakfast 
years ago, that I learned about
thru weightwatchers. Put about 
1 cup of cottage cheese or less 
in a cereal bowl, add some sliced 
fresh strawberries, then sprinkle 
them with sugar to your liking
(It's better if you can let it sit in 
the fridge overnight),  then in the
 morning, stir up the cottage cheese
 and strawberries and top with 
Special K cereal. This time due
to my daughters suggestion I
 topped it with Cascadian Farms 
Cinnamon Crunch cereal, and it
was delicious and healthy.

Note: I get no compensation 
from Cascadian Farms, for
telling you about this,  just
happened to like it and thought
you might like it too.

Thankful to hear some great
news today about the son-in
law of a lady that goes to our
church. He had a cancerous
tumor in his kidney, that was
found because he got pan-
creatitis and had to have scans
done.  He had surgery and the
cancer was completely contain-
ed in the kidney, and it was only
stage one cancer so they removed
it and think he will have no 
further problems with it the rest
 of his life. God answered the 
prayers of many People. He is
 a police officer.

Thankful for "Melissa and
Doug" toys, they are just
the best toys.  If you have 
never seen any, you should
check them out. We have
gotten quite alot of them
for our lil darling, and she
has loved them all.

Note: again I get no com-
pensation from anyone for
saying this....I truly love
there toys and so do the

Thankful for blueberry
and peach slushies from
MacDonalds. Haven't
had a slushie in a long
time and they are so 
refreshing, with our
hot temps.

Thankful that my sweet
hubby makes lil darling
and I bacon and eggs
every Wed. since he 
retired last year, and 
now he makes them on
Thursday too, since she
 is out of school. We
always look forward
to well as the
pillsbury orange rolls
that I pop in the oven.
It all makes for a very
delicious breakfast.


Thankful that our grass
is coming back in way
faster than I would have
thought....since they
finished the drain field.
Got a long way to go
yet, but their is the pro-
mise of grass once again.

Thankful for our Sunday
school (life group) class
and that we can send out
prayer requests any time
we need to for ourselves,
family or friends. Seems
like we have had a lot of
requests for friends and
now family. Just got a
text from my neice and
nephew who will be 
moving here soon. Their
daughter was bitten by
a tick and she has this
awful looking rash on her
arm, and the Dr. she saw
didn't know much about
tickborne illnesses, so
they are going to a 
specialist but not until
Tuesday.  Lyme disease
can have quite debilitating
healthy problems, so if
you feel so led please
pray for Adeline.  We
would appreciate it.


Well, that's it for today.
Sorry I am so late again.

Hope you have a lovely 

Thanks for coming by.

Love Hugs, and Happy
Father's Day preparations.


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My Girlish Whims

1 comment:

  1. #1. Wow! That's great! I pray for his next step in life!
    #2. Yes and this Sunday I had my first involvement with mainstreaming while running the back camera.
    #3. Jim grills great hamburgers and hot dogs, ha!
    #4. I really like the Hallmark station. The "Light" station (35.2) is another wonderful station to watch.
    #5. That day will be great when it comes! My yard is looking better since we have been getting rain lately!
    #6. I'm still enjoying my oatmeal with raisins/dates, bran buds, and peanuts with a piece of banana. I have eaten this every morning for I don't know how long. It never gets old for me!
    #7. Praise the LORD for His wonderful mercies and answers to the prayers of His children!
    #8. It's amazing the new toys that come out with each generation of children!
    #9. That's a good idea! I haven't been there in a long time.
    #10. The LORD's blessings on husbands and wives, especially those who belong to Him!
    #11. That's how it was when I had my pool removed! It was three months and the meadow grass replaced itself in the entire area!
    #12. I will surely put her on my list for the LORD's healing!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie