Friday, June 21, 2019

Thankful Thursday June 20, 2019, Simple Summer dinner table

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; 
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
 To him belongs eternal praise.
Psalm 111:10 NIV

Good Morning Sweet Friends,
Welcome to Summer!!

It's finally official, altho, it has
 been like Summer here for  a 
month or more. 
Well, I am gonna get this posted
as it is mostly ready, just gotta
add some pics.

hmmm, not sure what pics to
post, ah, maybe a simple
summer table from the past.

On with my Thankfuls............

#1 and 2
Thankful that we got our
 porch all back together after 
we cleaned it last week, and
 It looks so nice. 

Thankful we also had some
work smarter not harder ideas
that we think might help with
less maintenance and keep it
looking cleaner longer. We 
are leaving certain plants off
the porch that drop leaves,
and moved some chairs away 
from the edge of the porch 
where they get rained on all 
the time, as we are in rainy
season right now.  We have
also been using bug spray
to keep the spider and bugs
away for awhile now.
Hopefully these changes
will help us, and maybe 
your porch too.

Colored pencil affect

Thankful for a fun night
out shopping for Father's
day and going to dinner.
Went to a restaurant (It's
called Cheddar's) we've
only been to a couple of
times.  Food was great,
less expensive than most
of the other restaurants,
 nice atmosphere and 
good service.

Thankful that we were
able to get our A/C in
our home repaired very
quickly on Saturday. 
We noticed it was not
working before it got
too hot, called the A/C
folks and since we have
a maintenance program
with them, they came 
right out and it was only
a power module, so the
guy called, came and
had it fixed within an
hour.  Amazing!!

Thankful that we got a lot 
of rest in the last week.

Thankful that our daughter
and son-in-love got to 
Jamaica and back safely,
and had a great time with
her hubbies family.

Thankful that hubby had
a nice Father's Day even
tho he didn't get to see his
children. We are celebrating
 with our son and his family 
next weekend. He did hear
from them both tho. We went
 out to lunch at Carrabbas
with our friends I will mention
later in this post and their
Dad.  Then hubby got a nice
long nap in.... So it was a 
good day for him, and he is
looking forward to next
weekend. We like to drag 
our celebrations

Thankful that my corn
bread didn't burn. I put it
 in the oven and then hubby 
decided to mow the lawn so
 I walked outside with him
to see a baby sandhill crane
in our next door neighbors
yard then started putzing in 
our yard a bit, and got tired
 and came inside. I could smell
 the cornbread the second I
 opened the door (which I had
 forgotten all about) and .....
amazingly it was right at 
the right time. It was nicely
 browned but not burnt. 
God's perfect timing!!  
I love the things HE does for
us....that cornbread is destined
to be in a Chicken casserole for
din din tomorrow night!!  lol

Thankful for clean sheets and
my cozy comfy bed.

Thankful for the opportunity
to make a certificate for a
couple who will be renewing
their vows for their 50th Anniver-
sary. We are doing it for the Father
 of our new friends. He is 97 yrs. old
 and is a Pastor and in great health 
other than his vision and hearing. 
 Anyway, he has known and been
 in touch with this couple for over
 50 yrs., and back when they orig-
inally got married they eloped due
 to family issues. He was Jewish and
 became a Christian and his family
disowned him, so because he was 
without a family, our friends Father, 
was sort of like a Father to them, so
 they now want him to officiate their
 renewal of vows. Isn't that a sweet
story.....  I have spoken about him 
on my blog before.  He is a wonder-
ful gentleman and everyone should 
have a Dad or Grandfather like him.

Thankful hubby was able to fix
my daughter-in-loves car for her,
especially since my son is out of
town this week. Our Hero!!

Thankful we were able to find 
some examples of Vow renewal
certificates and some pretty
graphics to use as well. 


Well, sweet friends,  that's it
for this week.

Thanks for joining us today.

Keep your light shining 

Love, Hugs, and
Happy Summer Blessings,


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Life with Lorelai

My Flagstaff Home

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Life and Linda


  1. Beautiful post. We need to be thankful for all the little things in life, not just the big things.

  2. Amen Amy.....
    Thanks for stopping by and for leaving your encouraging comments.
    Have a Blessed Day!

  3. Late AGAIN!
    #1 & #2. I know you are glad that job is over for awhile!!! I know what you mean about the spiders, thank the LORD I have plenty of lizards that keep their bellies full of them! Ha!
    #3. Fantastic for hubby and his great fathering as well as your great mothering!!!
    #4. I believe in those maintenance programs! I have had one since the house was built! The company has been great for their promptness in time of need!
    #5. Great!! It really makes you feel better!
    #6. Wonderful! I hope they have pictures of their joyful time together there!
    #7. I praise the LORD for His blessings on your family!!!
    #8. As I was reading, I thought the same thing, "GOD's perfect timing" before I got to your mentioning it! LOL!
    #9. Don't you know it! Especially when I get in bed to finish watching my cowboy movies! I usually go to sleep and don't get to see the ending and have to watch it again ha!
    #10. What a wonderful story. I'm praying for his Jewish parents to come to the LORD!
    #11. Yea, he is a hero (for us all!) I surely appreciate all he and you have done for me throughout the years! By the way, do you know how to get chewing gum off of you car's fender? Someone must have thrown out their gum and it is all down the side on my truck!
    #12. Wonderful! I am always tickled when I can find new things I can use!
    Love you, Susan

  4. Hi Susan,
    No, I have no idea how to get it off. I know if you get it on fabric they usually say to put
    it in the freezer and it comes off easier but never really tried it. You should google that or call your dealership or the paint place you just used for your car and see if they can
    tell you. Hope you find someone to help.
    Thanks for coming by and all your encouraging comments.

    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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